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Term 1

Saeraphine Posts: 2,793 Member
edited November 2024 in Social Groups
Term 1

by Dapperwulf

“The Arrivals”

“They’re here! They’re here!” Little Mitchell Berry tore up the trail and into the heart of the small, bustling village. Chuckling with amusement, the adults of the village paused in their work to lean against fence posts and door frames to watch and wave at the small procession of wagons, horses, and several individuals on foot that followed in the child’s wake. Still heralding the motley parade, Mitchell ran as fast as his small legs could carry him to the center of town and up the steps of a multi-storied, stone building that stood there. It was a large, well-built structure that commanded attention amongst the smaller wood and plaster homes and shops surrounding it and surely would have taken many men a few years to build, though local legend claimed that only a few people (including women!) had built it in less than a week.

Hearing the cries, a tall, young man came out to the front porch, his face plastered with a broad smile. He was soon followed by a small, older woman who quickly finished wiping her hands on her apron before practically running down the steps as the wagons rolled to a stop.

“Welcome dears! Welcome!” She cried, enveloping TrkyVic0237, the nearest new arrival, in a fierce hug. “Welcome to Williamstown!”

The tall man laughed, a happy, friendly sound. “Now Mam, let that poor soul breathe at least!”

He smiled at the group. “Welcome everyone, as Mother Violet says, to Williamstown. This is your last stop before you arrive at your final destination - The Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!” Several cheers broke out from those returning students (like Geminiswede, Sue_01, and Tmeadows_08), along with some nervous, but excited grins amongst the first years, (especially noticeable was the fidgeting of Bankaikun).

“Now, my name is William and you’ve already met my mother-in-law, Ms. Violet Beauchamp, or as the other students call her, Mother Violet. We’ll help you first years get your supplies ready for school. As for you returning students, I do believe your professors have already sent a couple of pre-term assignments for you to complete.” A few groans rumbled through the crowd and William chuckled. “Tomorrow you’ll make your way up to the school.”


“Well Hello There, School Supplies... and Homework Already!!??”

The Star's Rest Inn and Tradepost was soon overrun and filled with laughter and chatter as students stowed their bags for the evening. Returning students gathered up old friends in huge hugs and shouts of joy as the new first years excitedly introduced themselves.

Around lunchtime, as the students were gathered around the hearth and at a multitude of tables eating Mother Violet’s hearty stew and warm, crusty bread, William stepped up on the large granite hearthstone and clapped his hands, getting everyone’s attention. “Right then. Now that you’re warm and got a bit of nosh filling your bellies, it’s time to get you lot prepared. First years!”

The first years looked at one another, shifting in their seats nervously. “We won’t have to do any magic yet, will we?” asked Intrinsicat.

“Surely not,” said Supercatie80. “We’re not even at the school and we don’t even have wands yet.”

“But what if they want to make sure we’re ……..good enough? And what if we’re not?”

“Now, now,” said William. “That’s nonsense. Calm yourselves. You simply have a small item you need to procure. A transfiguration journal for your studies. Simple enough.” Several students visibly relaxed. “But you returning students...you have...a bit more.”

He grinned and lifted his arm. With a loud caw, an enormous raven soared from the rafters above and landed on his forearm, sticking out its leg. Giving the bird a stroke on the head, he removed the scroll tied to its leg and then sent it back to its lofty perch. Unrolling it, he scanned it for a moment before reading it out loud.

“House Thunderbird!” Several students sat up straight, pushing bowls of stew to the side. “Professor Arielluma welcomes her adventurers back and looks forward to hearing of your travels. To that end, she asks that you make her a book of pictures showing your experiences.”

“House of The Horned Serpent!” More students looked up, pulling themselves away from tomes that had been collected during their break. “Headmistress Saeraphine bids you welcome and presents you with a logic problem. You may give her your answers at tonight’s welcome feast.”

“House Pukwudgie!” A large gathering pulled back from the pile of medicinal plants one of their number had been showing off. “Professor Rbratt06 also bids you welcome and says ‘It is time to pick your poison!’ He smiled. “She also assures me, you’ll understand what that means.”

“And House Wampus!” The rest of the crowd pushed back from their tables, eyes glittering in the sparse light. William chuckled to himself as he informed them, “Professor Dapperwulf says ‘It is about damned time you get back’ and you had best be sure your armor is in good repair. You’re going to need it this term.”


“The Welcome Feast”

As the shadows lengthened and the day wore on, the excitement in town only grew. The townsfolk joined in setting up long trestle tables in front of The Star’s Rest in preparation for the feast. The smells of an amazing spread of food hung heavy in the air as it flowed from the windows of many kitchens. Students, hurrying to wrap up their assignments, bustled into the square, gathering in smaller groups and chattering excitedly.

“I’ve heard Professor Arielluma’s really, really tough, but fair,” said GrandmaJackie.

“I’ve heard the Headmistress took on a greater mountain troll all by herself without even breaking a sweat,” gossiped MikaMojito

“I heard it was a whole clan!,” CaptainBoing emphatically replied.

“My mother said if there was any way for me to do so, I absolutely had to get into Pukwudgie,” recounted Zira91.

“And, and then Dapperwulf swung his claymore, and…,” an enamored Teeter_tot shared.

“He fights with a rapier, not a claymore! He’s not Scottish like you, you twit!,” interjected Mangrothian.

“Does so!”
“Does not!”
“Does so!”

“Does not,” a man’s tenor said matter-of-factly. “But could if I had to.” The crowd grew silent and faces turned to stare at the new voice, which though soft, cut through the din like a hot knife through butter.

Four newcomers stood at the edge of the square. The speaker was a small man with white-blond hair in dark red robes, a rapier hung low on his side. Beside him, three women stood, chuckling with amusement. With a smirk, he pulled out one of the benches and offered a hand to one of the women. She wore robes the color of a sun-kissed lake, a sparkling jeweled necklace and had half of her dark violet hair pulled up in a loose coif, the rest coiling past her shoulders. With a delicate grace, she took his hand and stepped on the bench. Pointing a wand at her throat, she poke a simple word and suddenly her voice resounded through the town.

“Good evening and welcome to all of you. I am Headmistress Saeraphine of Ilvermorny. This weekend, you will all join us at the school and will be sorted into your respective houses. The houses, as you know, are Horned Serpent under myself, Pukwudgie, under the care of Professor Rbratt06,” A small, dark-haired woman in robes the color of a newly sprouted saplings stepped forward with a smile on her kindly face. “Thunderbird, under Professor Arielluma,” The third lady stepped forward, this one in robes of the golden sunset. “And Wampus, under the close watch of Professor Dapperwulf.”

“I believe she means she has to keep a close watch on him…” laughed Sinnybri, a returning Thunderbird student, causing several of her friends to laugh.

The Headmistress quelled the disturbance with a look, doing her best to hide her own amusement. “As I was saying, soon, your new life begins. But tonight, we feast with our dear friends in Williamstown. And remind ourselves that all people have magic - Wizard and No-Maj alike. We are all together in this world.”

Applause exploded from the crowd, and with a sweep of her hand, the food from the multitude of kitchens appeared on the tables. The crowd, with a renewed cheer at seeing the food, fell to feasting with gusto.



As the evening wore on and everyone was full of good food and drink, small groups gathered together with mugs of mulled cider and ale. Old friends reconnected and new friendships were made.

“I can’t believe how much the town has grown since I left!” My_Butt exclaimed as she sat down with William and Violet next to a roaring bonfire.

“Agreed.” Coop925 lifted his mug to the innkeepers. “You’ve prospered since we last visited. Well done!”

William smiled at his friends. “My thanks. The trade with Ilvermorny and the tribes has helped immensely. Even though we’re a village of No-Majs, just about everyone here is at least aware of the wizarding world’s existence and sees the benefits of acting as an intermediary for the school.”

“I’m still confused. How did this place even come to be?” A sweet-faced blonde first year asked, gesturing around her at the lively town party. The older students shared a meaningful look amongst themselves.

“Allow me.” said William. With that, he launched into the story of the founders, running from the witch known as Gaunt and her obsession of pure blooded ideals, detailing their covert escape to the New World and subsequent journey up the mountain to find the Guardians of Greylock. He continued on with his own capture at Gaunt’s hands, and the unleashing of a terrible disease that killed half the population of Deerfield, including his beloved wife Stella, Violet’s daughter. Finally, William concluded with Gaunt finding the wizards at their makeshift mountain shelter and setting a dragon upon them. The revelry slowly quieted down, with everyone watching as he jumped up on the bench, acting out the fighting of the dragon and the subsequent battle where the Founders defeated Gaunt herself.

The crowd erupted into cheers as he finished. “Funny,” smiled Wulfkat into his cider. “I really don’t remember ‘the glowing light of my shield spell reflecting off the steely determination of my eyes’.”

“Such steely determination! It was the same look you had when you thought Yumesoraki was going to get the last piece of pecan pie tonight,” teased tmeadows_08.

Another first year spoke up. “I’m still confused. Who exactly are the Guardians of Greylock?”

Professor Rbratt06 sat down beside her and smiled. “Not to worry. You’ll meet them soon enough. They are….impressive to say the least. Knocked poor Dapperwulf on his tush at their first meeting. I don’t think his hearing has been right since! Then again, that may just be selective where the Headmistress is concerned…” She took a delicate sip of her cider as Headmistress Saeraphine side-eyed her. “So William, what are your plans for the village now that’s it’s grown so big?”

