July 12 Sign In



  • hil331115
    hil331115 Posts: 189 Member
    July 12. too exhausted to go into detail but yes x 3 today
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    trixsey1 wrote: »
    July 12
    Exercised?: Yes
    Calories?: Over 1200 (daily limit)
    Tracked?: Yes.

    Not sure if I need to take a pass day here.

    My daily limit is 1200, but I'm well over this at 1400 (had a portion of homemade apple crumble with custard that piled on the calories, lol - made it for the kids but couldn't resist, besides I haven't had a treat in ages! :) ).
    Burnt 643 calories in exercises today, which has left me over 400 calories to spare still, but I am over the 1200 I set myself.

    If I need to take a pass here, then that's fine, not sure how this works here.

    All calories are tracked, and exercises a total of 150mins.
    @trixsey1. The key is to be honest with yourself and others.

    This is important. I'll state it again. "BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF AND OTHERS".

    If your plan is to allow eating back exercise calories, then 1200 + 643 - 1400 = +443 (Under budget)

    If your plan is not to allow eating back exercise calories, then 1200 - 1400 = -200 (Over budget)

    YOU set your limits in advance and YOU determine if you stuck to it. If you were unable to stick to the pre-set limits, then you are obliged to take a pass.

    From the way you have written your post it seems as though your are trying to bargain your way out of a pass. Mentally this is a dangerous game.

    I'd advise, take the pass (you get 3 in a month and can still in winners circle for that month - "3 strikes is not out, but 4 balls (ups) and you take a walk (out of the months circle)" :) ). Learn from this and work the rest of the month accordingly.

    On a side note:

    1200 kCal per day is about as low as most women can cope with long term. The average daily intake for women is around 1600 kCal per day (dependent on age) and losing 1 lbs per week usually drops 250 kCal per day from this (so 1350 kCal per day). Add exercise and a minimal target of 1200 kCal and you probably should be eating back exercise calories (at least half of them).

    Fasting for women is usually considered at a level of 500 kCal per day. If you are eating 1200 kCal and burning an extra 700 kCal in exercise, this gives a 500 kCal nett (which is considered fasting - see also starving).


    My plan is to allow the use of exercise calories (only if tracked from equipment like MapMyWalk) in my daily budget. I try target only my non-exercise calorie budget, but the exercise calories are my buffer. If I fail to hit plan I must pass.

    (So for me: Plan = Target + exercise).

    This is set in advance before the day starts.

    In the past 2 months I have gone over target three, but still well under plan each time.

    I also have a very aggressive daily target. But with high protein, low carb intake; satiety actually makes it difficult to get up target to on some days. I used to let a 200+ cal deficit from target slide, but now I "top up" (ie. dessert after dinner) to try make it as close as practical to the daily target (as I know am right on the limits of what I know my body can cope with). My research seems to indicates that averaging 2 lbs a week is about as extreme as most people can expect to handle without metabolic damage that takes months/years of very careful work to repair.

    I personally track metabolic burn rate in a spreadsheet (lots more info than recorded on MFP) and am watching weekly for signs of metabolic damage. My projections are that it will take 6 months (or more) of careful maintenance/recomposition to stabilise what I have accomplished in 3 months of weight loss. Only then can I start to reduce the level of scrutiny of personal diet and exercise. I am effectively being my own subject in a weight management scientific experiment.

    I am in this for the long haul. :) I plan to reap the rewards of the results (ie. better health) for the rest of my life. :) I only have one body, best to get the most from it. :)
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    @craigo3154 Thanks for all of your encouragement and your own personal discipline.
    Today was pretty basic for me:
    Exercise: 45 minutes horseback riding
    Tracking: ok
    Calories: under by a little.
  • catvlmack
    catvlmack Posts: 415 Member
    Yes x 3
    Walked, mowed and danced
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,254 Member
    pribud wrote: »
    Good evening everyone! Got right back on the wagon today. Increasing my walking a little bit this week. Have not measured it yet. I am also trying to not have to use my walker as much. I am hoping to get in some pool time starting next week. The public one I go to is closed for renovations for a month or I would be going tomorrow...lol....

    exercise yes
    calories yes under by 100
    tracking yes

    You are so inspiring. Proud of you for working so hard at your recovery and not giving in!!

    Yes x 3. Strength training x 70 min. Oh yeah, gonna feel that tomorrow! In a food way. Walked for 40 min.

  • returnofthejedi
    returnofthejedi Posts: 21 Member
    Yes x 2 (logged and under)
    Exercise: no (was planning to walk in the evening, got sidetracked by doing something else; though I cooked 2 meals that made me standing for 2 hrs) Working towards 3 Yes...
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,369 Member
    edited July 2017
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes...spin class
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day?yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank?yes

    @craigo3154 glad your feeling better... food poisoning sucks!
    I will definitely check in...

    @Slimpossible007 you will see the
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,369 Member
    edited July 2017
    @Dosse1320  what's pickle ball??

    @pribud  WAY TO GO!!

    @pears734  GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!!

    It keeps cutting off my post...grrrrr
  • aeshippers
    aeshippers Posts: 416 Member
    @ColwellCat congratulations on the improvement in your rhr
    @zorrocat great to see the change in the trendline on your weight graph, awesome work
    @Dosse1320 well done on passing on the food tents
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,357 Member
    @fourathomej lol ... I'm guessing you were saying .. "you will see the 1 in front of your weight" it seems to have cut off :) TY :)

    I seem to be heading in the wrong direction at the moment, but then I have sore muscles from core exercises so I guess water weight is the issue and it will right its self in time.

    looking for ideas to speed up the recovery for muscles .. not sure there is any thou
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    July 12

    Pass #2 :/

    The bowl of M&M's at work proved too much for my self-control.
    On the positive note, I started physical therapy for my back and liked it! :)
  • hil331115
    hil331115 Posts: 189 Member
    hawkins410 wrote: »
    July 12

    Pass #2 :/

    The bowl of M&M's at work proved too much for my self-control.
    On the positive note, I started physical therapy for my back and liked it! :)

    we had an entire candy selection at work today...i succumbed to temptation and ate 3 peanut m&m's...logged them in and still under calories the day. as is wuth most things you think you want, regretted it later☹
  • Calli1616
    Calli1616 Posts: 1,922 Member
    Yes x 3