Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,969 Member
    Well that explains that @shanaber . So glad you got your MRI and hope you hear from your doctor soon with the results and get a plan to get better.
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 786 Member
    @shanaber I did not get the hair cut. It was hard to find, construction in downtown. I was 2 hours early and decided to get Panera and go home. No good cry. Dh keeps me angry. Heโ€™s still in a mental state of being angry. I told him he needs to see a counselor or psychiatrist. He agreed. We shall see.
    I have to go with him to his family deal tomorrow. Itโ€™s Easter. Which is a religious holiday, but they donโ€™t go to church, so I donโ€™t understand the celebration. I donโ€™t like holidays. I donโ€™t wanna go. I donโ€™t like them, they lie, and ow me money, I donโ€™t like dh and I donโ€™t wanna go. Iโ€™m taking Sandy and homework so I can sit alone. I feel a fit brewing over it.

    I had the steroid shot on Thursday. Iโ€™ll say that it is probably going to help. I noticed the soreness I get from drive to and from Dallas was quite a bit less. My shoulders were sore from laying on my stomach for 10-15 mins during. Iโ€™m waiting til Wednesday for the steroid to kick in, but it does seem to be better. I can tell that the front of my hip and outside hurt. Noting new, or identifying the pain means the back has quieted and I can tell. Doc said I have bone spurs in the si joint. Guess that means I have osteoarthritis. I have them in my shoulders, and hips too. Wonder if 50 is young for that, or normal. Iโ€™ve been trying to take nsaids but, got flush yesterday and have intestinal swelling. Oh well.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,969 Member
    @swenson19d I hope DH follows through with the counselor or psychiatrist. Also, I hope you can find a way to enjoy your family get together tomorrow. Sometimes it's really hard. I'm glad it sounds like the steroid shot is helping some at least. Hugs to you.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,390 Member
    @swenson19d - I hope Eric works things out in his mind, gets the anger under control and goes and talks to someone. Sounds like he needs to do all three. What is it with guys and not being willing too talk to someone whether a therapist or a medical professional? I would think he would at least be cognizant of his need considering it is what he does for a living...
    I'm sorry you couldn't get in to get the haircut. It almost always improves my spirits. Have you been out to Alex' grave recently? Maybe you need to go there and just have a good cry and talk things over with him?
    I get you on going to see family on Easter. It has never really been a big deal for us but some families see it as a reason to just get everyone together, kick off spring or whatever. I am sure Sandy will be a hit with everyone and will keep you company if you aren't feeling very sociable. Have. you heard any more from the trainer on how Kevin is doing with the training? I bet he misses you and Sandy!
    I have had osteoarthritis for many years. It runs in my family and both my brother and cousin were diagnosed in their late 30s. My cousin was working as a carpenter and couldn't manage the tools any longer. I have it in my hands, hips, feet and knees. Probably other places too but those are the ones identified so far. Arthritis strength Tylenol is what I take if I have to take something for it. Did the doctor suggest anything to remove the bone spur in your shoulder? I have also heard about this 'supplement' called Previnex Joint Health that is supposed to really help. I have not tried it but if mine gets worse I would consider it.

    I tried a run today, really wanted to run because it was just perfect out, but my arm started throbbing and nothing I did seemed to help. I did a fast walk and kept my arm in what my dh calls the broken wing position (arm bent and tucked in close to my body with my hand on my chest) most of the entire time. Took a shower and some Tylenol and it is better now but it left me in a really bad place, I am frustrated and angry and sad all in one... DH told me 'it sucks getting old and you need to take better care of yourself'. I was honestly WTH? this from the guy who is experiencing better living through chemistry because he can't manage eating a healthy diet or getting out for even a walk.