William looked thoughtful. “I’ve actually sent a petition to the governors to have us added to the Charters and Maps. If we can be recognized as an actual settlement, it would mean more opportunities for both our people and the tribes.”

Violet patted his arm and looked at him proudly. “He received a letter two days ago stating they would be sending someone to come survey the area and determine whether or not the village’s solvency. So many tiny places pop up and then die out or move on, you know. They want to make sure Williamstown is here to stay.”

The professor nodded. “That’s excellent. Let us know if we can do anything to help when the surveyor arrives.”


“What the feck is that!? (aka Time to Leave! Or Urthbert Arrives)”

The next morning, sleepy students slowly pulled themselves from the soft feather beds and warm quilts, lulled by the smell of warm flapjacks, eggs, and spiced baked apples. After filling their bellies, William and Violet made sure everyone had their supplies and bags, scrambling for extra quills and parchment, and the various bits and bobs needed for their schooling. As they gathered outside the inn, William took up his walking stick and the lead, heading away from town and towards the great lake they had all seen just through the trees on the edge of the settlement.

There at the edge of the woods stood a roaring bonfire. Seated on a log beside it sat an odd creature. It walked as a man, but sported the sharp spines of a porcupine and had the turned up nose of a pig. He, for it was obviously male, wore a pair of deerskin breeches and had a quiver of arrows slung across his back. He studiously ignored the group, concentrating instead on his bow, carefully twisting the string and bending the bow down to loop the twisted cord around one end. Finally, he seemed to have it set to his satisfaction and deigned to acknowledge the large gathering standing in front of him, shuffling their feet. Some of the first years stared at the creature wide-eyed.

William chuckled as the pukwudgie looked over the students with obvious disdain. “Morning Urthbert. I have a, heh, delivery for you.”

“I’m expecting most of them are completely worthless. Suspect one or two of ‘em might be worth their weight in pig slop. Maybe. With a bit of training.”

Lilsweetypie1992 laughed and ran up to wrap her arms delicately around Urthbert - to his obvious discomfort (and though he tried to hide it, to his very obvious glee). “I’ve missed you most of all!”

The Pukwudgie sputtered and tried his best to maintain his dignity. “Well, yes, ahem, right then. We should get this started then. Long day ahead of us and whatnot.” With that he stood up and walked a little ways between the fire and lake. “Alright. You that have already been sorted by the Guardians. You’ll be heading up the mountain first. The Guardians will guide you. We’ll start with the Horned Serpents.”

No sooner were the words past his lips, than the lake began to swirl, becoming ever faster until a waterspout formed and rose towards the sky. Slowly, it began to bend, though the water continued to swirl, until the opening - larger than two houses beside one another - came even with the shore line.

“Last one to school is a warty toad!” sang out one of the students, as they all ran towards the water. With a leap, the Horned Serpents vanished the second they touched the water. As the last one disappeared, the spout sank back down into the lake and the water swirled slower before coming to a stop. It stood clear and serene, as though nothing had ever happened.

Urthbert shook his head and nodded back at the group. “Wampus. You’re up next.”

Wulfkat waved the others on. “Let’s do this then.” He boldly walked towards the bonfire. The heat of the flames caused his robes to bellow out, and yet, he paused not even for a second before stepping into the fire. 220Dani cried out, but - he was gone.

“No worries. We’ll see you there.” smiled Ches18 before she, too, stepped into the flames and disappeared.

As the last of Wampus disappeared into the fire, Urthbert gestured to the sky. Black storm clouds rolled in swiftly, circling around over where the group stood. The wind picked up swiftly, reaching almost hurricane levels. “Alright Thunderbirds, you know what to do….”

One by one, the Thunderbirds lifted their arms and the wind caught them, lifting them up and swirling them away. The first years watched in awe as they grew smaller and smaller in the blackened sky until they disappeared.

“Goodbye Pukwudgies. The only decent group in the lot if you ask me….” growled Urthbert, as the Pukwudgies made their way towards the edge of the woods. Once at the edge, the trees, whipping back and forth in the wind, seemed to bend almost to the ground, hiding the group from view for a brief second. When they straightened, the students were gone.

“How will we get to the school?” asked AEK0812 excitedly after the wind had died back down.

“The same way the Founders did their first time cresting the mountain.” The Pukwudgie stated, puffing out his chest. The students edged forward expectantly.

“We walk.”


“The Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft & Wizardry”

It was a long and arduous climb up the mountain, made all the more trying by the continuous griping of Urthbert on the various failings of ‘stick wavers’ and the obvious superiority of the Pukwudgie race.

“If I have to hear one more ‘ode to the Great Pukwudgie’, I might scream.” muttered BanKaikun to one of her friends, wiping the sweat off her forehead.

“At least you didn’t accidentally start the diatribe on the….” Riverpond25's voice trailed off as they stepped around the bend and on to the mountaintop.

The late afternoon sun was just starting to set and the dying rays struck the stones of the castle in front of them, turning them every color of the rainbow. The castle was enormous, the largest building most had ever seen. Towers scaled the sky, draped in cranberry and indigo banners trimmed in gold. Glass windows shone and sparkled in the light from a thousand corners. Rather than sit coldly on an immaculate lawn far away from the forest as the castles in the Old World did, the school seeped into the ground, almost as if it had grown there like a tree itself.

The great redwood doors swung open as they approached and the four professors stepped out, followed by two other Pukwudgies, an older male and female. The Headmistress smiled and opened her arms in welcome. “You’ve arrived.” she said simply. Gesturing to the two creatures beside her, she introduced them. “This is Grandpap and Grandmam. They and their people help us maintain the school. They will make sure you have everything you need during your stay.”

“Mark ye,” growled Grandpap. “She said everything you ‘need’, not everything you want, wand wavers. Remember that.”

Saeraphine smiled at him. “Indeed. Do not mistake the Pukwudgies for house elves. They are not bound to us in anyway except for friendship and do not serve out of any great need to do so.”

“Then why do they?” murmured Lorah1911 from the back of the group.

“Cause you lot would cause no end of trouble if we let you just run amuck in these lands. Better for everyone if we stay here and help you stay alive and not burning the place down around our ears,” stated Grandmam firmly, crossing her arms over her chest resolutely.

The Professors all seemed to have to bite their lips not to laugh at this declaration. “Right,” said Dapperwulf, stepping forward. “Shall we all go inside? Your classmates are waiting.”



  • Saeraphine
    Saeraphine Posts: 2,793 Member
    “A Tour, Robes and More....”

    The group followed the professors and the pukwudgies into the Great Hall. Arielluma gestured to a small alcove off the side. “Put your belongings there. The Pukwudgies will help take them to your House dorms for you. Meanwhile, we have a few preliminary things to get out of the way. And then…”

    “And then, you’ll be sorted into your house!” exclaimed Rbratt06, clasping her hands excitedly. “But first, a tour! And you’ll need school robes!”


    by Dapperwulf

    “The Guardians of Greylock (aka Let's Get This Party Started!)”

    “Now then,” Professor Arielluma said, stopping in front of a large set of ornately carved wooden doors that rivaled those at the front entrance. “The only things we haven’t shown you on your tour are the dorms and the Statuary. We’ve saved that for last.”

    The Headmistress stepped forward. “While we are all one family here at Ilvermorny, a family is made up of different branches. You will be sorted into a house. These are the people who will be your more immediate family while you are at the school.”

    Belleprincesselle raised her hand. “Pardon ma’am, but will you be sorting us? And if so, how will you decide?”

    “No, I won’t be choosing,” laughed Saeraphine. “If only because I’d probably chose everyone for my own house. The Guardians of Greylock will look inside you - body, heart, mind and soul - and make their choice.”

    Professor Rbratt06 glanced out the window at the swiftly setting sun. “Headmistress, it’s time.”

    Saeraphine nodded and turned, striding towards the doors. The massive oaken slabs opened of their on accord, revealing the room within. And such a room it was. The two stories of luminous gray stone were intricately carved from floor to ceiling to show the stories of the Guardians drawn from the stories of the local native tribes up to the founding of the school itself. On the second story, a balcony with a twisted chestnut railing encircled the room completely. The returning students, those that had already been sorted, stood gathered at the railing, looking down at the first years in eager anticipation.

    “Oh my….” gasped Momof4jems, staring at the sight in front of them. A large stone pedestal rested in the center of the room. At each of the cardinal points, stood a statue. All were at least seven feet tall and carved from precious stones. To the East, sat Thunderbird - a great raptor whose feathers were of an opaque golden beryl, polished to a high shine. To the West, rose the Horned Serpent in marbled teal Chrysocolla. It had horns like an antelope and an opalescent, spherical jewel embedded in its forehead. To the North, was the Great Pukwudgie, ready with his bow and poisoned arrows. To the South, crouched the Wampus, a strong proud panther-like creature with six legs carved in a deep purple hackmanite.

    As the Headmistress stepped onto the platform, the statues moved as one - Thunderbird opened his wings with the booming sound of thunder, Pukwudgie drew his arrow and pointed it at the sky, the coils of the Horned Serpent rolled like the ocean in a storm as the sphere embedded in its head threw off a blazing light, and the Wampus threw her head back and screamed til the very walls of the castle shook. Saeraphine raised her arms and the statues quieted. “Students of Ilvermorny, may I present the Guardians of Greylock. One by one, you will step onto the platform and the statues will make their decision. Let us begin.”


