September 9 sign in

RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes?
Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day?
Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank?


  • pears734
    pears734 Posts: 496 Member
    Exercise? Yes; 55 minutes of strength training and a 1.9 mile run
    Calories? Yes
    Tracking? Yes
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,418 Member
    Yes, yes and yes! 80 minutes of hiking today and fighting the mosquitos
  • fitastic2day
    fitastic2day Posts: 44 Member
    3 yeses today. Still here ;)
  • fightingthetideofaging
    @SimonsChange - Congratulations!! Well deserved, you worked really hard for it!!
    @pahsarj1 - Good luck tomorrow on your Spartan Race!!
    @fitastic2day - Way to hang in there!!

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes..45 minute walk, pretty much a rest day.
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes
  • pcotter54
    pcotter54 Posts: 707 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? yes
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? yes

    Surprised to see I met the calorie restriction. I've been as busy as a one-armed paper-hanger so I guess I didn't have time to overeat!
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,010 Member
    @SimonsChange Absolutely awesome!!
    @pcotter54 I love busy days when I don't think about food!
    @hawkins410 keep singing in the rain!
    I enjoyed a 70 minute hike in the woods with the dog and my husband. Afterwards we met my daughter at an outdoor festival. They ate, I shopped ;);) Tracked and within calories.
  • windowqueen2003
    windowqueen2003 Posts: 427 Member
    Exercise yes
    Calories yes
    Tracked yes
  • cardio_enthusiast
    cardio_enthusiast Posts: 639 Member

    Exercise: yes, I did hill intervals on my bike, for a little more than 2 hours
    Calories: yes, I was within my goal
    Tracking: yes, for everything
  • loopydo2017
    loopydo2017 Posts: 628 Member
    Yes x3. Went to the pool with the family for an hour and a half. The kids are so active in the water, no sitting on the sidelines for me! I had a blast but was exhausted by the end.
    Way to go @SimonsChange!
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    I've been very distracted and involved in the marriage of my 38 year old daughter, Diana. She has two children from a prior marriage. All has been well, including my calories.
    Calories: way below my limit. Frankly, by avoiding gluten my food calories are way too low. My red wine calories are abnormally very high. Combination is well below my limit.
    Exercise: walking and dancing
    Tracking: ok
  • astroamy
    astroamy Posts: 977 Member
    Sept 8:
    Sick day, got my exercise and tracked everything but went over calories.

    Sept 9:
    Exercise: 55 min interval run + 10000 steps
    Calories: well under
    Track everything: Yep.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    September 9
    Exercised?: Yes. Walked 7 Km in 60 mins (hills).
    Calories?: Yes.
    Tracked?: Yes.

    Did not post last night as busy with other things (zen and the art of soldering wires on a PCB that I can only see with a magnifying glass :) ).

    Longer than my usual walk, but 2 stops to take stones out of shoes. :( (probably about 3 mins slower than it should have been).

    Unfortunately, could not coax wife out of house to walk today despite nice weather. Maybe tomorrow.

    @RangerRickL. I found that when you cut out bread products (a main source of gluten), the calorie count goes down dramatically. I find I need to eat more to make daily budget. After doing this for months, I find I do not miss bread at all (but it is a hassle to avoid as it seems to be everywhere).
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    Sept 8 & 9
    Exercise: 20 min core. 25 min walk
    Calories: yes..yes
    Tracked: yes yes

    Still here...searching for my mojo...
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,295 Member
    Sept 7
    Exercised: Yes.- walk the dog - twice - 5k
    Calories: Yes.
    Tracked: Yes.

    Sept 8
    Exercised: Yes. - yoga inferno
    Calories: Yes.
    Tracked: Yes.

    Sept 9
    Exercised: Yes. - spin class
    Calories: Yes.
    Tracked: Yes.
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,295 Member
    Sorry...long week...trying to stay on top of everything. ...but those cracks are getting bigger...and things are falling through :(