Who loves their body?

I know, seems like a stupid question to ask a woman who thinks she could drop a few pounds. Over my weight loss journey, I've been trying to come to terms with my body and learn to love it for all its curves, and sometime rolls haha. I think it's important to have a positive view of their body, because it helps you love yourself and WANT to take good care of yourself by getting healthy.

So. What do YOU love about your body? Cmon. Think of at least one thing!
For me I love
1. My strong calf muscles
2. My curves
3. How toned my arms are getting

:) Tell yourself something positive about your body today :)


  • luckynutmeg
    luckynutmeg Posts: 2 Member
    I didn't like my body, especially after I gave birth to my daughter almost a year ago. But, now, after deciding that I WANT to love my body, I really enjoy:
    1. My "tiger stripes" - the stretch marks I got when growing my daughter. They are my battle marks, and they are more prominent the more weight I lose, so I embrace them!
    2. My amazing calves - seriously! They are stunning!
    3. My wrists - I just like them.
    4. My strong arms. When I rock my daughter at night, and I pass in front of the mirror, I can see my muscles in my forearms and biceps now instead of just fat rolls. It gives a visual of the strength I am gaining each day and shows me that I need that strength as my daughter grows.
  • VeganAmandaJ
    VeganAmandaJ Posts: 234 Member
    Ooh, that is a tough one and at this point I do not love my body, I'll just be flat out honest, but I do love how strong my thighs/legs are, they're the strongest throughout my whole body as they should be. I, like you, am trying to learn to love it now but it's difficult.
    I'm not sure what else to really say except I'm workin on it! =)
  • weightlossdiva1219
    weightlossdiva1219 Posts: 283 Member
    I didn't like my body, especially after I gave birth to my daughter almost a year ago. But, now, after deciding that I WANT to love my body, I really enjoy:
    1. My "tiger stripes" - the stretch marks I got when growing my daughter. They are my battle marks, and they are more prominent the more weight I lose, so I embrace them!
    2. My amazing calves - seriously! They are stunning!
    3. My wrists - I just like them.
    4. My strong arms. When I rock my daughter at night, and I pass in front of the mirror, I can see my muscles in my forearms and biceps now instead of just fat rolls. It gives a visual of the strength I am gaining each day and shows me that I need that strength as my daughter grows.

    I'm so proud of you for coming up with 4 things,and learning to love your body. Embracing your tiger stripes is such a positive thing to do. I have tiger stripes on my stomach just from gaining too much weight to fast....and I have to say, I still hate them more than anything. They make me feel like I'll never be able to wear a bikini. But I'm working on it. And the more weight I lose, the more they fade and I feel good about yourself. Good for you for learning to love your body! All our bodies are beautiful in their own way, and women especially need to learn to embrace their flaws! Thanks for your response :) -Group Admin
  • weightlossdiva1219
    weightlossdiva1219 Posts: 283 Member
    Ooh, that is a tough one and at this point I do not love my body, I'll just be flat out honest, but I do love how strong my thighs/legs are, they're the strongest throughout my whole body as they should be. I, like you, am trying to learn to love it now but it's difficult.
    I'm not sure what else to really say except I'm workin on it! =)

    I, too, know that feeling all too well. I'm still hating parts of my body and don't always like what I see in the mirror. But I am trying to be generous with myself and take better care of myself, and the more I do, the less I hate it. Good luck to you in learning self-love and accepting your flaws. Remember, your body IS beautiful. THe more you believe that, the better you'll treat it, the better you'll look, the better you'll feel. Much love :)
  • Roxy_is_Running
    I've only learnt to love my body in this year, and as cheesy as it may sound, even moreso since I met my boyfriend :3 He's so supportive with my weight loss but still loves me as I am; which is all I've ever wanted :D

    1) I love my abs; they are really beginning to come through now!
    2) I love my fabulous *kitten* - squats are paying off.
    3) And I really like my shoulders! They are so strong now! :D