    “Home away from Sweet Home”

    After the Sorting, the first years were welcomed enthusiastically by their new housemates and began to file out of the Statuary. There was a slight bottleneck for a moment as a couple of Thunderbirds got caught up in reenacting their Guardian’s wing movements and fell into one another in a fit of laughter. “Thunderbirds are a go!” fussed lilsweetiepie1992 with a grin. Valqis stuck out his tongue and laughed. “Hush Pukwudgie! We’re going, we’re going!”

    Following the professors, the students made their way through the halls to the main entrance where they broke off into groups, heading to each House’s dormitories. The Pukwudgies split off to the left, while the others headed to the right.

    Wampus House:
    Professor Dapperwulf led the Wampus students down the stairs to the lower level. As they reached the bottom of the staircase, Ches18 squealed in delight. “The Dueling Room is finished!” As they craned their necks to see where she was looking, they could just make out around the corner a large open room with the edge of a dueling platform peeking out. Dapperwulf winked. “Yep, there’s still a bit more to add onto the school, but we did get quite a bit accomplished.”

    He turned and walked towards a large stone wall, lined with torches. Suddenly, he vanished. 220Dani stopped dead. “Ummmm….”

    Vatrilla13 laughed. “Can you find it?” The first years leaned closer, eyes searching. Just then, their Head of House stepped back into view. He smiled at their expressions.

    “Just to the right of the torch, the wall is an illusion. There is no actual door into Wampus, though that doesn’t mean anyone can just walk in. Wards are in place to keep out unwanted guests. If fellow students simply wished to try and wander in, they would find a solid wall and no entry at all. Were someone to try and pass the entry with the intent to do harm to those within, the walls of the castle will slam shut on them, crushing them. Only those with the password may enter. Our password is Imperium. Now then, follow me.

    As the students stepped through the walls, the Wampus Common Room opened up before them. The right wall was lined with tall windows that looked out over the mountain and forest outside. Two roaring fireplaces stood at each end of the room, casting long shadows on the dark crimson walls. The walls themselves were lined with various weapons, some familiar at least by sight, but others were fantastical in design and obviously from faraway lands. Below them, against the dark wooden paneling stood bookcases and desks. Deep, dark leather couches and chaises were gathered in various groups around the room.
    “This is the Common Room. A place for you to relax, work on your studies and socialize. If you need a place to vent your frustrations, take it to the forge.” His eyes twinkled. “Slamming a hammer into heated iron is a great stress reliever. The doors on either side of the southern fireplace lead to two hallways, the dorms are down there. Now then, I see the Pukwudgies were kind enough to bring down your luggage - in typical Pukwudgie fashion.” All the luggage lay in a jumbled heap at the center of the room.

    Pukwudgie House:
    “Aren’t we going to follow the others?” asked _bunnytown worriedly, looking back over her shoulder to see all three of the other houses heading the opposite way.

    “No, though there’s multiple ways to get around the school, this is the swiftest way to our dormitory.” Professor rbratt06 assured her.

    “Is that….marshmallow I smell?” asked tahm42. “And…” she sniffed again. “Pepperup Potion?”

    “Good nose!” laughed their Head of House. “Through those doors are the Mediwizard’s office and supply rooms. Just back that way is the infirmary. Our dorms are just overhead.”

    They climbed the stairs to a large landing where the stones of the castle gave way to warm wood. The walls looked as though they were carved from living trees, with large graceful branches swooping in various directions until they touched the ground in some cases or soared to the ceiling in others. The Professor stepped forward and said a word. “Santitatum.” and one large limb shivered, then slowly arched from the floor to the ceiling, revealing a passage. She turned and smiled. “That is the password to our House. Come and be welcome.”

    The sensation of being in a giant tree continued inside the common room. Decorated in a soft pale spring green and warm golden wood, the overall impression reminded one of a refreshing spring day, pleasant and comfortable. A warm fire crackled in two fireplaces at each end of the room - the only hint of stone in the place. Soft, cushiony chairs and couches were grouped in different areas and several desks were tucked in by the tall glass windows - providing ample light to study by. Plants grew in pots and containers everywhere, relishing the sunlight. The view outside looked over the opposite edge of the mountain and into the valley below.

    “We Pukwudgies often assist the Mediwizard in stocking supplies and provide a helping hand when we can. Through those doors on either side of the fireplace on the south wall are two hallways. Those lead to your dorm rooms. Now then, I see our namesakes have been generous enough to bring up your luggage.” She smiled a bit mischievously. All of the luggage lay in a jumbled mess at the center of the room.

    Horned Serpent House:
    “See you at supper!” shouted Riverpond25 to one of the Thunderbirds, Momofamadhouse, as the Thunderbirds separated from the Horned Serpents on the stairs, continuing upward. The Serpents stopped at the second floor on a landing lined with stunning wall-to-ceiling tapestries.

    One, on the right side of the landing, was monstrous in size. It showed a scene from the legend of Merlin and King Arthur, the two main characters of the story barely visible on the far side of a lake. The main focus of the tapestry was the Lady of the Lake, having just emerged from the depths of the water brandishing Excalibur. The Headmistress stepped up to the tapestry and said in a firm voice. “Flibbertijibbet.

    The threads of the hanging shimmered and twisted until they transformed from a tapestry into a small rounded door. She looked back at them and winked. “Remember, even in nonsense, there is knowledge to be found. All knowledge is worth having.”

    Upon entering the common room, the smell of sage and citrus - scents that are said to be mood-boosters and to stimulate the mind - mixed with the pleasing scent of new books and floated out to envelope the students. Where there weren’t large windows sporting gauzy white window dressings, there were pale seafoam-colored walls that seemed to make the room brighter, even though the sunlight outside was dimming. The students looked up and discovered why.

    Spaced evenly across the ceiling were three large crystal orbs, seemingly made of the same opalescent gemstone embedded into their Horned Serpent statue’s head. Each sphere gave off its own glow that was reflected off the walls, creating a tranquil light that diffused throughout the common room. The Horned Serpents would have light no matter what time they chose to study.

    Cheerful magical blue fires burned in two floor braziers completely enclosed in glass that were strategically placed on opposite sides of the room to generate a cozy warmth throughout. The light from the braziers gleamed off the well-oiled leather spines of the hundreds of books that were housed... everywhere. Plush armchairs and chaises were gathered in groups around the room with small, portable side-tables that could be easily maneuvered in front of the chairs or extend over the chaises to create a comfortable workspace. Huge, soft pillows even occupied the floor in some corners, providing yet another place to flop down with a mug of tea, ready for a good read or talk.

    “Through those doors are two hallways. Those lead to your dorm rooms. Now then, I see Urthbert and his family have been polite enough to bring up your luggage.” Saeraphine laughed. All of the luggage lay in a jumbled mess at the center of the room.

    “Of course we’d be all the way in the highest room in the tallest tower!” smirked Bcuda.
    Sinnybri laughed. “Actually, the tallest tower here is Stella’s Stele, named in memory of William’s late wife who died at the hands of Gaunt. It contains the Ravenry and the astronomy platforms. Trust me - you think this climb is a haul, just wait until we have astronomy class!” This produced several chuckles and groans from the group.

    Upon reaching the top of the stairs, Professor Arielluma stopped in the middle of the landing. “Further down the hall is the Astronomy Library and the stairs to Stella’s Stele. And this is the entrance to our common room.” She motioned towards a simple wooden door.

    “Awww, that’s sort of unexciting, now isn’t it?” murmured leah757. Arielluma grinned wickedly.
    “You think so? Then step through, but as you do, be sure to say ‘hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia’ or you might get a nasty surprise.”

    6andromeda9 stepped boldly forward and pulled open the door. It opened to the outside, three stories and several thousand feet over the cliffs outside the back of the school. In front of them, the valley and mountains in the distance were growing steadily darker as the sun set behind them. The wind whipped strongly through her hair as she took a step back. “Trust me. And trust yourself. One step starts an adventure.” she heard the Head of House whisper.

    Gathering herself, 6andromeda9 said the word and stepped off the ledge. And disappeared. The others rushed to follow her and found themselves stepping into a golden room lined on three walls with floor to ceiling windows, draped in gauzy golden curtains. Desks and bookcases in a whitish wood were placed near the windows and large recessed circles lined with fat, fluffy pillows were scattered about for lounging. One fireplace in a white marble, large enough for a grown man to stand in stood against one wall and opposite, was a circular room with stairs leading upward and a polished wooden pole in the center.

    “Your dorms are up those stairs. The pole is for those who prefer a most exciting, or quicker way down.” She laughed. “Now then, I see that the luggage has been delivered, more or less.” All the luggage lay in a tangled heap at the center of the room.


    “Settling In”

    The dorm rooms were cozy, each with it’s own small fireplace and several individual beds with soft mattresses and covered in multiple hand-quilted covers and furs. Thick curtains hung on each bed to better help keep out the cold during winter and at the foot of each, stood a heavy wooden chest with iron bands for storing one’s supplies and bits and bobs. Beside each bed, stood a small wardrobe for clothing and against one wall, was a door leading to the bathroom. After choosing beds, the students began to unpack and settle in.