    I did listen to an interesting podcast today 'Keto, Fasting, Food Phobia and Un-Dieting of Menopause'
    They go into detail about how keto impacts your body as well as fasting and other types of dieting, including logging and tracking...The guest is a big proponent of intuitive eating and not making any food completely off limits. Very interesting.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,969 Member
    @shanaber It's funny how DH thinks you should take care of yourself when he isn't doing it himself. It's so much easier to see other people's faults than it is to see our own. I do think logging is the only way that I can lose and maintain a decent weight. When I eat "intuitively" I eat way too much. Not hungry usually, but just eat because it is there. I should listen to the pod-cast though. I do agree about not making any food completely off limits. If I do that it's the only thing I want. I guess it's the little bit of rebel in me. LOL Everything in moderation is my moto, but I'm not always good at the moderation part.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,390 Member
    @quilteryoyo - It has taken me a long while to eat more or less intuitively but I still log my food, mostly to make sure I am getting enough protein and enough calories because I tend to under eat overall.
    I think dh really wants me to be more careful and less clumsy... he doesn't think I should be running but while not exactly supportive her doesn't give me a hard time about it. I don't think he considers how it impacts my health overall and that I take no medications except for my thyroid, while he has an entire pharmacy going...

    I am feeling better about things today. Not sure what changed my attitude but it is beautiful out and the birds are having a songfest ๐Ÿ˜ Arm is still very sore and I have no clue why. I have been pretty vigilant about not lifting/carrying anything with that hand, not even my coffee cup. Hopefully. will get the MRI results this next week but don't see the ortho doc until the 26th.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,969 Member
    @shanaber Well, it's good that DH has your best interest at heart, I guess. If being clumsy/having accidents was something we could control, we'd all be a lot safer. But, that is why they are called accidents and not "intentionals." :wink: I'm glad your feeling better today. Sometimes you just have to mull things over. Birds singing helps too. I do hope you get the MRI results this week. Waiting is the worst.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 913 Member
    Good morning!

    @shanaber Mom was always frustrated with her injuries and such, she would call me and say "where is the damn owners manual on getting old!" LOL I wish I could intuitively eat, I am still looking for what works for me. I just don't have the drive to cut my calories low again.

    Nothing much going on here.

    Grey cat is still getting better. We seem to be past the nausea bit, no idea what it was. The last 2 meals he has been eating well and I have been able to put all his meds in his kitty crack and he happily eats it. He has 11 more days of antibiotics. We are going to try and take his eye drops down to 3x a day vs every 4 hours and see how he does.

    Weekend was good. I did a big push on reselling and got a lot of photos done. Ran a mini-sale on eBay and did well. The other platform still has not sorted themselves out. I can't wait to see their 1st qtr financials since they say they are still doing fine. It drizzled on Saturday and on Sunday DH and I were woken at 6:15 with a rocket launch and decided to go to the ranch and tackle some weeds. We picked up some cute Easter donuts and delivered them to neighbors. We ended up socializing for a couple hours instead of working. Oops. LOL. One of mom's friends came by to see what I had been working on and had herself a good cry, so many people are still hurting so much. We finally got down to business and sprayed 13 gallons of weed killer to get after the thistle, milkweed, mustard, and coyote brush. I am fine with mowing the grass, but this stuff i don't want around.

    This week is more of trying to get back on track. I still have not called to make appts for my referrals. The last big group of guys are flying out tomorrow for deployments, so paperwork will die down.

    Plan on doing the 3 WOGs again this week. Yesterday I had 20 oz of water and then had Thai for lunch/dinner so I am a bag of salt water right now, my ring is quite tight. I also really want a peloton lol, I swear there are subliminal messages in their app for running LOL.