    I would really like to work on my thighs, calves and arms though! Maybe I will be able to post that I love them in the next few months! :D
    Stay strong ladies, and stay beautiful! xo
  • weightlossdiva1219
    weightlossdiva1219 Posts: 283 Member
    I've only learnt to love my body in this year, and as cheesy as it may sound, even moreso since I met my boyfriend :3 He's so supportive with my weight loss but still loves me as I am; which is all I've ever wanted :D

    1) I love my abs; they are really beginning to come through now!
    2) I love my fabulous *kitten* - squats are paying off.
    3) And I really like my shoulders! They are so strong now! :D

    I would really like to work on my thighs, calves and arms though! Maybe I will be able to post that I love them in the next few months! :D
    Stay strong ladies, and stay beautiful! xo

    Not cheesy at all. My boyfriend is also very supportive and it has helped me to love myself. Congrats on the success. I also like my *kitten* haha. My thighs are a HUGE trouble zone for me. Lets work hard to tone them! :)
  • naomijuliette96
    naomijuliette96 Posts: 153 Member
    I've struggled with an eating disorder for the last 2 years, and I'm also an elite level cyclist, which burns a ton of calories and requires a ton of food. I've seen plateaus in my performance which always occur during times where I am not eating enough. I was recently approached by a few teammates and my coach and I was told that if I did not start eating properly, I would be unable to compete at many of my upcoming races, including national championships, International tours, etc. This was the turning point for me and I have decided that I finally WANT to recover. I have been working very hard not only to eat the portions/foods that an athlete should be eating, but also to repair my self-image. I have never really loved my body and no matter what, I always tend to pick out the worst things about my body, and perseverate on them. I have never done this before.... so here goes.

    -My legs. I have very toned thighs and calves, and i can see all the muscles rippling whenever I move them :3

    -My hips. since I have very wide hips, I can see the hip bone poking out..

    -my collarbones. I have a collarbone that doesnt protrude so much that it looks skeletal, but it does protrude.

    -I like my eyes
  • weightlossdiva1219
    weightlossdiva1219 Posts: 283 Member
    I've struggled with an eating disorder for the last 2 years, and I'm also an elite level cyclist, which burns a ton of calories and requires a ton of food. I've seen plateaus in my performance which always occur during times where I am not eating enough. I was recently approached by a few teammates and my coach and I was told that if I did not start eating properly, I would be unable to compete at many of my upcoming races, including national championships, International tours, etc. This was the turning point for me and I have decided that I finally WANT to recover. I have been working very hard not only to eat the portions/foods that an athlete should be eating, but also to repair my self-image. I have never really loved my body and no matter what, I always tend to pick out the worst things about my body, and perseverate on them. I have never done this before.... so here goes.

    -My legs. I have very toned thighs and calves, and i can see all the muscles rippling whenever I move them :3

    -My hips. since I have very wide hips, I can see the hip bone poking out..

    -my collarbones. I have a collarbone that doesnt protrude so much that it looks skeletal, but it does protrude.

    -I like my eyes

    Congratulations on starting to recover from an eating disorder. Growing up my sister had one, and it was always sad for me to see her like that. I'm happy you've made the healthy choice. I'm so happy that you were able to come up with things you like about your body. It's hard to love our bodies, especially as women...because of what we see in magazines and societal pressures. Just know you are beautiful, and you should try telling yourself positive things about your body everyday. LOVE YOUR BODY! :) Love yourself. :) xoxo
  • therunninghippie
    therunninghippie Posts: 53 Member
    The hardest thing for me to deal with is my face. Sometimes people take pictures of me and I think I look like a demon. But usually when I look in the mirror I like it!

    My favourite things are my neck, back, tummy, and hands. :)
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    id ont so this group is nt for me either
    I lost 35 pounds a nd I still don't
    my stomach is till big and jiggly >>>>>>>>>>
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    so how do I leave this one