    “The Great Hall”

    The doors of the Great Hall stood wide when the students came back down the stairs, allowing for the illumination of hundreds of floating candles to spill out into the corridor. Large round tables, each with seating for ten were scattered throughout the Hall, encouraging interhouse unity with none being designated for a specific house. One long table did stand at the end of the Hall on a raised dais for the faculty and another, lower table just below it for the Pukwudgies. The ceiling, well lit from the candles, was draped in swaths of fabric in each house’s colors, each complementing the others nicely. The students hurried to find seats with their friends, the room becoming loud and lively with the sound of their chatter. Urthbert made some remark that caused his Grandmam to bap him upside the head with a spoon, to which several other of the pukwudgies laughed.

    The Headmistress stood from her chair at the faculty table and the room quieted. The students, their bellies grumbling after the long day, settled in for a long speech. Saeraphine breathed deeply and began speaking.

    “Let’s eat!”

    … And that was all the Headmistress had to say. She made a sweeping motion outstretching her arms, and with that, enormous platters of all kinds of food appeared on the tables. The students dug in with gusto.

    “What is that?!” stared Teetertatertango at the odd-looking orange vegetable that Yumesoraki was munching.

    “Sweet potato!” said Yumesoraki happily.


    “The Wand Ceremony”

    With full bellies and sleepy eyes, the students made their way back to their dorms, ready for a good night’s sleep. However, the night wasn’t over quite yet.

    A Raven lands on your windowsill....

    It caws and sticks out its leg, where a small scroll is attached. Taking it and giving the bird a pet, you stare at the indigo seal of Ilvermorny's Wand Maester. This is it, time for you to claim your wand! With hands shaking in excitement, you carefully break the seal and begin to read...

    Dearest student,

    May I offer my sincere congratulations on joining us here at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft & Wizardry and on your being sorted into the most Noble House of XX. It is time for you to embark on the next set of rituals here at Ilvermorny, that of finding a wand that matches your Mind, Heart, Body and Spirit.

    You will embark on a small journey in the woods beyond the school. Here, you will be tested to determine which wand will be yours. Please meet me at the edge of the woods tonight after the supper hour.

    Yours in Magic,

    Professor Dapperwulf
    Wand Maester
    Head of House Wampus
    Professor of Charms
    Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft & Wizardry


    “Class! (after last night, are you kidding me? Nope!)”

    “You have got to be joking! First he keeps us up all freaking night for that wand ceremony and yet he still has us up for a Charms lesson this early in the morning?! I barely had time to eat any breakfast!” moaned stormflower to Kisame29. “Your Head of House is brutal!” Her friend laughed and pulled an apple out of the pocket of her robes and handed it over as they and several others made their way down to the basement level to the Charms classroom.

    Dapperwulf stood in the center of the class, waiting as the students took their seats. Each desk had a soft white feather lying on it. “We’ll begin with the basics. Even though some of you may have already learned it, it is never a bad thing to practice the fundamentals. Today’s lesson is on Wingardium Leviosa.”


    “FLYING LESSONS!!!!!!”

    “Well, that went well.” said Westpancake, as she pulled a charred feather from Supercatie80’s hair as the class left the basement and headed outside to the grounds.

    “Are those brooms??!!!” Squealed someone in the back of the group. Everyone looked up to see Professor Rbratt06 standing in front of several broomsticks lying on the ground in neat rows. Excited about the prospect of flying, the students rushed over to stand beside a broom.

    Rbratt06 smiled. “We’ll review the basics today, as I’m aware some of you may never have flown before. Besides, you’re going to need to practice if you hope to get a spot on the House Quidditch teams!”

  • Saeraphine
    Saeraphine Posts: 2,793 Member
    by Rbratt06

    “Curiosity killed the... students?”

    After a wonderful first week of school, the eager first-year students got sorted into the various houses, received their personalized wands, and settled into their dorms comfortably. (And, only a handful were lectured for a few hours by Grandmam Pukwudgie about their organizational skills, which was a success in itself.)

    Everyone was getting to know the others better and better, and some of the newbies were gaining confidence in their magical abilities, as well as their surroundings outside of the castle. Though the weather was getting chilly, it was common to see groups of students socializing on the school grounds with warm mugs of butterbeer or helping the pukwudgies collect supplies in the forest that surrounded them.

    It was on one such trip to collect supplies that a few of the bolder students, riverpond25, zira91, SusanMFindlay, and GrandmaJackie, decided to break away from the rest and explore the forest more deeply than they had before. Thinking that the students had wandered back to the castle, the Pukwudgies didn’t think to look for them, and hours went by before SusanMFindlay came running into the castle hall during supper. She was out of breath, hair and robes tousled, and bleeding in a couple of areas where she received scratches. “Professors!” She cried out. Everyone stopped mid-conversation to turn and stare at her. “What is it?” Headmistress Saeraphine demanded. “What’s happened? Are you okay?!”

    “I...um…well, a few of us went out into the forest. We were told there was a pet dragon and wanted to catch a glimpse of it...”

    “A… pet dragon, you say?” Professor Arielluma asked, arching an eyebrow. “I wonder who told you that.” Yumesoraki studied something that was apparently quite interesting on the ceiling while My_Butt snorted into her drink violently, splashing those around her, as the faculty’s gaze fell upon them.

    “While we do have an alliance with a local, feral dragon here- ” Professor Dapperwulf cleared his throat firmly to hush the whispers that buzzed throughout the dining hall. “It is most definitely NOT a pet. Take note of that everyone. Go on.” Everyone looked at SusanMFindlay again.

    “We...were ambushed by one of the local tribes,” she replied bashfully. “I managed to escape, but the others… they’re still being held prisoner.”

    “Well, obviously, we will have to send out a search party,” Professor Rbratt06 stated. “But, let me fix you up, my dear. Head to the hospital wing immediately, and I will meet you there.” SusanMFindlay nodded and walked out quickly.



    With the students calm and focused, the faculty led the group in the direction of where SusanMFindlay said she and the other students ran into the tribe. With the sun setting, Ejwilliams88 held up her wand with a hushed “Lumos”, the rest of the group following suit and lighting their wands. After about an hour of walking, the forest opened up into a clearing and @SusanMFindlay stuttered, “This-this is the place where we were attacked!”

    The area seemed to be clear, except for a few large bumps in the earth. “Oh dear…” Professor Dapperwulf stuck his arm out so the curious students looking around him wouldn’t pass by. “No wonder you were ambushed - you were trespassing. This seems to be a burial ground. Very sacred to its people.”

    A stick broke to the right of the group. Jessiferrrb and PaulaKro jumped, Elinors yelped, but all the wands swung that direction. There a Native stood in a defensive position, weapon aimed at them. “Please! We mean no harm,” Headmistress @Saeraphine declared. “We’re just looking for a few of our students.”

    Suddenly, other Natives appeared, surrounding the group, so quiet it was almost as if they had used magic of their own. Urthbert clawed his way to the front. “Hey, what’s the hold up?” He asked crossly before seeing the Natives. “Aw, fiddlesticks…” He huffed and said something to the nearest Native, who nodded in reply.

    The Natives herded the group closer together and away from the burial grounds. “Where are we going?” Intrinsicat asked nervously.

    “I asked them to take us to their leader before a battle could break out,” Urthbert replied. “You’re welcome.” The students looked at each other nervously.

    “Do you know which tribe this is? I think I read somewhere how there are a few in the area,” said happyturtlegirlonamission.

    “It’s part of the Pocumtuck tribe,” Urthbert said shortly. He added grimly, “Their leader is Sachem Wawanotewat - meaning Greylock. He is most suspicious of outsiders, so good luck getting through to him.” Calli1616 and 220Dani giggled nervously, not sure how serious he was being. They would all soon find out.


    “The Village”

    Finally, the Ilvermorny group arrived at the Pocumtuck village. It was quiet as everyone had gone to bed already, besides those protecting the village. One of the Pocumtuck swept into the largest wigwam and returned just a moment later. While he spoke, Urthbert translated. “The Sachem does not want to be disturbed this night. He will deal with you all - and the other trespassers - tomorrow when the sun rises. You will stay here for the night.”

    He directed them to the center of the village, where there was enough room for a gathering of their size to lay down. Without another word, the Pocumtuck turned and melted into the darkness. Others stood guard over them. Many of the students started to mutter under their breath about not having better accommodations, but that was quickly stifled under the headmistress’s glare. “I know this isn’t the most convenient way to end the day,” Saeraphine said. “But, we must make the most of it. Huddle together to keep warm and enjoy the stars while you can. We will do as they ask for now, for the sake of ensuring our missing students’ safety peacefully.”


    The next morning, the group woke up with all sorts of aches and pains, as well as empty stomachs. But, the Pocumtuck tribe wasn’t about to give their food to their prisoners. Time passed by as the group just sat there while the villagers went about their day, breaking their fast and working on daily chores. Finally, an older Pocumtuck fellow, wearing a simple scalplock on top of his head, with a long braid flowing down his back, approached the group, a distasteful look on his face. With the help of Urthbert, he introduced himself. “I am Chief Greylock. I demand to know why you are here.”

    Calmly, the faculty explained the situation.

    “Ah, the trespassers are who you seek. They were about to desecrate our sacred land. That is a punishable offense.”

    “Chief Greylock, please,” Professor @rbratt06 spoke up. “They are our students and new to this area. They knew not what they were getting themselves into. They were trying to find… well, they were exploring the area. But, there are a few of us who know better - and, we’ve even done trade with some of the other tribes. Not necessarily here, but it’s taken place with the villages closer to Williamstown. They can tell you we’re most trustworthy.”

