July 31 Sign In



  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member
    Yes x 3.
    Ran around all day for work, then walking dog.
    It's been so nice doing this together. Thank you @RangerRick for leading us, and thank you @Craig for co-leading and offering such good advice.
  • hil331115
    hil331115 Posts: 189 Member
    July 31: yes x 3 biceps and chest today and finished up some challenges I was part of. see ya'll in August!
  • loopydo2017
    loopydo2017 Posts: 628 Member
    Took pass #3 today. To bed at midnight and up at 4 am and travelling for 12 hours left me so exhausted. I really tried to muster up the energy to hit the fitness room but as soon as I let myself lie down I knew I wasn't getting back up. Today was the first day of a retreat focused on rest and renewal. So I took my final pass day. Exercise is something that fills me and brings me joy so I will definitely be fitting it into the rhythm of my days here.
    Congrats to everyone for all their hard work this month! You guys were such a motivation and inspiration to me!
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Good place to see how I did vs my goals for the month :)
    craigo3154 wrote: »

    Goals for this month:
    - Be in winners circle (track everything, keep under budget, 20+ mins exercise per day, no more than 3 pass days)
    - Lose 2kg (MFP intake set at -0.5kg per week)
    - Stay honest (even if it puts me out of the circle for the month) and continue past failings (forgive mistakes and keep moving forward)
    - Encourage others where possible


    • Made winners circle :)
    • Lost 5.4 kg (well over the 2kg - made my MFP goal {and then some})
    • Cannot think of where I was not honest with the group {or myself}. A few times I felt like bending the truth, but honesty IS the BEST policy.
    • Only the group can judge the "encourage others where possible".

    Learnings for the month:
    • Rest days are hard to stick to (even though I know they are important).
    • In order to slow down I will have to start to eat back more exercise calories.
    • Maintenance for me is a little scary.

    @RangerRickL. Thank you for running this group. It has helped me more than I can express. Don't know if you made circle yourself this month (I recall seeing at least 2 passes). Even if not, you are a hero in my book.

    @BexDun. It was shattering to read your post on the 30th. SO close. Such a great month. I really feel for you. I REALLY applaud you for keeping honest (would have been so easy to have not been - takes guts to acknowledge so close to the line). Look forward to seeing you in August.

    @Dosse1320. Thanks for sticking with us. You have been enormous support. I am looking forward to seeing you succeed.
    @Slimpossible007. Awesome. Welcome to the circle. You worked hard to get here. :)
    @aeshippers. Great to see you back. You have been missed. Hopefully less disaster next month.
    @2020pinktogo. Hope you can get your husband to see sense. Spinal problems (like infections) are not to be messed with. Infection can lead to inflammation and even nerve damage. Nerve damage in the spine can be permanent and become severely life limiting (not only for him, but you too).
    @SimonsChange. Fantastic month. Man! you cover some ground.
    @zorrocat. Looking forward to a great August. Keep climbing back on that wagon. Hard work, but well worth it.
    @fightingthetideofaging. Love reading about your activities. Always so interesting. Great month (again). Quiet achiever of the group.
    @trixsey1. Amazing first month. Well done. 7 lbs for the month is fantastic. Awesome work.

    This is an amazing group. I love how may are continuing next month.

    Everyone who made it to July 31 is a winner in my book (even if I did not mention you directly).

    Look forward to seeing you all next month.
  • zorrocat
    zorrocat Posts: 153 Member
    July 31:

    Finished strong with three yeses again. Stumbled a bit at the end there and didn't make the winner's circle, but July was a successful month. My average weight is down three pounds from where it was at the start of the month. Here's to three more in August (which would get me to my target weight)!