Day 68: 23 June 2017

TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,098 Member
edited June 2017 in Social Groups
Hi folks! They say that pride comes before a fall, but mine came before a rise! Lol!

@lpeltenburg I can relate to bad patterns. Last night I had a square of chocolate after dinner, then scoffed the rest of the bar. Paid for it on the scale this morning! At least that temptation is gone now! Why do we sabotage our efforts?
@jdelaroy Hope the knee and feet improve soon. You had a lot of calories to use up, so no worries. I used up too many of my exercise calories yesterday.
Nice job on the loss @TerriRichardson112 !!! You're always encouraging and inspiring!
I don't feel very inspirational this morning. Lol! You, on the other hand are Awesome! And I did have a fabulous Thursday!
@GrandmaJackie Lol! I may always track my goals, but I fall off the wagon, just like anyone else, Jackie. But it's hard to keep me down! Lol! Great to hear that you are enjoying the DGKs! They're a laugh a minute! Lol!

Apart from that chocolate binge, yesterday was pretty good, I met my goals, (thanks to all the walking I had done) and I sorted out my clothes for the trip next week. Looking forward to celebrating DGD's graduation with the family, and then having her home for the summer. And today, I will be working on removing that pesky chocolate poundage!

:sunglasses: Mind how you go! :wink:


  • fitphoenix
    fitphoenix Posts: 9,673 Member
    edited June 2017
    @TerriRichardson112, I find it funny how we know we shouldn't do things but do them anyway. I guess that's just human nature. Usually, moderation works great for me, but then occasionally, the fact that I had one ice cream treat makes me want to eat the whole carton. Must keep working on that!

    Happy Friday! Sorry I've not been posting for so long. Had a week of all-day every-day training at work and got behind on challenges, emails, and pretty much everything, and then it seemed like. Lot of work to get caught up. Obviously, the secret is to just jump back in and not stress about what I missed, so that's what I'm doing.

    I had a break between terms at the Hogwarts weight loss challenge and took a bit *too* much of a break, lol. Now I'm working on re-shedding a few pounds. Still, it's not that many pounds in the long run, and I know the important thing is to just get back to it.

    I signed up for a free 20-minute race in July, so I'd like to work on my time for that. Hopefully, that will help keep my motivation high. :)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @fitphoenix Great job jumping right back into it. You do a fabulous job on the Hogwarts Challenge. I love being on your team. Although I do hope we do a better job with points this term. How does your free 30 min race work?

    I had a great day yesterday! I did something I have never in my whole life done before. I ran for 50 minutes strait! A year ago, heck 4 months ago, I would never had thought it was possible. I did a lot of cardio yesterday. 40 minutes on the treadmill, 50 minute run, and 100 minutes roller skating. I felt great, but tired when the day was over. I think I got most of my goals done too. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.

    Yesterday's Goals:
    Gym :) Really trying to increase my speed. did 3 minutes at 4.2
    Stay Green Must get better at this :)
    Lunch Walk /run <3:):D
    Roller skate at least 120 minutes. did 110, after that I was exhausted. :)
    Water at least 80 ounces :)
    100 squats :)
    10 wall push ups :)
    30000 steps <3 I rocked it with 35k
    Progress pics! I should have known this wasn't happening. I was at home all of an hour and a half. (that was making and eating dinner.)

    Today's Goals:
    Gym :)
    Stay Green
    100 squats
    10 wall push ups
    12500 steps

    Saturday Goals:
    Grocery shopping
    Buy a mattress
    Move daughters bedroom (Weekend Goal)
    15000 steps
    Stay green

    Sunday Goals:
    Hogwarts Challenge
    Stay Green
    Finish Daughters room
    Mow lawn/garage
    Take a long walk 15000 steps
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Good morning flowers!!!

    @TerriRichardson112 I know that feeling too well. I say I'm going to have this little bit but then it turns into a lot. I will say this, it makes us be very motivated the next day. That's the best outcome we can hope for after all. Mistakes help us bounce back harder. I wish you a very strong bounce!

    @fitphoenix glad you have more time to breathe and catch up on everything. The pounds will fall soon enough and that race sounds fun! You're set up for success!

    Yesterday was good, training is kicking my behind but that's to be expected. The minute I feel like I'm doing more, my body expects more food ;) I was still hungry after dinner so I included more tortilla chips as snacks. It worked out calorie wise but made me think about my food choices: I need to pick better carbs that give me more satiety.

    Today's a busy day but the plan is to enjoy it and maybe get a some swimming in. Goals are: eat within macros, train hard, chin-ups and pull-ups, steps, water and more sleep- seriously I need to stop watching so much stuff before bed.

    Let's have a fabulous Friday!!!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,098 Member
    edited June 2017