Day 63: 18 June 2017

TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,098 Member
edited June 2017 in Social Groups
Good morning, all. Just popping in to say have a Blessed Sunday. I'm off to meet my family at the Belfast Maritime Festival. It's all go at the minute, but I am reading your posts.

@Kenda2427 Congrats on the new arrival.
@2020pinktogo People have no idea what others have to deal with. You have such inner strength to deal with what is on your plate. :heart:
@jdelaroy Often, we forget how much we are doing for our health and fitness, because we have to fit it into a busy lifestyle. Goals are the ideal. But always remember to celebrate what you achieve each day.
@danelutza19 Congrats on the 8 chin-ups. Where there is a will... and all that lol!
@MonicaA2013 Oh my!!! You will be so busy. But it's worth it!
@GrandmaJackie It's just all go, go, go, Jackie. It's fun, but my, how they take it out of us! Lol! Enjoy as much of it as you can!


  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Good morning flowers!!!

    @TerriRichardson112 have fun with the family at the Belfast Maritime Festival!!! Have a blessed day!

    Yesterday was pretty sweet. It rained so I got all the rest I wanted while hitting my goals. Macros were on point :)

    Today's goals are the same: eat to fit my macros, chin-ups, stay active and hit the steps, all the water and good sleep. Also I want to do something fun with the family for Fathers Day.

    Let's have a fabulous Sunday!!!