Anyone loose the weight b4 getting pregnant?

ariel1116 Posts: 555 Member
Hey guys! So I have an almost 2 year old. And me and my husband think it's time to try for another one! Only thing is I'm still trying to loose the rest of my weight! I've lost 60lbs so far but want to loose another 20-30lbs. I'm really scared that I'll never reach my goal if I have another one. Or I'm scared I'll gain all my weight back once I get pregnant again. Anyone ever loose a lot of weight then get pregnant?


  • ariel1116
    ariel1116 Posts: 555 Member
    Oh gosh I could tell I was half asleep when I posted this with all the spelling errors hahaha!
  • sarah30isael
    sarah30isael Posts: 88 Member
    I had dropped bout 20/30 lbs before I got pregnant with my son 10urs ago and I gained it all back and some when he was born... took me 2 yrs to get back down.. I gained it back because of stress... lost it again...10 yrs later I got pregnant with my daughter and lost that weight but now im trying to get back to normal lol
  • sarah30isael
    sarah30isael Posts: 88 Member
    I think it all depends on you... if you are determined you can lose it... its not impossible....
  • Uisceuisce
    Uisceuisce Posts: 37 Member
    I lost 2 stone after my second baby, I had a third baby, I put the weight back on as I led a sedentary lifestyle and ate a lot of rubbish as well as work and looking after 3 kids.
    I'm back losing it now.i did it before and I ll do it again!! I'm finished having babies now so working on my forever body!
  • Veeedot
    Veeedot Posts: 122 Member
    I lost 14lbs before getting pregnant and another 14lbs in the first trimester without even teying because of bad sickness and gain the lot back :/