Schedule for August Challenges

themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
edited July 2017 in Social Groups
Here's what's planned for our August weekly challenges!

July 31 - Aug 6: Theme: Exercise and Movement
Challenge: "Make Your Week Harder"

Dr. Mike Evans developed and promotes the concept of "Make Your Day Harder" by looking for opportunities to add a few more steps and a little more activity to your daily routine. This week, let's extend his terrific concept to a full week!

Aug 7 - Aug 13: Theme: Healthy Practices
Challenge: "Accident Proof"

How safe is your home? Does anything need repairing that could cause an accident? This week, we'll be taking a room by room inventory of our homes to catch potential problems before they cause trouble.

Aug 14 - 20: Theme: Greater Happiness
Challenge "Unplugged" (By Request)

Let's take a needed break from all our phones, computers, tablets, and gadgets and just unplug for awhile. I'm not suggesting we give them up for the whole week-- let's each pick a time interval that works for us-- but a short technology break this week will be beneficial.

Aug 21 - 27: Theme: Healthy Eating
Challenge: "Let's Eat Local"

Let's put the focus this week on enjoying foods grown locally. The summer harvest is in full swing and there are lots of ways you can enjoy foods grown in your "backyard" And eating locally supports your community and keeps your dollars in your neighborhood!

Aug 28 - Sept 3: Theme: Exercise and Movement
Challenge: "Sticking With It"

The last unofficial week of summer can be pretty chaotic with family vacations and other outings. It can really throw our exercise routines for a loop. Let's not let that happen. Let's keep the focus on exercising this week. And if we are away from the gym this week, let's find creative ways to keep moving.