    I have the Boston marathon playing, surprisingly someone was missed in their scrubbing of people live streaming it without permission. Men' just finished...5:16 min mile avg.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,969 Member
    @CMorning99 I'm so glad to hear that Grey Cat is doing better. I always loved watching the rocket launches. Sounds like you would have rather slept in. LOL Hope the weed killer works. I actually kind of like milkweed and the butterflies love them, but understand that they can be a pain if they are growing in the wrong spot. Also glad you got some of your reselling done. Great job on getting the wogs in. I'm with you on feeling like a bag of salt water. I gained 3 pounds between Sunday and Monday morning. Not sure what was so salty at lunch on Sunday, but there was something! I had forgotten that the Boston Marathon was yesterday, until I heard it on the morning news, then totally forgot about it again. I can't imagine running 26.2 miles at a 5:16 miles pace. Heck, I can't imagine running a quarter mile at that pace. :lol:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,390 Member
    @cmorning99 - sounds like your weekend was pretty good. As @quilteryoyo said milkweed is loved by butterflies and is the preferred food of monarch butterflies and I have even seen things encouraging people to plant more of it. Unfortunately a lot of what is sold and planed (or growing wild) these days is not the kind that the monarch butterflies like.
    I hope you can get the weeds under control! I find it amazing that in a time of drought when other plants are dieing the weeds just keep thriving - they must be the ultimate drought resistant plants on earth!
    @quilteryoyo - don't know if you saw my post in the running challenge about garygse - he ran Boston in an average 7 + change minute mile, finished just over 3 hours!!! I can't even contemplate those paces. It sure would make running 5 or 6 miles a LOT quicker ๐Ÿ˜

    So I got the MRI results back. Not at all what I was expecting and it will be interesting to hear what the ortho thinks and how we will proceed. If you recall he initially thought I had a torn biceps tendon which from what I read would be consistent with the bruising and pain I am having. The MRI results though show the biceps tendon is fine and another tendon up in my shoulder has a greater than 50% tear. But the strangest thing is it also shows that I broke the top of my humerus...

    For the medical technical folks here, @swenson19d, @Avidkeo, @rheddmobile this is the overall specifics from the report:
    There is cortical irregularity and bone marrow edema of the lesser tuberosity suggestive for a fracture. The subscapularis and biceps tendon are intact.

    The tear may also involve the infraspinatus tendon.
    There is fatty infiltration of the supraspinatus muscle.

    I was exhausted last night after little sleep Sunday night and my long walk and agility yesterday. I took some Tylenol before agility class and it kicked in about middle of class. I actually thought about not going but I am glad I did. Hobbes loves it so much. We both slept great ๐Ÿ˜
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,969 Member
    @shanaber I did see your post. I agree. I can't even imagine running at that pace for even a quarter of a mile, let alone 26.2! :lol: He's amazing. And, you are sure would make it a lot quicker to get in those 6 mile runs. Oh my on the MRI results! It will be interesting to see what the ortho says. No wonder it has been so painful! Glad you enjoyed agility class and slept great last night.

    I almost forgot to tell you guys about my non-scale victory....well, I guess it was a victory. At least it was a pleasant surprise. I had been trying to decide what to wear for church on Easter. I wanted to wear something with some color and about the only thing I had was a size 8 dress I had bought a few years ago when I was at a skinny point. I think the scale is showing that I'm at least 5 pounds more, maybe 10, than I was then. I almost didn't try it on because I was afraid of how I would feel when I couldn't get it on. Well, it fit! I was so happy. There's a picture of me and mom at church in the spoiler.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,390 Member
    That is awesome @quilteryoyo! You look awesome!
    I do find it interesting how our body composition changes and while we may have gained a little weight our clothes still fit. My gauge is always my jeans. If they start to feel tight I know I need to get serious again regardless of what the scale says.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber wow! That is crazy about your MRI. I look forward to hearing what the docs say.

    @quilteryoyo Woo! So happy you fit in your dress! A nice reminder that the number on the scale may not be the whole story
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,969 Member
    Thanks @shanaber and @RunsOnEspresso . And you are so right about the number on the scale not being the entire story.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 913 Member
    good morning!

    @shanaber Wow sometimes the doctors get it so wrong! When I broke my arm, it took them 2 weeks to figure it out, said I had a sprain and I actually had a clean break of the head of the lower arm bones. Glad they know what is wrong and you are on the way to recovery.

    @quilteryoyo Glad the dress fit! and yes, body size seems to have nothing to do with weight. I have "only" gained about 9lbs since mom died, but I am up about 4 sizes...muscle gone and fat in.

