Break the chain

Debeison Posts: 5 Member
More on my quest for healthy living in the workplace environment. A while back I read an article about elephants. When they are babies, the trainers would tie a chain around their leg and the other end of the chain is tied to a metal stake in the ground. Of course, at the time the elephant is a baby, it is not strong enough to break through. It remains stagnant, otherwise, attempting to break free is painful. Yet, as the elephant matures and has the strength to easily break loose, it doesn’t even try because it believes it can’t do it. The elephant’s space is limited by the environment it grew up in, not by its true strength or capabilities. Prior to working here, I worked in a pretty tough workplace environment. Not a circus, although some folks might call it that. We underwent an 8 week training program and went through a graduation ritual prior to being placed in our departments. I remember my first few months as being grueling. However, by six months, it was fun. Interestingly, I later had the opportunity to work with a new employee who was just out of training. She remarked about the impact on survival due to the tough environment. My response was along the lines of saying, “well, I thought it was tough when I first started, but it’s not.” She told me that I could say that because I had become part of the culture. I was taken aback. Was I really part of that rigid, difficult culture? Was I just going along with the crowd and now fit comfortably? It was frightening to think of it in those terms. Nonetheless, it was true. I had become conditioned! Just as I have become conditioned to accepting food choices that are not in my best interest. Let’s break out of the box and dare to be healthy! I know we can break the chains. I believe it. Do you?