August 31 Sign In

RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes?
Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day?
Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank?


  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    If I missed you, please raise your hand and correct my mistake. I will make the official announcement, tomorrow, September 1.
    During September, I'll communicate further with @craigo3154 and you team members about Craig's idea for a weekly award. I like the idea. If we make a change, I need to change the rules prospectively with sufficient time to provide notice to all current and prospective members.
    Thanks, Rick
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    August 31
    Exercised?: Yes. Walked 5 Km in 38 mins (hills).
    Calories?: Yes.
    Tracked?: Yes.

    Normal day today. Weather is definitely getting warmer here. Looking forward to spring.

    New month starts tomorrow.

    Congratulations to all who made circle this month. Glad that @RangerRickL. included himself this time without prompting. :)

    Special shout out to those who made circle for the first time this month. It was even harder as it was a long month.

    Congratulations too to all who kept going, even after the fourth pass day.

    I will work with Rick on weekly circle idea.

    Time to review start of month goals:
    craigo3154 wrote: »
    July 1
    Goals for this month:
    1. Be in winners circle (track everything, keep under budget, 20+ mins exercise per day, no more than 3 pass days)
    2. Stay between 75kg and 70kg (slow transition to maintenance and trying not to go too slow that I go too low)
    3. Stay honest (even if it puts me out of the circle for the month) and continue past failings (forgive mistakes and keep moving forward)
    4. Encourage others where possible

    Results for the month.
    1. Made winners circle (success)
    2. Was 68.5kg as of this morning (fail). Daily calorie intake is 400 kCal greater than the start of the month (1900 kCal) and I still have not completely levelled off. Shifting the mindset from loss to maintenance is something I am continuing to work at.
    3. Stay honest (success)
    4. Encourage others (not mine to judge, but I think I succeeded at this)

    @SimonsChange. You are doing great. Hope you can stick with us till order to ship out to basic arrive. Do not be concerned about skin folds from losing weight. If you reduce the overall body fat the size will go down.

    @Sandera2. If you are healthy, strong, fit and good size, don't worry so much about the weight. Do you know what your body fat % is (simple calliper test). As for dry September, you need to have something for you (something that you can maintain/sustain long term). If it's a lifestyle change you are happy with then go for it, if it's just to try drop the pounds, I'd think again. You need to look more at your macro balance instead of just blanket cutting alcohol.

    @pribud. My thoughts are with you, your family and the family of the father taken too soon. Family is so important.

  • trixsey1
    trixsey1 Posts: 236 Member
    August 31st

    Exercised?: Yes - Walk with the dogs, 7.5km (10,429 steps)
    Calories?: Yes.
    Tracked?: Yes.

    Sorry just a quick post tonight....

    Hope everyone has had a good day and congratulations to all those who made August's winning circle.

    See you all tomorrow in September's UAC.......xx
  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member
    @craigo3154, thank you for your sound advice! My fat macros are ALWAYS over, i.e. cheese, butter and olive oil, so will try to bring protein up a bit. I'm hoping to kill two birds with one stone on the alcohol. I've been overdoing it :#

    I'm going to check out those fat calipers. Also, I like your idea of weekly goals, I think it will encourage people.
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,391 Member
    edited August 2017
    amazing work everyone in the winners circle

    here comes September!!

    here is how I done this month
    My aims for August

    -- to lose 4 lbs (slow and steady)
    -- to lose 3 inches across the 5 measurements I take
    -- to walk / bike 300 miles
    -- to be in the winners circle
    -- to motivate others in their goals
    -- to eat no higher than 2000 in any day but to avg over each week /month between 1550 - 1650

    4 lbs -- FAIL I lost 3.1 on avg yay! if I take my weight on the 1st and last day of the month its only 0.6 lbs .. so I am instead taking an average of July against an average of Aug

    3 inches -- FAIL I managed 1.75 inches .. so nothing to complain about

    300 miles -- FAIL I travelled 219 miles

    circle -- FAIL missed 11 days with a bad back (which is still in pain)

    motivate others -- FAIL I couldn't motivate myself either!