    “Truly, we’re just here to recover our students. We’re deeply sorry they caused you offense and almost intruded into your burial grounds. You have my word it will never happen again. Let them go, and our group will leave in peace,” Headmistress @Saeraphine assured.

    “And, if there is anything we can do to make up for their foolish behavior, to spare them from punishment - please let us do it,” Professor @Arielluma offered. “We wish to respect your ways.”

    “Hmmm… I have heard many good things about the leader of Williamstown. We have considered sending some scouts to trade…” Chief Greylock looked over the group. “This could be a beneficial alliance.”


    After assisting Chief Greylock put up protective wards around his tribe’s burial grounds and village, the Ilvermorny group was invited to stay for another day to get to know the Pocumtuck people better. The students who had been held captive were freed unharmed, and happily reunited with their housemates. “Though I could have taken them on,” GrandmaJackie told her Wampus friends. “I just didn’t want to leave the other two behind to suffer.”

    The students spread out across the village, conversing with the Natives and learning more about their customs. Many of them knew how to communicate effectively without the need of translation. Everyone was becoming more comfortable with each other when SoDamnHungry’s stomach growled ferociously. “Sorry! We haven’t eaten since supper last night. Would it be possible to join you for lunch?” She asked sheepishly. The other students nodded in agreement as their stomachs were starting to rumble in protest, as well.

    “Of course, join us!” Chief Greylock declared. “But, you will have to cook for yourselves. We have limited ingredients. Do what you will with it.”



    After a delicious meal, the group felt energized again and spirits were raised. They continued socializing with the Pocumtuck throughout the day, helping with various projects until the sun was starting to set. “We really should be getting back to our school,” lamented Professor rbratt06, not wanting to go quite yet because there were so many questions she still had for the local healer about some concoctions she created.

    “Why are you in such a hurry to get back?” Chief Greylock asked. “The real festivities are about to begin!”

    “Oh, what’s going to happen?” Ejwilliams88 inquired.

    “When the sun sets, we light our bonfire and celebrate life,” Chief Greylock responded. “Our finest warriors will demonstrate their prowess while others play their instruments and sing.” And, what a sight that was. The Natives twirled and spun through the shadows gracefully, the light of the flames licking at their faces, with the music adrenaline-filled, yet haunting at the same time. After they finished, everyone clapped loudly in appreciation.

    “Now, it’s your turn!” Chief Greylock boomed proudly. “Uh...what?” Kaynagel asked.

    “I don’t dance,” Teetertatertango said bluntly.

    Mmeredit looked incredulous. “Seriously?”

    A couple of other students nervously chuckled.

    “Enough chatter,” commanded Chief Greylock. “Let’s see if you can best my warriors in this skill.”

  • Saeraphine
    Saeraphine Posts: 2,793 Member
    by Dapperwulf

    “We Have a Visitor”

    After many warm embraces, gestures of friendship and further assurances that students would stay away from sacred sites, the group from Ilvermorny took their leave of the Pocumtuck. They split into two groups, the majority heading back to the school under the watchful eye of the Headmistress and Rbratt06 and a second, smaller, contingent led by Dapperwulf and Arielluma escorted a small delegation of Pocumtuck to Williamstown to discuss trade.

    They arrived to find the town in a state of excitement. An extremely extravagant carriage pulled by four prancing bays stood in front of the Star’s Rest Inn. “Well….someone has atrocious taste.” murmured aeiks84.

    “Be ni...actually, you know what? Never mind. You’re right.” said Arielluma, trying not to smirk as a man with an enormous black curled wig stepped out onto the porch. He wore a bright orange velvet doublet with slashed sleeves, the shocking pink silk under layer puffed out underneath, and stood stroking his waxed beard as William stepped out of the inn behind him. The newcomer pulled out a golden snuff box and with exaggerated daintiness, sniffed a pinch up each nostril of his overly large, beak-like nose. William spied the group and seemed like he wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or more stressed.

    “Speaking of, Master Brandifew, here comes a group from the school now….with friends, it appears.”

    The man turned to look disinterested at them, his jaw dropping and taking a step back when he saw the Pocumtuck standing with them. “What!” he sputtered. “What are those dirty savages doing with students?”

    “Why that pompous, overstuffed….” benaddict stepped forward, her hand going to her wand inside her robe. Stormflower grabbed her arm and quickly pulled her back behind the professors. The two professors side-eyed one another, then stepped forward in unison.

    “William...” started Dapperwulf with an elegant bow.

    “...we’ve brought you a delegation from Sachem Wawanotewat of the Pocumtuck to discuss trade.” finished Arielluma, dipping into a refined curtsy. The newcomer’s eyebrows raised slightly at the polished manners. “As always, Ilvermorny stands to serve and ensure the continued success of Williamstown.” Both professors smiled disarmingly.

    The Pocumtuck calmly watched the scene unfold: The stranger, nose in the air, prancing down the steps in his absurdly high heels (only to almost fall flat on his face, being saved at the last possible second by William and causing his wig to nearly tumble from his head) to meet the group. The honey-dipped, though clipped words of the professors. The nervous shuffling of William and the tightly clenched, though hidden, wands of several students.

    The warrior Atian leaned close to his brother, Chaske. “I’m having misgivings about this. It is a foolish man that makes his bed with vipers.”

    Chaske was silent for a moment, then leaned back. “They are the Chosen of the Guardians. Besides, who is the bigger fool? The one who sleeps among them when invited? Or the one that angers them?”

    Peter Brandifew, Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Surveyor General to the Royal Governor. Well…...he seems….nice. So we should be nice. Right?


    “Normal is Overrated”

    The next day dawned to find Ilvermorny in a complete state of upheaval and chaos. The assistant to the deputy assistant of the assistant to the ….oh, for the love of… Peter Brandifew had made clear his intent to visit the school that evening. As an obvious No-Maj that clearly did not know of - nor NEEDED to know of - the existence of the wizarding world, the situation left the students and faculty exactly until suppertime to rid the school of EVERYTHING that even hinted at magic.

    “But, but….” cried Chipidies. “I NEED my Self-inking Quill! Otherwise I’ll miss something during Rbratt06’s lectures!”

    “Sorry sweetness,” assured Kisame29. “You’re going to have to dip like everyone else today.”

    The pukwudgies assisted in removing or hiding everything - as well as the preparation of a suitable welcome meal - before going into hiding themselves. Finally, everything was as “normal” as they could possibly make it and everyone rushed to their rooms to bathe and change into clean robes before their guest’s arrival.


    “Beg Pardon?”

    Just as the sun began to settle on the horizon, the students gathered in the courtyard on either side of the main doors to the castle, each dressed smartly in their uniforms. The faculty stepped out and walked a bit ahead, facing the road. They too, had dressed for the occasion. The Headmistress, in a velvet gown of sapphire, the bodice gleaming with opals. Arielluma stood beside her in a silken gown of gold, twinkling with citrine. She was whispering urgently to Saeraphine, a look of concern on her face. Dapperwulf escorted Rbratt06 down the steps, her gown of pale green brocade with seed pearls almost glowing in contrast to his black doublet and breeches. The crimson cloak thrown over his shoulder looked like a splash of blood against the unrelieved black.

    The Headmistress placed a hand on Arielluma’s, stilling her for a moment, as she looked back at the assembled students. “Tonight, we act as No-Maj. Remember, Master Brandifew is our guest and we do this to assist our friend William. I expect everyone to be on their best behavior. Those who are Pureblood and have never lived amongst No-Maj, look to your Muggleborn and Half-blood friends for guidance should you need it. Most importantly, under no circumstances, is anyone to…”

    She was interrupted as the excessively gaudy carriage came thundering down the road. It pulled to a stop, the horses lathered and blowing.

    “That’s no way to treat horses,” growled Grasshopper33. “Or any animal for that matter!” The others shifted nervously as the footman jumped down and opened the door and extended the steps.

    Peter Brandifew stepped out, pausing on the first rung to survey the gathered students, his great beak nose wrinkled in distaste. His eyes widened at the sight of the castle and everyone could easily see the greedy gleam that sparkled there. Swiftly, taking off his gloves, he puffed out his chest and strode over to Dapperwulf. “Well now, Headmaster, I must say..”

    “I’m not the Headmaster.” The professor interrupted quietly.

    “I beg pardon?” Brandifew looked vaguely scandalized at having been cut short.

    “I am not the Headmaster. As I told you when we first met, Mistress Saeraphine is in charge of the school.” Dapperwulf bowed in the direction of the Headmistress, who raised her head proudly.

    “Yes, well, really, a woman. I simply assumed you were joking..” muttered Brandifew.

    “Welcome to The Ilvermorny School, Master Brandifew.” Saeraphine announced boldly.

    Brandifew sneered for a moment, but then flounced forward and grabbed her hand up to give it a rather loud kiss. “Indeed. Thank you, my dear.”

    “He’s a dead man,” whispered RedDragon09.

    “Mhmm,” nodded Talhonjik.

    The Headmistress controlled herself long enough not to snatch her hand away, though those student behind her saw as she surreptitiously wiped it on her skirts a moment later. She smiled pleasantly. “If you will follow me, dinner is about to be served in the Great Hall.”


