October 22 Sign In



  • bocasdelbadbob
    bocasdelbadbob Posts: 111 Member
    @bocasdelbob I've told you this before, and now I'm gonna tell you this in front of all of the UAC witnesses, you may be crazy, but you are my Hero!!
    My puny report ...

    235 pushups! Man on man! Here I sit on recovery day drinking beer and whiskey.

    I am thinking about going camping to Moab. That might be 5 hours of driving but I think the weather still works.

    My little buddy... I think I might have found some equine therapy for him. I think I might pony up the money for it. Other than Buddy... I don't know what to think might be my legacy.

    What am I gonna do otherwise? Prance around in a Winnebego? That ain't me. I am more cowboy than that even though I ain't got a horse.
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    @bocasdelbob Pony up the $ for Buddy to have equine therapy and go along for the experience. You will love it.