What is your class doing now?

I recently opened a new Taekwondo school in a small neighboring town inside of a new dance studio. Yesterday I had 7 students ( my best turn out so far).

For warm ups I set up a circuit.

1) run laps
2) Push ups touching your chest to a mitt laid on the floor
3) jump front/back over a Bamboo stick
4) alternating punches on a heavy bag
5) jump side/side over bamboo stick
6) Back leg front kicks on a pad I was holding

I did one minute intervals with 30 seconds rest. The kids really responded well and got a little sweat going.
The rest of the class was front kicks, punches, and the punch/punch/kick white belt combo followed by some sustained stretches. It always amazes me how stiff today's youth are.


  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    I run a black belt class that meets on Sundays. We typically have 3-4 segments that we work through in 90 minutes, and we work things in minute detail, focusing on the weakest areas of our training. It definitely is not a "typical" class, as we spend a lot more time on the details, sometimes working 1/2 hour or more on just 1 move.

    Last Sunday:
    • Pullups 2 sets to failure
    • Pushups 2x30
    • Bodyweight squats 2x45
    • Hanging leg-lifts
    15 minutes sparring - no pads. I still have bruises.
    30 minutes Kicking basics: Spin outer crescent kick.
    - Covered difference between straight leg and bent leg outer crescent, focused primarily on bent leg (previous week was working on straight leg), and then onto spin crescent 3 person drills, with 1 kicker, 1 target holder, and 1 observer (who mostly was reporting on knee and hip position, shoulder rotation and timing).
    45 minutes ground self-defense
    • Mount escape
    • Mount escape during ground and pound
    • Mount escape during front choke
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    We're preparing for our next belt test. So for the kids it's mostly going over poomsea over and over. We also dedicate a week once in a while to board breaking which is going on now.

    In our adult class we've been doing a lot of line drills and kicking drills.

    There's one exercise I call "monkey in the middle" that we do once in a while, that we did once this week. If you have students in multiples of three what you do is:

    For each triplet one person grabs paddle targets, one person grabs a shield target, and each go to opposite ends of the mat. Then the person in the middle runs back and forth doing kicking/punching drills for x rounds. Then you rotate holders so everyone gets a go. Always a lot of fun and a great calorie burn.

    So first three rounds might be 50 punches on the paddles, 30 snap kicks on the shield. Next three rounds roundhouse roundhose on paddles and spin back kick on the shield. Maybe 10 speed round house each leg on the shield and 20 jack knives at the paddle side. etc. You can add push ups in or front rolls in the middle too.