Greetings From Glasgow!

Hiya folks! I just wanted to say hello! My name is Ruth, I'm 25. On the lookout for some Scottish support buddies! I'm in Glasgow.


  • cottonz
    cottonz Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Ruth - I'm just South of Glasgow. How are you getting on with MFP? Welcome to the Tartan Trimmers :)
  • I'm still getting used to all the features here. I joined here ages ago but I've just started becoming active again the past few days. Loving the food database! It makes it so much easier to track what I'm eating!
  • dididede
    dididede Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Ruth, hows the weather in Glasgow today? Have added you :smile:
  • Haha! Glasgow's very wet today. Can't really complain though as we've had a really hot few weeks! It's been great!
  • ladylalaland
    ladylalaland Posts: 53 Member
    Hi Ruth, I'm in Glasgow too, east of the city. How are you getting on with MFP?

  • I'm doing pretty well with MFP so far. Although I will admit I'm struggling a bit trying to keep up my weight loss. I'm in the South side of Glasgow.