Obese and Pregnant--The Kick in the *kitten* I Needed

Jericha1992 Posts: 80 Member
Hello! I saw there was only one other person in the group, but surely more people will show up as time goes on.

Anyway, I've been an on-and-off MFP user for probably 4 years now? Maybe 5? I originally lost 50 pounds in 2013-2014 and have been trying to keep it off ever since. I've gone through a few years of my weight going up and down... but this is the first time since 2013 I've been at or near my original starting weight. I got married on May 27th, and I was 225 pounds. Now, I am 6 weeks pregnant (as of tomorrow) and my weight as of this morning was 238 pounds... only 2 pounds less than my highest-ever. Unsure how much of that came from my incredibly food-and-alcohol-heavy honeymoon and how much is from the last few weeks of non-stop binge eating due to pregnancy hunger. Either way, it's an issue.

I also physically feel worse than ever. I'm sure it's a combination of the sudden cessation of caffeine, my psychiatric meds, my skyrocketing weight, and the onset of early pregnancy symptoms.

A 39.1 BMI is no way to try to have a healthy pregnancy. Of course, I will not be doing anything crazy. But the latest research seems to indicate that a woman my size should attempt to gain as little weight as possible--if any--during pregnancy.

So that is my goal. Eat healthy. Move. Let all the fabulous nutrients (and extra fat lol) go to my baby. Don't go nuts.



  • angiejim0415
    angiejim0415 Posts: 21 Member
    I was technically overweight before being pregnant 26bmi (though i feel like i was healthy). I am only 4 months in and have already gained almost 20lbs when im only supposed to gain 25lbs all together. I get tired and being i stay home all day with my other 2 kids, i want to eat all day.
  • curvaceousv
    curvaceousv Posts: 1 Member
    Hi... i just started keto and joined a gym when i found out i am pregnant with my 2nd. The day i found out i was 240lbs. Im down 3 lbs since then at 237. Im also recently layed off and company is not paying the severance they agreed to. So i got both health and mental wellbeing concerns with this one. I want to see if i can continue to lose in the 1st trimester as i know i can only gain 10 lbs from my starting weight. Im going to stick to a lazy low carb diet. I dont think i can handle anymore stress so im just eating salads, veggies, berries and apples, protien and low carb whole wheat wraps. Im keeping to 1600 calories as a goal but some days are less and some are more. Continuing with the gym. Low intensity cardio and strength training.
    I was in the same physical shape for the last pregancy and lost 15 pounds in the 1st and second trimester. Everything went well.. no diabetes.. no preeclampsia. We opted for induction in the last week as my bp started moving up (but not drastcally). Healthy baby born at 39w4days. Big tip is to stop drinking juice. Waters and tea only.
    Good luck mama ... you can do this.
  • jovanna1908
    jovanna1908 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I've been on and off of MFP for years. I haven't really lost any weight long term. I just got married in Feb and I was at 238 (I crash dieted and exercised like crazy and went from 245 to 238 (not a huge leap). Today, 5 months later I'm at 275. I don't even know how I gained that much weight. I'm considering it a 30lb gain since my wedding weight-loss plan was not going to be sustainable. To top it off I'm now 8 weeks pregnant and I have had NO Morning sickness. I was kind of hoping to feel too sick all the time to eat but nope, it's the opposite, now if I don't eat something every few hours I actually feel sick. After the wedding I stopped working out and really tracking my calories but I can't believe 30lbs in 5 months. My heaviest used to be 257. I need to lose weight while pregnant as I can't imagine how it will feel if I hit 300lbs.
  • tkdub16
    tkdub16 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! Like yall I've been on and off here for years. I was at my highest on my first due date at 224 (massive water retention/pre-e). Dropped the weight but then gained most of it back due to back to back to back to back deaths in the family. I feel like I'm doing good better now mentally and was ready to get healthy. I just found out I'm pregnant again. Due in April. I started working out and went from 214 to 208 (still obese at 62"). My goal is to still lose some weight in these beginning stages and then try to maintain in the second with minimal gain in the third. I'm in my second week of p90x so I think that will help me a lot along with being on here. Feel free to add me!
  • LittleOne2Be
    LittleOne2Be Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Group! I would like to be a member and make some new friends. I have recently joined MFP and I am trying to make some changes. I got married back in March my husband and I wanted to start trying right away to have a baby. I was sitting at about 260 at my wedding and sustained for the most part. However, I was at dangerously high cholesterol and triglycerides. I started therapy for Binge Eating Disorder and it has been super helpful. I got all my levels down and the same weekend I had my levels back to normal was the same weekend I found out I was pregnant. Unfortunately we miscarried at 6 weeks this month. I desperately want to be pregnant again and hopefully I will be soon. That being said I wanted to try to get my weight a little under control. I started at 270 on the July 31st and I am down to 261.2...probably a lot of water loss.

    Add me if your would like!