July 22 Sign In



  • aeshippers
    aeshippers Posts: 416 Member
    @pribud glad you are feeling better today, hugs back to you.
    @trixsey1 congratulations on the PB
    @Slimpossible007 I understand completely where you are coming from with the running, congratulations on your 100m and starting out as that is the hardest part
    @everyone it's awesome reading all your NSVs, as a group we have achieved some amazing things
  • srufus
    srufus Posts: 160 Member
    It was a great day yesterday ! Was very active and made healthy choices.

    Exercise : 40 mins on stationary bike and 5 mile walk
    Calories : Yes. Under by 600
    Tracking : Yes

    1) When I started in June I was barely able to fit into size 14 clothes. Most would be right at my waist or hip and I was so embarrassed to wear them. Now I have inches to spare !
    2) Letting go and picking up from where I left has been a big NSV. This month I have 4 pass days but this group is so motivating that I am still on track. I usually sulk if I miss my morning walk but now I try to keep myself active throughout the day.

    3) This week I completed 50 days of logging on MFP. It's probably a small number but I have never been able to do this for more than 10 days before. Hurray for me !

  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member
    Yes x 3
    I increased my squats by 70lbs over the last year, that's my NSV.
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,295 Member
    July 19

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes...bike to Bently.
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    July 20

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes...12.55k hike...swim
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    July 21

    Pass #2

    July 22

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes...14k hike...40 min paddle board
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes
  • zorrocat
    zorrocat Posts: 153 Member
    July 22:

    Pass #3. Had a long day out of the house, didn't get to plank. Did over an hour of walking and have gone through to log everything, but I ended up about 700 calories over.

    I've already gone for a 7-mile run this morning, so in an ideal world, I'll be 700 calories under today. I've already had lunch and have 1901 calories to work with, so it can be done.
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,300 Member
    edited July 2017

    I ran 100 Meters, this might not sound like a big deal to, well, anyone, but for me this is a miracle, I can walk longer distances than most people and just keep going but running/jogging has always been a issue for me , tomorrow I am going to be attempting 200 Meters. fingers crossed I survive it.

    I managed 200 today :) well 1/8th of a mile which is a touch over 200 meters, although I was out of breath I wasn't in as bad a state as I thought I would be in ... The next stage is 1/4 mile (which is the distance around my block) I'll build up to that thou .. run /walk and slowly make the walk part less and less :)

    TY @shonat11 the plan is to build it up towards a 5km.
    TY @aeshippers yeah getting to running and out of my comfort zone (walk only) was a struggle, I always feel silly when running .. I feel I look very awkward as I do struggle!

    and well done @ everyone on your amazing NSV's not to mention the recent SV's as well
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    July 22
    Exercise: 35 min walk w/the dog and 60 min yoga
    Calories: over by a glass of wine

    Went to my best friends sons wedding reception. My food was in point but I had an extra glass of wine!! Yay!!
    Taking my 3rd pass day
    19 miles done last week.
  • BexDun
    BexDun Posts: 133 Member
    Complete pass day. Didn't even attempt to log. Although I did walk 15.5km around London.
  • pribud
    pribud Posts: 453 Member
    yes x 3