    “Dissenting Opinions”

    Kaynagel crossed her arms and stared, frowning as she and several others watched as the faculty gave Brandifew a tour of the castle. “I don’t trust him.”

    Campiare leaned against the castle wall and bit into the apple she’d been carrying. “That’s because you’re an intelligent witch.”

    Lightcvt tiptoed down the hall and peeped around the corner as the tour passed by on their way to see Brandifew off. “They seem to be having an argument.” she whispered. “Sounds like he’s not very happy about us being friends with the Natives. The professors don’t look happy either...oh! Rbratt06 has her hand on Dapperwulf’s arm, holding him back!!! …ok, Brandifew’s leaving now. That was close, but…” she turned back to the others. “Don’t you think we should follow him?”

    “One step ahead of you.” said Jgundz, coming up behind the group with an armful of brooms. “We’ll need to stay up high and hidden.”

    Everyone quickly grabbed a broomstick and hurried out a side door.

  • Saeraphine
    Saeraphine Posts: 2,793 Member
    by Saeraphine


    It seemed fortune was favoring the students as they pursued the unsavory Peter Brandifew via broomstick. Being a cloudy night, they easily took cover in the sky above.

    “He’s just going back to the inn. His carriage hasn’t taken any of the detours from the main path we thought he might,” Lightcvt said as they hovered slightly behind the carriage as it made its slow descent down Mt. Greylock.

    Jgundz sighed in boredom. “You’re right, this is a waste of time.” It was already getting so late, and they were risking the wrath of their Heads of House to follow Brandifew back to the inn? He was probably just heading back to take a lavender scented bath. “We should turn back and sneak back into our dorms before som…” Realizing they had passed the carriage, Jgundz looked back to see it stationary on the path below. “He’s stopped!,” she hissed, turning back to get behind the carriage again.

    “Oh ho ho! Why’s he stopped? Williamstown is right over there. He is definitely up to something!,” Campiare said excitedly as they followed Jgundz’s lead.

    Brandifew emerged from the carriage as the students got into place out of view, but close enough to spy his doings. Declaring loudly in his nasally voice, Brandifew told the driver, “I say, driver, I shall walk the rest of the way and take in the stars.”

    The driver looked incredulously up past the carriage lanterns to the sky above - completely obscured by clouds. “But--” he started to say until Brandifew cut him off with a curt and condescending, “Eh buh buh buh -- Little people do not question their betters.”

    Looking for a second at Brandifew in disbelief before shaking his head, the driver gave the reigns a flick and began to drive away with a “Suit yourself,” thrown over his shoulder.

    “Wait!,” Brandifew shouted, realizing too late his predicament. “Leave a lantern! I demand you come back at once!” The carriage continued on, taking the only light source with it. Brandifew muttered something disparaging about “lowly peasants”.


    “Dangerous Thinking”

    For a few minutes, he stayed rooted to the same spot, complaining to himself as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. At first the students thought that was all he was waiting for before continuing on, but the normal time for him to get his night-sight had well passed and he was still standing in the same spot. Almost as if waiting for something.

    With a harumpf, Brandifew finally started following the path the carriage took towards Williamstown, his dainty steps hesitant as he tried to find his footing. After much cursing and a couple falls that must have soiled his garish outfit, Brandifew paused suddenly, shouting “Who’s there?!”

    The students froze in midair, holding their breath. How had he known they were there?! Had he heard the wind swish one of their cloaks?

    Laughter rung out from the dark woods to the left. A lantern appeared as the dark covering that had hidden its light was removed and a man wandered out towards Brandifew. “You really should see yourself right now. You’ve only been alone in the woods for a few minutes and you’re already a mess.”

    “No thanks to you!,” Brandifew shot back, apparently knowing this newcomer. “You were supposed to meet me right at that spot I stopped the carriage!”

    The students saw the man shrug in reply. “Do you want my help or not?”

    Brandifew curled his top lip while adjusting his curly wig. “I’ve paid you haven’t I?” Seeing the dirt stains on his ensemble in the lantern light he let out a whine. “I had this imported from the newest atelier in France!”

    The man sniffed and said, “Reckon the dirt did you a favor.”

    Brandifew glared at him. “I didn’t pay you for fashion advice, Ivan. I paid you and your crew to come to this “Willaimstown” and help me “find” a reason to deny their request. And it’s worse than I thought here. The rumors are true - not only do they trade with the savages, they are friends with them! Now I find out there’s a whole school encouraging this behavior. Ridiculous intellectuals and their ideas of tolerance!”

    He continued on with conviction. “No, this is dangerous thinking. We must stop this before anything comes of it. This place cannot become officially recognized. Do you have the items I told you to get?”

    Ivan nodded. “My boys are setting up at the miller’s and granaries now. Everyone has a bag of trinkets associated with the surrounding tribes to scatter around the area, leaving a trail back towards the woods, and enough pitch to make sure nothing is left but ashes in the morning.”

    “Excellent. Then let’s proceed to the crop fields. I need to make sure this is done right. By this time tomorrow, Williamstown will have a food shortage that will be blamed on those Indians, and they’ll be so low on supplies, I will declare the town can’t last through the winter!” Brandifew motioned for Ivan to lead the way to the fields, a look of glee on his horse-ish face.


    “He's planning what?!”

    The spying students looked at one another in horror. They knew that Brandifew was no good, but the didn’t expect him to be a downright criminal, willing to destroy lives!

    “What are we going to do?!,” Kaynagel whispered hushedly when Brandifew and Ivan were out of sight. “We have to stop them!”

    “We know where they’re headed, but we need help. We have to get back to the castle and get the others!,” Jgundz said with panic in her voice.

    Turning around the students zoomed back to Ilvermorny as fast as they could to rouse the school to come to Williamstown’s aid.


    “At the Ready”

    The door to the Faculty Common Room slammed open as four disheveled students burst in on the staff having their evening tea together and discussing the day’s events.

    “What happened to you four?,” Rbratt06 asked with concern, seeing the stricken look on their faces.

    Gasping from their journey back, Kaynagel sputtered, “Brandifew - fire. Food. Gone!”

    Arielluma came over and began talking Kaynagel through some deep breathing, trying to regain control of her breaths. “... that’s it. Breathe in - 1, 2, 3. Out - 1, 2, 3…”

    As Kaynagel was calming down, Jgundz filled in the gaps in Kaynagel’s barebones explanation. “We snuck out of the castle - and we know, that is a bad thing - but we followed Brandifew. You yourselves expressed distrust of his intentions!”

    “Yes, we have begun preparing for trouble, but we don’t want you wandering the forest at night alone! There’s hidebehinds, wolves, bears, mountain lions…” Dapperwulf said, listing the myriad dangers of the forest.

    Jgundz interrupted, looking very uncomfortable doing so, “Yes, it was foolhardy, but you were right! Brandifew’s bad news. He’s hired a group of men to help him destroy the food stores in Williamstown. He doesn’t like our relationship with the natives, and he’s trying to sabotage Williamstown’s charter request! They’re going to frame the local tribes by burning the fields, mill, and the granaries. They could start any moment!”

    Saeraphine jumped up, her tea cup shattering on the floor and startling the students that had delivered the dire message. She made a stabbing motion with her wand saying, “Monitum.”

    In the Thunderbird Common Room, Geminiswede was discussing the latest potions assignment with TaraLS13 when she saw Tara’s eyes focus on something over Geminiswede’s shoulder. “What’s going on?,” TaraLS13 asked with a tilt of her head.

    In Wampus, the jovial gathering of Zumbaforever, TrkyVic0327, and Cpanus went silent as they stared at the fireplace, then looked at each other in confusion.

    In Pukwudgie, ChristineMarie89 and RaeBeeBaby were happily arguing over the best herbal tea infusion to enhance focus when Elinors burst into the room saying, “Look at the walls!”

    In Horned Serpent, Westpancake and Calli1616 were reading in companionable silence when their attention was drawn to the nearest brazier, then the crystal orbs above.

    Westpancake hurriedly marked her spot in her book, and stood up. Talhonjik rushed down the dorm steps. “Did you see it?!,” she asked West.

    With a nod, West announced to the rest of the common room, “Wands everyone!”

    Calli1616, following West’s lead had put down her book. “What is it? What does it mean?”

    Talhonjik’s response was one word. “Danger.”

    At the stabbing motion made by the headmistress, every light source in the castle had blazed to roaring life, turning a vivid, alarming red.

    Pointing her wand to her throat, the headmistress enchanted her voice to echo throughout the halls of Ilvermorny Castle, making a school-wide announcement. “Attention all students - Williamstown is in jeopardy. Meet the Professors outside of the Main Entrance in five minutes, brooms and wands at the ready.”

  • Saeraphine
    Saeraphine Posts: 2,793 Member
    by Saeraphine

    “Dying Will Result in Expulsion”

    With a grave look, Professor Dapperwulf addressed the assembled students, who were looking around in nervous excitement. "Students, we have one task: preserve Williamstown's food sources. There are evil men doing evil deeds. You are not to engage them. You are not to land. Your safety is first." His customary grin returned then and he added, "Do not make us tell your parents that we had to expel you for dying when we specifically told you not to. Is that understood?"

    There were a few chuckles, but Gawworthington looked at CaptainBoing and asked, "Wait, he's not serious is he? They wouldn't seriously expel us posthumously, would they? I can't have that on my record..."

