
SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
Hi last month was a disaster we had my grandmother in the hospital till she passed. A lot of running around and take out. Thus 5 lbs heavier so I now have 15 - 20 to lose to get to where I think I want to be. Biggest fear is daughter will announce she is engaged and I will stress eat even more. I do not want to be the fat mom. Right now I just don't seem to be motivated to get myself moving. That's pretty much it. I am hoping if I am accountable to others it may get me moving.


  • mtcampbell1
    mtcampbell1 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone. I've spent way too long not being conscious of what I was putting in my mouth which resulted in me being at 370 highest weight ever. I've made some changes and started intermittent fasting a short time ago...seeing very good results and feeling good about it. What's the first challenge about? Or are we just supposed to create our own challenge for 30 days?