    within cals - YES I managed this fine I am comfortable within my calories for the month
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    amazing work everyone in the winners circle

    here comes September!!

    here is how I done this month
    My aims for August

    -- to lose 4 lbs (slow and steady)
    -- to lose 3 inches across the 5 measurements I take
    -- to walk / bike 300 miles
    -- to be in the winners circle
    -- to motivate others in their goals
    -- to eat no higher than 2000 in any day but to avg over each week /month between 1550 - 1650

    4 lbs -- FAIL I lost 3.1 on avg yay! if I take my weight on the 1st and last day of the month its only 0.6 lbs .. so I am instead taking an average of July against an average of Aug

    3 inches -- FAIL I managed 1.75 inches .. so nothing to complain about

    300 miles -- FAIL I travelled 219 miles

    circle -- FAIL missed 11 days with a bad back (which is still in pain)

    motivate others -- FAIL I couldn't motivate myself either!

    within cals - YES I managed this fine I am comfortable within my calories for the month

    @Slimpossible007. Even by striving, you are still in a much better position than the start of the month.

    The way I see it, you got more than 50% of the way to each ambitious goal you set. Should be a win in anyones book.

    Look after your back. You only get one. Hopefully you can get a plan of treatment that can relive the pain to allow you to keep active (hard to keep motivated when in pain).
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,391 Member
    edited August 2017
    TY @craigo3154 I really needed to hear that positive slant on my August, I have decided that if the back / hip / tendon (i have no idea what this is or how I got it)has not sorted its self out by Monday then the doc is in order ... its been going on for several weeks already but this is most certainly the worst its felt.

    Before, I was able to walk, now, even walking is a struggle, I went to B& Q to look for new curtains and I am walking at a snails pace .. ugg

    just read your post and well done on your month of maintenance ... only a little drop below your perfect weight great job all the ssame ... More food sounds like the plan ;)
  • fitastic2day
    fitastic2day Posts: 44 Member
    See you all next month...tomorrow! :D

    3 yeses today. Yippee!!
  • windowqueen2003
    windowqueen2003 Posts: 427 Member
    Exercise yes
    Calories yes
    Tracked yes
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    @craigo3154 Not only have you been a wonderful encouragement to team members, it is great for me to have your support and energetic interaction with me and the team!! Thank you so much, Sir Craig!!!
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    @Slimspossible2017 I read your results as SUCCESS, just not quite a big a success as the goal. Still it's SUCCESS. All the numbers went in the right direction.
  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes. Dog walk and work

    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes

    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    Well done to all those in the winners circle, I hope to join you all in September!
  • loopydo2017
    loopydo2017 Posts: 742 Member
    Yay! We made it! Congrats to those in the winners circle and those who stuck around no matter their number of pass days!
    3 yesses today. I've been sick for much of august so I feel like my workouts were bare minimum. Feeling better and ready to head into September with some concrete goals.
  • cardio_enthusiast
    cardio_enthusiast Posts: 639 Member

    It's been an amazing month, and the final day followed suit. I let myself sleep in--so, subsequently I had to rush to work. I'm low maintenance, so my 'get ready' only takes 15 minutes :)

    Exercise: it was raining/drizzling this morning, in the Pacific Northwest... the heaven's gave my plants a drink! I did my full hour's worth of circuit training, along with running intervals in the rain, during the circuits. Also, I got in an additional 8,000 steps today.

    Calories: I was within my goal.