    There was no time for secrecy. With Brandifew threatening not only Williamstown's future but their actual lives, the professors led the students swirling into the sky, a veritable swarm of witches and wizards mounted on broomsticks. Breaking into four squads, each professor led their students away to focus on a particular area. The Horned Serpents to the granaries, the Pukwudgies to the millers, and the Thunderbirds and Wampus to the large fields.

    Professor Arielluma and the Thunderbirds had just cleared the forest when they saw the bright flicker of flames illuminate the edge of the fields ahead. "No," a pained Jordyngulio breathed. "Professor! We're still too far away. They'll lose at least half the crop!"

    Arielluma leaned low to her broom and shouted, "Follow my lead!"



    The Pukwudgies had reached the millers, and threw up their signal into the sky. But things were quiet. They didn't see anything amiss. Auzziecawth remarked, "Maybe the information was faulty? There's nothing going on here."

    The Pukwudgies carefully flew around the perimeter of the mill. That's when _Bunnytown saw it. On the ground, a some yards away, a fuse was slowly burning its way down to the mill where a barrel of an accelerant was bound to be. Of course! Brandifew's men were hoping for the flour to combust, creating a dust explosion, causing much more destruction than a mere fire. "Professor! Over there! We have to stop that fuse!," _Bunnytown yelled out.

    As the Thunderbirds sped towards the fields, Wampus not far behind, they saw the green signal sparks from the Pukwudgies indicating they'd reached their target. The flames had already quickly spread, and a sixth of the fields were ablaze. As Arielluma sent up yellow sparks of her own, she yelled out for the Thunderbirds to cast their wind spells, aiming to change the direction of the fire away from the food crops.

    Dapperwulf, seeing the Thunderbirds strategy, sent up his signal and directed his Wampus to fly behind the Thunderbirds who were now spread out in a line, each Thunderbird valiantly struggling to stay in the air and not be propelled backwards by the wind spell recoil. "Aguamenti!" Dapper shouted over the gale. "You half - douse those flames!" He looked at the other half and shouted with urgency, "Defodio! Dig a perimeter! Deprive the fire of fuel! GO!"

    Brandifew was ordering around one of the hired men when he saw sparks illuminating the sky from different locations. Green, then yellow, then purple. "What in heaven..." His sentenced trailed off as he saw what looked like a flock of large birds hurtling towards his location. The Horned Serpents had almost reached the granaries shortly after the signal from Wampus, and sent up teal sparks of their own. Brandifew, still confused, hurriedly indicated the pitch that had been spread and told the men in a hiss, "Light it! Light it now!"

    The man to his left with the torch was suddenly doused in a bucket of water - without the bucket - as one of the "birds" (Chipidies) passed over. Looking up, Brandifew saw they weren't birds but people. People on broomsticks! In the air! FLYING!

    He yelped, wide-eyed, and shouted in his high, strangled voice, "Demons! Run for your lives!" Attempting to flee, he pushed the man to his right down in his haste. Falling down with the man in a tumble as more robed figures passed overhead, Brandifew scrambled to get back up, his limbs flailing, and the man accidently rolling over onto part of Brandifew's wig. Finally up and moving again, Brandifew disappeared into the forest, his wig on backwards, Brandifew holding the curls parted to the sides like curtains.

    The other torchbearers made to throw their torches at the waiting pitch as the Horned Serpents prepared their spells.

  • Saeraphine
    Saeraphine Posts: 2,793 Member
    by Dapperwulf

    “The Final Battle (and Finals?!)”

    Aqua Eructo!” Shouted sharondjs as she flew by. A forceful jet of water shot out of the tip of her wand, striking the torches with unerring accuracy.

    Accio torches!” Saeraphine called out, her voice tight with anger as she and the Serpents landed a few yards away from the men. The torches were yanked from their grips, causing many to shout in surprise, and flew across the ground to fall into a tidy pile at her feet. The Pukwudgies swooped in and landed to the right of the Serpents, faces scowled with distaste, wands at the ready.

    Rbratt06 held up the cut fuses so the men could see them, before dropping them to the ground, disgusted. “These...these….men..” she choked out, “had set barrels of gunpowder at the base of mill. The miller’s family was asleep inside. They could have been killed.”

    The Headmistress took a step towards the men, raising her head proudly and looking down at them. “Where is Peter Brandifew?” She asked coldly.

    “Don’t know what you’re talking about, marm.” Grinned the one called Ivan. “We were just out here minding our own business when you lot showed up…..on broomsticks.”

    A shrill screaming could be heard from the sky above them, as the Thunderbirds sailed past from the fields, circling around to land to the left. A frantic Peter Brandifew appeared to be dangling from the end of Arielluma’s broomstick. With a flick of her wand, she released him, letting him fall the last ten feet or so to land with a ‘whoof!’ on the ground in front of his minions. He groaned and rolled over as she flew to join the others. Seeing Ivan, he bolted upright, his stick and leaf encrusted wig falling off completely as he grabbed at the man’s tunic. “Demons! Did you see? They fly through the air on broomsticks and cast wicked charms with a thought!”

    Stormflower laughed. “Well, with wands anyway.” Her eyes widened with a sudden thought and she looked towards Rbratt06. “Professor, are we going to be covering wandless magic?” The Pukwudgie Head shushed her gently.

    The leader of Brandifew’s hirelings shoved his employer to the side with a sneer before looking up to address the group. “Seems to me he’s right though. Demons. That’s what ye all be.” He crossed his arms with a smirk. His men chuckled menacingly behind him, moving up to close ranks.

    Arielluma narrowed her eyes at them. “You seem remarkably unafraid of us demons.”

    He grinned, more a baring of foul yellowed teeth. “Me mam was one of you types. Foul witch of a woman. Ye dinna frighten me with your pretty sparks of light and streams of water and wind.” He dropped his arms, fists flexing. “Might be you’ll come to the same end she did. Seems a shame though….such pretty little things that you are..” No few of the men pulled wicked-looking skinning knives from their belts as they began to advance towards the students and professors…

    CONFRINGO!!” shouted seventeen voices in unison as the Wampus students, led by GrandmaJackie, stepped out from the trees behind the men, wands blazing. The resulting blast sounded like an explosion, shaking the earth and sending the thugs slamming against the ground several yards away. Ivan whirled around to see his backup incapacitated. Snarling, he spun away, preparing to run….and nearly slammed into Professor Dapperwulf.

    “Pretty little things, are they? With pretty sparks of light…” his voice was tight, coming through clenched teeth. “Shall I show you some pretty sparks of light?” His wand raised. “Sectumse…”

    “Dapper, no!” cried Saeraphine. Then softer…”He’s not worth it.”

    There was a tense moment, before Wulfkat and Coop925 stepped forward and petrified Ivan, levitating him and taking him away none too gently, just as William and the townsfolk came running up.

    “What in ….?!” William stared at the witches and wizards gathered, at the men that lay groaning, clutching broken and bruised limbs, at the spread pitch on the ground in front of him and lastly, at the quivering hind-end of Brandifew as he curled, trying to hide, arms over head to protect himself. His eyes narrowed. “We heard the explosion. Bill here had been worried that milord might have been up to something.”

    The miller nodded. “Been seeing a lot of ill-favoured folk about. And him whispering with them. Seemed like it was bound to come to no good.”

    Saeraphine nodded. “Indeed. Our students overheard them making plans to destroy the food supply and the harvest and plant evidence implicating the Pocumtuk.”

    William cursed. “Which would have ended any hope of us receiving our charter.”

    “You mean this charter?” Yumesoraki asked brightly. She pulled a rolled up bit of parchment from her robe. “You mean this charter that’s already filled out completely and simply lacks Master Brandifew’s signature stating that Williamstown is an excellent community, and should be given every advantage in order to grow and prosper, by the power vested in me, I mean in him,” she motioned flippantly at Brandifew, who had lifted her head and was watching her with horror-filled eyes. “By order of King Charles II, By the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, etc., etc., and bloody etc.”

    Saeraphine quirked an eyebrow. “Ahem, yes. That charter. Does anyone have a quill handy?” she asked sweetly. NicolaMichelle93 raised her hand up, scrambling in her robes to pull out a self-inking quill. “Thank you.” Regally, she stepped over to stand in front of Brandifew. “Now then, sirrah, I believe it would be in your best interest to make your mark? Right here if you please.”

    The students and townsfolk cheered as he begrudgingly signed. Saeraphine smiled, cast a drying charm on the ink and handed it back to Yume. “”Enjoy it while you can.” he growled. “You can’t keep me here and the second I return, I’ll bring the wrath of the courts on your heads. You do know the penalty for witchcraft, don’t you sorceress?”

    Arielluma flicked her wand casually, a bored expression on her face. “Obliviate. Can we go now?”

    William laughed loudly. “I am so glad you lot are on our side!” He wiped his eyes as the two of the men rushed forward to take the now-thoroughly confused, but docile Brandifew by the arms and lead him away. “No, don’t go. Come to the inn; we’ll drink a toast to our saviors!”

    The students cheered again, until Saeraphine smiled and shook her head. “I’m afraid not, dear friend. They have been up too late as it is. After all, they have final exams tomorrow.”


  • Saeraphine
    Saeraphine Posts: 2,793 Member
    by Saeraphine

    “Magic Ritual”

    It had been a rough week for all. The assignments for the Finals had been brutal, the professors merciless in their review. But with much determination, the students had completed their tasks with much aplomb, and Auzziecawth even heard Professor Arielluma talking about how the first-years (soon to be returning students) would be a credit to Ilvermorny.

