Check-in: Good Start and Good End

themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
If you're joining us for our challenge this week, how is it going for you? Are you getting a morning and/or evening routine that works for you?


  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Well, some progress in getting an evening routine established. The hardest part is giving up the iPad at a decent hour. I've moved my shower up earlier at night (for me, a natural wind down signal) and added some stretches and deep breathing. I'm going to keep at it!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,988 Member
    I have been thinking about improving my evening schedule, but have only made minor improvements. Last semester I had 8 AM classes, so I had to have my act together in the evening, and I would set out my clothes. I am working on getting off the computer in the evening, but that is still a struggle. Like you @themaedalist, I'll keep at it.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    It's really hard to shut things down at 10, but I have been in bed by 11:15 all week instead of midnight or later, so that's progress. Of course, I can't go to sleep for a long time then because my body says it's too early. But I'll keep working on it. My days go much better when I organize my day in writing first thing in the morning, so I've been doing that most days this week...still not consistent though. That's one habit I really want to establish so I'll have to stick with it every morning possible. The Push Goal plan that I use has worksheets with spaces for one thing I'm grateful for that day, schedule of planned events, 3 10 minute tasks that are related to achieving my Push Goal, and random thoughts of the day.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,988 Member
    @nebslp , that Push Goal plan sounds good. I need to investigate it.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    One thing that I did manage to begin to bring back into my evening routine this week was to have my dishes completed before going to sleep. I used to be really very good at this, and it did make a big difference in my morning just for the simple fact that my kitchen was clean and ready for the new day instead of having a mess greet me that early in the morning.

    The other thing I did was that I shut down the computer earlier in the evening for several days this week!

    But... I stayed up way too late two of those nights listening to my audio book and coloring. I should have used my timer to have a stop time. I know that I do so much better when I use my timer.

    My basic morning routine of getting up (I abandoned snoozing many years ago) and getting dressed down to my shoes etc has been automatic for years. However, my difficulty has been with consistently including other positive things that I want to do in the mornings, as I can easily get distracted with something or another in the morning.

    One thing new that I started doing was to choose the DVD workout the night before so that it was ready for me in the morning. Or to decide if I was going to walk or do yard/garden work in the morning instead of a DVD.

    For many years I used to do well with morning and evening routines because I had them written down. I got away from using them when my circumstances changed and then forgot all about them until this week. Today I found them in my computer. I will need to update them to reflect my life now.

    I did not get around to reading the resources yet, but the info graphics were inspiring. I plan to read them before I update my routines to see if I get any new inspirations.

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    I have carried this into this week, because I still have not come up with a good plan for morning. My evening has only consisted (so far) of packing my lunch the evening before, setting out my clothes and setting up coffee with auto timer. I am still struggling with adding exercise and unplugging prior to bed at a decent hour.

    Mornings are just horrible for me, so still working on this one. It would be really great if I could quit hitting snooze and get up earlier, and get myself to eat breakfast in the morning.

    Still a work in progress, but I have not given up on this one! :)