    Tracking: I tracked if all

    Full speed ahead to September! I'm looking forward to seeing everybody, there!
  • pribud
    pribud Posts: 453 Member
    edited September 2017
    well today was a disappointment for me. I thought I was okay but when I finished tracking everything I was not officially over with my exercise calories but I stated at the beginning of the month that I would not use more than 1/2 my exercise calories on any day. Well today I did so I would have to report that I was over calories. Therefore I did not make the winner's circle :'( I will be there again next month though! :) My boys had a better day today, very sad though. Hugs everyone. :)<3

    @everyone thanks for all the kind words :) I really appreciate you!

    exercise yes
    calories no(used more than 1/2 my exercise ones)
    Totals 1,749 177 62 84 1,180 87
    Your Daily Goal 1,885 235 63 95 2,300 71
    Remaining 136 58 1 11 1,120 -16

    regular calories allowed 1490 earned through exercise 395 total 1885

    tracking yes everything
    water 12 glasses
  • marthall
    marthall Posts: 108 Member
    yes x 3

    My lunchtime walk involved stopping to pick blackberry's and then was cut short by heavy rain and hail (yes I know - August!). A couple of short walks in the evening as we ate out at a Chinese restaurant to celebrate my son's imminent start at secondary school (age 11). I ordered a little less than I would usually, and I'd already reduced a few calories elsewhere in the day and even though I was stuffed to bursting at the end I stayed within Calorie goal.

    A very succesful month for me:
    I've logged into MFP for 53 days in a row
    Weight from 81.4 (179.1 lbs) to 77.6 (170.7 lbs) =3.8 Kg or 8.4 lbs
    I've started weight training
    Average of 8600 steps a day
    Estimated Total Caloire deficit for the month of -16,634 Cal, at an average of -536 per day

    Thank you all for your support, I'm a little sad that August if finishing, even though there is a brand new September group to move to.

    @Slimspossible2017 let me echo the other comments, I think your month has been succesful. You are moving in the right direction. Your priority is to sort out your pain, and if your weight loss progress is slow or stalled whilst that happens then that is ok, The key is to do what you reasonably can and not be hard on yourself as long as you are trying.

    @Sandera2 When the scale is not moving it becomes hard to judge progress and success. Getting stronger is a hard goal and you should celebrate that more so than the 3 lbs, and 3 lbs is well within water fluctuations so you probably are still making slow progress towards that goal. Giving up alcohol for a month will make you appreciate it all the more when you resume.
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,391 Member
    @120maggie @RangerRickL @marthall

    TY so much, I should be celebrating going in the right direction, I guess I felt like the whole month has been a wash out and I can see the same happening this month as well.

    But you are ALL correct I have managed to lost weight and inches even thou I was also unable to exercise for part of the month.

    I also managed to travel 219 miles .. which is 219 more that I would have before starting MFP

    again TY all so much .. I needed to hear these positive words :)
  • jesscutedol
    jesscutedol Posts: 40 Member
  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member
    Yes x 3. Congratulations to @everyone else who made it, and congratulations to everyone who still logs in to this group, we are all winners!

    @Marthall, thank you for the encouragement. And congratulations on your weight loss! I see that you're starting weight training. You will love it! I train with my 68you buddy, and we have dramatically changed our bodies in 1.5 years.

    @slimpossible007, I agree with @Maggie and @Craig, the word FAIL doesn't fit for you. You're always here, and that's a huge success. Just showing up is 1/2 the battle.

    @jesscutedol, good to see you back.
  • pribud
    pribud Posts: 453 Member
    @Slimpossible007 you are still going in the right direction, celebrate that success and let go of the is now in the past, history, on the present! Today is a gift that is why it is called the present! You got this girl.............I am cheering for you! HUGS :)
    @Marthall WOW! What a month you have had.......GREAT JOB! Looking forward to sharing your journey through September as well! :)
    @Anya_000 You are definitely a winner! You are doing awesome! So encouraging to others! :)
    I am especially proud of everyone who stuck with us for the month in the winner's circle or not you are all winner's in my book, I WILL be in the winner's circle for September. Hope the rest of you are staying too! HUGS everyone :)<3 I would be lost with you <3
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    Aug 31
    Exercise: 20 min core
    Calories: yes
    Tracked: yes

    Where do I find Sept??
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    Never mind !!!