    With the stress of the Finals over with, the students enjoyed playing with the new Wampus kittens Yumesoraki had located. After Professor Dapperwulf had placed a charm on their claws that dulled their scratches, the multitude of students being sent to Professor Rbratt06 in the infirmary lessened dramatically. And being adequately settled in their new section of the Care of Magical Creatures wing, they were no longer driving people temporarily mad with their adorable stares.

    Soon, the students would descend Mount Greylock to Williamstown, leaving Ilvermorny behind, for a time, to visit home and be with their families. But for now, the professors had encouraged rest and relaxation before the long trips across the world. Headmistress Saeraphine’s final class of the term was actually on the rejuvenating healing powers of a long-standing magic ritual: the bath.


    “Packing Up”

    In Horned Serpent, Chipidies reshelved her last borrowed book. The Common Room had been returned to its former, organized state (at the firm insistence of Grandmam Pukwudgie), so the chairs and pillows were neatly arranged in groupings around the room, the books put away, and the papers either filed or discarded. Momcasciotti set her things down next to Chipidies and asked, “Hard to put them back, isn’t it?”

    Chipidies looked around the room with a sigh. “Yes. But at least the Headmistress has promised some new books for when we return.” She shouldered her own bags. “Let’s go, the school will be heading to Williamstown soon.”

    Down in Wampus, Paulakro was mournfully flitting about. She didn’t want all of her new Wampus friends to leave. “It’s okay, Paula! We’ll be back soon enough!,” Ches18 assured her, straightening an errant shield on the wall. She looked at the assortment of weapons lining the common room. There were a few new additions, the students having added their first forge to the walls to mark their belonging in the Wampus house. She noticed one was suspiciously absent though.

    At that moment, CaptainBoing’s bag opened with a crash as she was walking by, having been sliced open from the inside. She sheepishly looked around. “What? I made it, and it’s so pretty…”

    With a sigh in Pukwudgie, Aeiks84 trimmed the potted crystaline flower with the ut amputem spell for the last time before break. She lovingly stroked the beautiful petals, which were capable of temporarily enhancing color perception, the flowers themselves being devoid of color, but reflecting the light around them with astonishing brilliance.

    Urthbert came over, and in his gruff way tried to comfort her. “We’ll take care of it while you’re away. You’re more likely to shrivel up during break than it is.”

    Tahm42, hearing his comments, laughed and delicately hugged him around his spines. “We’ll miss you while we’re away. I promise to bring you something interesting back.”

    Urthbert shrugged her off, blustering about sappy witches, but you could see the blush in his cheeks. Finally he said, “Mayhaps… some special feathers for my arrows?”

    Carrying her things, SusanMFindlay looked around the Thunderbird Common Room one last time. The fire pole down the center of the tower was unused, the students carrying their things by hand or directing with a leviosa charm.

    Until My_Butt was ready to make her way down.

    Pointing her wand at her luggage, she muttered, “Sequitur aer.” Taking a running jump, My_Butt launched herself at the pole. Sliding down in a fast spiral, she let out a cry of glee as her bags floated down behind her, spiraling down around the pole just like her, as if she had a string tied around her waist and connected to each bag. She reached the bottom and with a smile, looked at the other Thunderbirds. “I had to do that one more time!”

    Sue_01 laughed, enjoying My_Butt’s glee and inquired, “How did you get them to trail behind you in the air like that without directing with your wand?”

    “Oh, I bugged Professor Dapperwulf about that. I needed a hands-free way to bring my luggage while I travel over break, so he taught me this. Here, let me show you….”


    “Heading Out”

    “Why do we leave via Williamstown?,” asked RaeBeeBaby as the students assembled outside of the castle front.

    “Tradition,” Westpancake supplied with a smile. “It’s important to remember how far we’ve come. Every time we visit Williamstown, we’re progressing, and the journey is a time to reflect on the changes we’ve made over term.”

    CaptainBoing had just walked up behind them, with a new bag in tow. “Huh, never knew,” she said with distracted interest. “Okay, let’s go!,” she added hurriedly, starting forward quickly.

    She didn’t get very far though before a magical hand lifted her by the neck of her robes, suspending her while she tried to walk away in the air. Noticing she wasn’t getting anywhere, she strained to look behind her. There, standing motionless with his customary smirk, was Professor Dapperwulf.

    CaptainBoing seemed to stammer a little when she said, “Oh, h-hello, Professor…”

    “Hello, glad you could hang out with us for a bit longer, CaptainBoing,” he grinned.

    “Yeah, well, you know. Love the school. Glad to be here, ready to help out with loading everyone’s stuff on the carts,” she squeaked.

    Dapperwulf moved in front of her with a feigned troubled look on his face. “Yes, I’m glad you’re here to help, because it seems one of our Wampus kittens…” he looked pointedly at her new bag, “... has wandered off.”

    CaptainBoing swallowed visibly, her hand going to the bag at her side that had began… squirming? “That is terrible! I would be more than happy to volunteer my efforts in locating this errant kitten. I’m sure it’s close-by.”

    Dapperwulf arched his eyebrow, grinning again. “I’m sure.”

    Looking guiltily off to the side, CaptainBoing added. “Actually, I think I remember hearing a soft mewling when I was walking around the back of the castle. I’ll go check it out. I bet it will be back where it belongs in no time.”

    The professor’s spell lowered her gently to the ground. “Would you be so kind? I would be much relieved knowing it was safe. If anything happened to it, I would be most… displeased,” he finished, an edge in his voice.

    With a yelp, CaptainBoing took off, cradling her bag in her arms as she headed in the direction of the Care of Magical Creatures wing at an impressive speed.

    Rbratt06, having seen this entire exchange, just laughed and shook her head as she carried some supplies tp the carts that she was bringing to Williamstown to help with the expedited crop regrowth. “What mischievous kittens you have, Professor Dapper.”

    Seeing her laden arms, he went over and relieved her of her armful. “Indeed,” he agreed with a sigh. Then he smiled and winked. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

    As the students started down the path, lead by Headmistress Saeraphine who was laughing with Sharondjs and Zumbaforever, some of the students had stopped to take a last look at Ilvermorny before setting off. On the bright, crisp day, the white-grey stone shone as if the castle itself was glowing, and the windows acted as mirrors, reflecting the surroundings.

    SoDamnHungry looked up to the astronomy tower, and her eyes focused on something behind it. With a gasp, she pointed. “Look! The house dragons!” Froliching in the sky, the house dragons could be seen swooping over the castle, scales gleaming in the sunlight.

    Saeraphine’s head snapped up at that, and turned to follow SoDamnHungry’s pointing finger. “They’re not supposed to be out. Who…” but then she saw Grandpap smiling conspiratorially with Urthbert. It seemed they wanted to give their own little farewell to the students. With a resigned sigh, she shook her head, chuckling quietly at their hidden fondness for the students. “Come along, students. We want to get there before nightfall.”



    Upon reaching Williamstown, it was noticeable that something was amiss. The streets were empty, the doors of the shops near the perimeter closed. With worry, the Ilvermornians pushed forward.

    “You don’t think Brandifew and his men came back, do you?!,” Momofamadhouse asked urgently above the murmuring of the other students.

    The group pushed around the corner towards the city center…

    ... and were greeted by the entire town, cheering! Taken back, the wizards froze in their tracks. There were tables set up with plates of food, reminiscent of the welcome feast that first night in Williamstown before the students set out for Ilvermorny. Brightly colored decorations were strewn about the buildings, and in the city center stood William and Violet, each at one end of a huge sign with the town name in clear lettering.

    When the crowd quieted, William began to speak. “Witches and Wizards of Ilvermorny, before you leave for home, Williamstown would like to extend our sincere gratitude for your aid in not only getting us recognized, but also for making sure we are able to survive this upcoming winter.” He inclined his head towards Rbratt06 and her group of Pukwudgie students with that last remark, their aid having been instrumental in ensuring Williamstown’s provisions were well stocked.

    “On behalf of the entire town, we would like to invite you to join us for this potluck dinner before you go. May you have great adventures during your break, and we look forward to welcoming you upon your return!”

    The crowd began to cheer the Ilvermornians again, and moved forward to embrace them, escorting them to tables to sit with them and their families.


    “Term 2 Teaser”

    The professors stood together, watching the No-Maj and wizardfolk intermingling.

    “We have a good community here,” Arielluma said, crossing her arms and surveying the revelry.

    Rbratt06 nodded. “That we do. But I’ve heard reports that it’s not like this everywhere.”

    Dapperwulf took a deep breath, looking troubled. “I was going to wait, but… I received a Raven this morning from an acquaintance with one of those reports… and… other news. I think there’s something we need to discuss.” He turned towards Saeraphine. “Headmistress, there have been--”

    But Saeraphine cut him off with a low whisper. “I know.” She turned to look at her colleagues, her fellow protectors of Ilvermorny. “I glimpsed something when I was scrying this morning.” Turning back to the celebrating people around her, observing their easy smiles and laughter, she forced a smile of her own and said, “But let us have this victory tonight with our charges, and tomorrow… tomorrow, we will discuss the future.”

  • Saeraphine
    Saeraphine Posts: 2,793 Member
    To the Yule Ball!
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