What type of people are attracted to MyFitnesspal?

I have been using MyFitnessPal for 1 month as of today - I have lost 10 lbs!!! From the minute I started using the app, I was hooked. I have been telling everyone about the success I have had and how great the app is. Some people seem to be interested, while others tend to just give me a polite "I will have to look into that" or "I have done food logs before...."

I am curious if the concept of journaling your food and exercise only appeals to certain types of people. Personally, I am a very detailed oriented, fact based and pro and cons type guy. Math and Science are my favorite areas of study. The people that seem to have an immediate interest tend to be like me. The ones that tend to give me the polite answer, tend to be less like me.

So, I am curious if all Myfitnesspal user share a common characteristic. Is it a personality trait? Are we all good at something?

In food logging curiosity,



  • Brandification
    Brandification Posts: 109 Member
    I'm the same in that I am detail oriented. However, I'm not a math and science person.

    The reason I log is to keep myself on track. I am not detailed when it comes to calorie intake. I used to eat when I was bored, anxious, etc. Food journaling has allowed me to be conscious and not eat when I'm not hungry.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    I think a lot of it is some people just don't want to put in the effort and/or don't realize the benefits. They aren't ready to lose weight. Or they say they are but it is half-hearted at best.

    I'm like you, I am a planner, and anally-compulsive on math (not so much science). I've started a 4 week cyclical ketogenic diet last Sunday. And literally, I have every meal planned for 4 weeks. What I can eat, when , what is the macro split, how much I can have and keep it in line with the plan. I have spent hours upon hours planning this diet. For a few weeks. Not something you walk into lightly. But so far it is working.

    But I started here because if I didn't my personal trainer would kick my *kitten*. And he also knows my personality by now (after 3 years, he should). And I bet he was thinking if I got hold of doing it and it worked, I would go completely OCD on it. And I have.

    Congrats on your weight loss. Sounds like you and I have a similar outlook. FR. sent.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I think a lot of it is some people just don't want to put in the effort and/or don't realize the benefits. They aren't ready to lose weight. Or they say they are but it is half-hearted at best.

    I think it's mostly this^^. People have to be ready to commit to losing weight and doing the work involved. For others, though, food tracking doesn't work for them, but they find other ways to be successful. I am detail-oriented, but not a big planner. I do like to know the facts and make informed decisions. Knowledge is power.:smile:
  • rosiesmama
    rosiesmama Posts: 69 Member
    Sadly, I lack intrinsic motivation. If I have people watching me, looking to me to do a good job, I'm bound to follow through. Left to my own devices, I'm lazy as hell.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I am horrible at math and science. I have taken a few science type classes and done ok, still tanked my gpa, but not a lot. The more math involved in a class the worse I tend to do. However, I find science classes fascinating. If I could take them without having to be graded I would.
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    Sadly, I lack intrinsic motivation. If I have people watching me, looking to me to do a good job, I'm bound to follow through. Left to my own devices, I'm lazy as hell.

    This is me too. I not only take the time to track because I know people are watching, but it also affects my food choices. "Do I really want to post that I just ate THAT?" has been a common question and if it works - I'll take it!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    all kinds.
    it really is great here.
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    I started using mfp because it seemed like a good non judgemental place to be. I judge myself harshly enough. I don't need others to do that forvme. I am just coming back to it after much slaving and gaining back most of what I lost in terms of weight and willpower. I'm starting slowly, focusing on the food party of it first. I am motivated this time by two things. The first is that since I'm diabetic, the doctor's are trying to get me to take statins for cholesterol, even though my last cholesterol (which was my highest ever) was only 185. They are also trying to talk me into going on blood pressure meds even though until very recently I have Ben on the low side. The highest blood pleasure I've ever registered happened to be the day of my first cardiology appointment. I was extremely nervous, not because of the doctor, but because I knew the supreme court's ruin in doma was due I'm less than an hour and I was determined to be one of the first of my friends to post it onfacebook! I didn't want to miss it! Which leads me to the second reason I want to lose weight. My partner of 19 years and I have decided to get married. Here in Michigan, on October 1, the 9th district federal judge well begin hearing arguments in a base regarding the conditionality of Michigan's ban. I am on a list of people that will get notified to immediately head to my country clerks office to get married legally in Michigan before our homophobic attorney General had a chance to demand a stay of judgement. Anyway, I want to feel attractive again. I lost that feeling about 75 pounds ago.