    Another week in the office. Nothing exciting going on, all our deployers got out ok and on their way to summer camp :) Kitties doing well. Although I think grey cat is a bit backed up from all this antibiotics. We have him on probiotics, but the meds probably kill them off as soon as he eats them. We have 10 more days but I am thinking he may not need weird colored fluids in at least 5 days.

    Finally got around to calling to make appts for my referrals. Such a pain in the butt. None of the phone numbers were correct on the referrals so I had to hunt them down and then get the right numbers and have the insurance send them again. One office (neurology) was a complete jerk. They said they don't accept authorization letters from the insurance. They only accept referral letters with med records attached from your primary are doctor. I explained that is no how my insurance works as AD military. She said "well, if we get an authorization letter, we throw them away until we get the referral from the doctor"...WTF? This is why I don't go to the doctor. I told my friend about it and she said another friend got the same answer from another neurology doctor in another state....must just be those types of doctors. I am going to talk to the clinic today and see if they will send records, IDK what records b/c all I have had are xrays but I suspect they will never make it.

    WOG yesterday, but not today. The power went out at midnight and we have Hue lights so when the power comes back on, every light attached to the base station comes came back on about 20 min later so we had to get up and turn them all off. I didn't recover from that interruption.

    Well, need to make some Chewy orders and then see what is on the schedule for the day.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Cross post from the Facebook group:

    I know this is short notice but I am recording my podcast on Saturday. The topic is going to be body image. Is there anything specific you think I should address? Anything you want to add (anonymously of course).
    I haven't written it yet and will probably work on it tonight and tomorrow.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,390 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso - I think one body image topic that isn't talked about much is how its might keep you. from doing things that you want to do... could be anything but things like going to a gym which can be intimidating anyways, but if you feel like you are not 'fit' enough or don't have the 'gym' body then you don't belong (from personal experience I felt this way for so long). Same with running. So many people are embarrassed to start running because they don't want anyone to see them especially if they are over weight and don't feel like they fit the type of person who could run.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,969 Member
    @CMorning99 I was told to give Tippy pumpkin when she was backed up. Can you do that for Grey cat?
    That's so crazy about the neurologist's response to active duty military. Sounds like they just don't want to deal with the bureaucracy. I hope you can get it worked out. Could you call your congressman's office to report this experience since they are supposed to be trying to make it easier for the military to get the care they need? Yeah for the wog.

    @RunsOnEspresso I don't think I have anything to add, but it is a great topic. I really need to listen to your podcasts.

    So true @shanaber . I remember someone on the running thread talking about their daughter (can't recall who it was) not wanting to run because her thighs rubbed together and she didn't want to be seen in shorts. I suggested running skorts, but not sure whatever came of that.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber great point! I really need to start writing it today lol

    @quilteryoyo I only have like 20 some episodes and they are usually 20 min or less. It's crazy how much writing it takes to fill 15-20 min!

    I have the thigh rub issue. I look for 7-8 inch inseam shorts. They are harder to find but are out there! Old Navy usually has some at least online. Oiselle and sometimes Nike. And I saw some in the saucony catalog yesterday. I think more brands are adding longer shorts. I wear my short shorts for weight lifting at home, never running.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,969 Member
    While out an about today I did think of something that is possibly related that you could use @RunsOnEspresso . That is clothing styles and fit. I remember when I was in college, and later, I could never find anything that fit right. Looking back at pictures, I really had a pretty decent body, but I thought it must be "bad" because I couldn't find any clothes, especially pants, that fit right. I was 36-24-36 ideal curvy, but I could never find pants that fit right. If they fit around the waist, I couldn't get them over my hips. If they fit in the hips, they were way to big around the waist. So, how could that be a good body size. Obviously, something was "wrong" with me and I thought I was "fat," or at the least had a big butt. I still have a hard time finding clothes I like that fit. When I was bigger, I thought all of the skinny clothes were pretty and none of the bigger sizes. Now that I'm smaller, I can't find anything in my size that I like, but the bigger ones sure do look pretty. Maybe that is another issue or aspect of body image? Who knows.