July 30 Sign In

RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes?
Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day?
Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank?


  • trixsey1
    trixsey1 Posts: 236 Member
    July 30th

    Exercised?: Yes
    Calories?: Yes.
    Tracked?: Yes.

    Walked into town and back this morning, cooked Sunday dinner, then took the dogs for a 70min walk. A steady pace, mostly flat terrain.

    @craigo3154 - Thank you. Feeling a little better today, head's a bit clearer, and not so congested. Great walk, you must have felt pretty good has you passed by those younger athletes!

    @am_change - Thank you for your kind words yesterday. Yes, I had a bit of a bad patch there for a while and didn't leave the house in over a year, but I'm doing okay now...x

    @RangerRickL - Great piccie. Love the look of determination on the girl in front in the grey and pink!
  • PaisleyFlower
    PaisleyFlower Posts: 76 Member
    @craigo3154 and @am_change thanks a lot for your encouragement I really appreciate it!

    Also @am_change I am a slow weight loss person as well. In the past when I've gone to things like weight watchers I've found it challenging watching those with big losses. This time around though I've decided that unless you give up, you always get there in the end! ❤️ Also I went to a dietician once who told me most people in adulthood put on about 2 lbs a year an don't notice - so if you are platoing you're still ahead of where u would be if you're not trying
  • fightingthetideofaging
    fightingthetideofaging Posts: 470 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yep...30 minute Couch to 5k Run training ( my first day using the app ), 60 minutes Trail Run/Walk, and 60 minutes strength training.
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yep
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yep
  • MyersCrystal
    MyersCrystal Posts: 52 Member
    3 yeses for today, but I wasn't as diligent about what I was putting into my body. Mostly refined, carby junk. Glad I was under my caloric goal but I can definitely tell a difference in the quality of the fuel. Feeling lethargic. I am determined to do better tomorrow. I'm on a new track now and it's going to stay that way. Looking forward to the start of a new month with you all. B)
  • hil331115
    hil331115 Posts: 189 Member
    July 30 yes x 3...one more day! did so much running around today for my 20 min of activity that I didn't necessarily need to go to the gym but I want to make sure I'm on the July frequent fitness visit list at my gym. so headed there at 9:30pm and did 30min on the treadmill. 24 visits this month plus 1 more tomorrow.
  • loopydo2017
    loopydo2017 Posts: 722 Member
    Yes x 3. SL 5x5. The weights are getting challenging now. Feeling much better today and ready for a 5 day escape to a retreat centre with my hubby. Just found out they have a fitness centre there so I'm excited about that.
  • pribud
    pribud Posts: 453 Member
    July 30th...........yes x 3..........Hope everyone had a good weekend

    Lots of goals met and NSV's achieved. @Dosse1320 what an inspiration to all of us you are. I second the gold star! One more day to go and then off to a new month. :)
  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member
    3rd pass day. I lifted weights, doing squats, presses and rows. I was close, but over my calories for the day. I'm upset with myself, because I spent time with a friend who is a drinker, and I drank more wine than I should have. I hate to waste my calories this way, and I feel bad about just going along. I will have to be more careful in the future. I'm trying to develop good habits, but it's so easy to follow along with others.
    I will do my best to be extra good tomorrow since it's our last day.
  • zorrocat
    zorrocat Posts: 153 Member
    July 30:

    After falling off the wagon, so to speak, for a few days, I'm back to three yeses. Going to try to finish the month strong with another check mark and start August with a clean slate and maybe a recalculation on where my calorie goals should be.