Day 57 June 12

Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
Good morning everyone, new week new start.

Had a busy weekend, as I was on a Reiki training course, so lots of sitting and no activity. Then rain, rain and more rain. So between mosquitos and mud, motivation was zero. I did however get meal prep for the week done so that was a positive.

Bad news my weight took yet another spike on the weekend. I got a ungodly shock this morning when I stepped on the scale! This is the highest I have been in quite some time. Up 10 lbs since Easter, I could have cried. Hopefully this is my wake up call, so discouraging.

Today's goals:
eat to plan
stay under calories
trail run tonight
prepare tomorrow's breakfast/lunch for work

Have a great day everyone.


  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @Kenda2427 Good job on the meal prep. I always say I am going to do it, but just don't. Hopefully you also learned something on your training weekend. You are so strong and inspire me. If you can hang in there during the rough times, so can I.

    My weekend was weird. Fought off and on with the BF all weekend about nothing really. However, I did really good; I didn't do any emotional eating at all. Woo hoo! Friday, I went over my calories by 50. I was okay with that, was back on the ball Saturday and Sunday. We had Papa Murphy's Pizza on Saturday, I was floored at the calories. 1 piece of pizza had 400 calories in it. So I got 1 piece, and a small salad. (It also had a ton of calories in it.) I really, really wanted another piece but I said no. I also, took Saturday as a rest day. It was so needed, didn't do much but watch movies, grocery shopping, and made a cake. The cake was delicious. Sunday was good, did a morning walk, roller skating, and then 45 minutes at the gym. They close early and we got there late.

    This morning, I got on the scale and hit my lowest weight again since I started this a year ago. I even weighed myself on the gym scale. It was within a half a pound of what my scale said. So since December I have lost over 20 pounds. Almost 60 total. The best part is, in 4 pounds I will be the weight I was when I got pregnant with my oldest daughter. (Almost 18) I would like to hit that in the next 2 weeks.

    Goals Today:
    Stay focused at work
    Stay Green
    Gym Time :)
    Lunch run/walk
    17000 steps
    Pick up meds
    100 squats

    Have a wonderful day flowers :)
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Good morning flowers!!!

    @Kenda2427 we can't dwell on the past, we can only change the future. With your meal prep done, I think you're in for a successful week!

    @jdelaroy congratulations on resisting temptations and staying moderate! Well done with the scale, when it cooperates, its extremely motivating!!!

    Yesterday was super preoccupied with myself but we did go for a walk to the park once the heat wave subsided. This whole weekend was spent mostly around the house and felt different from the usual ones. We decided next weekend we are going somewhere and being more active. All goals done.

    Today I'm feeling a bit tired but that's ok, I will do my absolute best to have a good day. The goals are to eat within calories and macros, train, stretch, chin-ups, steps, water and lots of sleep.

    Let's have a fabulous Monday!!!
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 35,930 Member

    @danelutza19, glad you were able for o get out for a walk. Sometimes that's perks my energy level the sunshine.

    Yesterday was a tough day, I was super tired after having my granddaughter. I could get focus till around 4 (late afternoon). I was about to get somethings done around the house though. Plus I was able to make healthy food choices yay!

    My husband offered to take me out to dinner but I ended up cooking, yessss! I know how it would of ended, lol. Blowing my calorie goal, :( My snack last night was air popped popcorn, NO ICE CREAM!

    This morning I was able to get a nice walk in while waiting on my car. Actually still waiting on it now but at least I was able to get a subway for lunch. I'm hoping it won't be much longer, we WILL see, :(

    Today's goals
    1. Morning walk ✅
    2. Strength (Monthly Challenge / Kettlebell (YouTube) (crossing my fingers)
    3. Yoga tonight (Yoga Camp / Mediation)
    4. House cleaning (hopefully)
    5. No late night snacking

    :) Let's make this happen :)
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    @Kenda2427 I feel your pain with that scale how is it that the weight goes on so easily yet comes off so slowly.
    @jdelaroy I blame the men I have been arguing with my husband all weekend and he even started in on me this morning. My mother actually told me I am a horrible picker when it comes to men and if it ever comes around to doing it again I shouldn't do it. I laughed I have to admit I am a terrible judge of people but my second husband is a good person just a pain in the rear and as he is 13 years older than me he is stuck in his ways.
    @GrandmaJackie I am going to walk in a few hours this morning I ran errands for mom and to also get away from the house. LOL
    @danelutza19 are you going back to dark hair? I always thought it gave you an air that you came from some exotic place.

    So I got the mattress out in the neighbors trash today. Yes one of the things my husband was upset about. The neighbor was okay with it. Another neighbor saw me dragging it out and saw my husband out not helping I know I will hear about that. When I was heavier they really didn't think much about me doing stuff but now that they think I am little they get very upset with my husband that he doesn't help me. Granted I know If I don't just do it, it will stay in the garage forever. I can't deal with that I need to get rid of things.

    Have a great night everyone!!!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,098 Member
    edited June 2017
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @2020pinktogo My guy is 13 years older as well, and stuck in his way. He is a great guy, but he forgets how to be sensitive some days. Good for you for taking care of the mattress.
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    My ex was 13 yrs older and it got tough some days. But not the reason we divorced.