SOS shout out Sundays 7/27

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
okay troops what have you learned this week did any challenge hate you or anything else in your life? Any celebrations NSVs let me know what's going?


  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Yesterday I was pretty much forced to eat, drink and be merry...because I've been so ridiculously on top of my weight loss. Employer mandated cheat day.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Got a Facebook message from a girl I used to work with, wanting to know if I wanted to join an online circuit training group that she is starting so she can get back in shape again (a few years ago she was going into the FBI academy and needed to get in shape so four of us would do our own circuit training after we were done with work, she was injured at the academy so she had to quit, now she's been accepted to the police academy) so I joined in since some of the stuff I'll do during my training anyway, other things I can add on to what I'm already doing
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    okay guys I learned a lot this week so good in bed I'm going to share. Number one I learned I do not control everything in my life I have to give up control and just allowed things that are going to be be. So I cannot control traffic so I want to have a peaceful ride home and not be anxious and so angry I feel like I'm going to stroke out. So I decided to cancel that class. I'm disappointed because it's a hard core class but its not worth my sanity or my heart or my brain having a heart attack or stroke and out due to stress. So this weekend I went and cancel. And I learned that I will just have to work out hard on my own.

    I also learned about being with friends even though I don't have family here I have friends who are like my family and we all ate together and it was interesting we did not turn the TV on or radio we actually sat in a dinner together and talk and enjoy the food. Even though I'm a cherry pie I make sure each of us has small pieces with light ice cream but we still enjoyed ourselves. I also felt like it was more enjoyment not rushing and stuffing my face.

    I discovered getting back into running have been hard at this time. I'm sort of a shame because I used to run 9 miles straight but now I can barely get through a mile but I'm not giving up I'm going to keep pushing. Push ups are also heart I used to be able to do 20 without stopping I guess getting older really does true that if you don't use it you will lose it. But I'm still going to keep pushing I'm not giving him by any means. And burpees I don't know when I'll ever get easy!
    oh by the way I did read that article and I tried to supplements in my time and they never did anything. Food healthy Whole Foods has only been the thing that has actually changed my body in my system and my energy levels. To each his own.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member


    There are a whole bunch of groups for it:✓&phrase=c25k