2017 Aussie update - find a friend

I'm 49, female, live in Sydney, work full time, fat, obese actually. I'm a size 16, up from a size 10. Highly embarrassed to be back at MFP after gaining 25kg back AGAIN. Possibly more. I haven't weighed myself for a couple of months and didn't weigh or measure myself this morning but it's my best guess. Ugh. Why why why did I let myself get here again!

I don't have any excuses except all of my excuses... Sugar addiction being the main reason why I'm here in this hellish hole again. I'm not an alcoholic but I have all the trademarks of being a sugar addict of the hopeless variety. I've got a problem with food. Actually, no food isn't the problem but I use or abuse food as the solution to all of MY problems. It's got to stop.

When I eat well I look after myself. When I don't eat well I don't look after myself. It's a horrible downward spiral and I've had enough.

So I'm back here AGAIN to assist with the weight loss process in conjunction with some very serious 12 step Recovery work. I need to stop the cycle of my addictions or I'll die a very slow and painful death of food related and self indulgent diseases and be carried out through the window of my house via a crane into a coffin.

I'll be doing LCHF/Keto and will be back in the weights room very soon. I look forward to getting my mojo back again!

Hope to find some friends along the way.
from Skim