Class and Practice Check-in

Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
edited September 2017 in Social Groups
As martial artists who are also members of a WL and fitness website, it can be helpful for us to remain accountable to each other, and share training ideas.

Any time you participate in class, or practice out side of class, post here and let everyone know. You can write something as simple as "Went to sparring class... got my licks in", or get into as much detail on the practice as you'd like.

This post gets rebuilt every day, to remind us to approach each practice/training/class with a fresh perspective:

- It doesn't matter how hard you worked yesterday... what matters is what you do today.


  • PlayerOne_
    PlayerOne_ Posts: 3 Member
    Forms practice (our club is very proud to have a nationally-ranked forms competitor, and I'm learning so much artistry from him)

    A bit of acrobatics and trick kicking practice. I'm working on getting an aerial. Martial arts? Not exactly, but it sure makes for cool demos. =)
  • faerie0506
    faerie0506 Posts: 27 Member
    First time back in BJJ tonight since I hurt my knee.
    We learnt a couple of variations of a slightly sneaky collar choke, which was great fun. :D
    It felt good to be back in my Gi and on the mats, and my knee held up better than I hoped, just had to modify a couple of positions slightly. I even had a few rolls at the end, just slightly more carefully than usual. I've missed this so much! :)
  • Soy_K
    Soy_K Posts: 246 Member
    PlayerOne_ wrote: »
    Forms practice (our club is very proud to have a nationally-ranked forms competitor, and I'm learning so much artistry from him)

    A bit of acrobatics and trick kicking practice. I'm working on getting an aerial. Martial arts? Not exactly, but it sure makes for cool demos. =)

    i'm working on getting an aerial too! so close but i'm always so scared to fall on my head!
  • shadowbaby4
    shadowbaby4 Posts: 60 Member
    I don't usually have childcare for evening classes, but I managed to make it to BJJ tonight and it was great! My partner kept apologizing, but I truly don't mind being strangled or thrown. It's just the joint locks I hate.
  • PlayerOne_
    PlayerOne_ Posts: 3 Member
    Soy_K wrote: »
    i'm working on getting an aerial too! so close but i'm always so scared to fall on my head!

    Yup I was super afraid of that too, but a friend mentioned it's nearly physically impossible to fall on your head/neck. Much more likely to roll an ankle or land badly and fall on your tailbone. Sure enough that's what happened first time I tried haha. I still can't quite land them. I flip and then fall on my butt.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,578 Member
    Awesome class last night. 6 girls on the mat which is always fun. Technique with my bestie which always turns into a mini rolling session. I did pass beat our best blue girl in line drills!!!!
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    Kata, sparring and padwork last night - a good mix of everything. Probably spent half the lesson teaching kata to junior grades again - it's nice to be included in the group of people Sensei trusts to do some teaching, but sometimes I just want a really hard workout and someone to tell me what *I'm* doing wrong!

    I have a huge rant brewing about petulant teenage girls and their entitled attitudes, but I will bite my tongue and keep teaching my kata.
  • Soy_K
    Soy_K Posts: 246 Member
    PlayerOne_ wrote: »
    Soy_K wrote: »
    i'm working on getting an aerial too! so close but i'm always so scared to fall on my head!

    Yup I was super afraid of that too, but a friend mentioned it's nearly physically impossible to fall on your head/neck. Much more likely to roll an ankle or land badly and fall on your tailbone. Sure enough that's what happened first time I tried haha. I still can't quite land them. I flip and then fall on my butt.

    i tend to just end up tapping my elbows on the ground at the last minute. i've tried the more capoeira version where you do it from standing and it ends up looking more like a butterfly kick :P
  • Soy_K
    Soy_K Posts: 246 Member
    last night i had an hr and 20 minutes of semi-private class. it was just me and one guy who learns bagua. we take turns with the coach and practicing on our own alternately. i worked on 2 of my forms (elementary long fist and staff). for me the beginning of classes is always the same. there's a little running, a conditioning warm up, stretching (7mins), basic kicks, sometimes jumping. last night the coach cut the forms up into 4 parts. when it was my turn i had to repeat each part 3 times in a row before going on to the next section. at the very end of class i had to do the whole forms. it was pretty freaking exhausting. at each turn, you get a bunch of corrections on details you're supposed to fix. after class we have a few minutes of conditioning, usually pulsing hollow body holds, flipping over with hands and feet not touching the ground and pulsing whatever that thing is called that's the opposite of hollow body when you're on your stomach.
  • Brabo_Grip
    Brabo_Grip Posts: 285 Member
    Soy_K wrote: »
    last night i had an hr and 20 minutes of semi-private class. it was just me and one guy who learns bagua. we take turns with the coach and practicing on our own alternately. i worked on 2 of my forms (elementary long fist and staff). for me the beginning of classes is always the same. there's a little running, a conditioning warm up, stretching (7mins), basic kicks, sometimes jumping. last night the coach cut the forms up into 4 parts. when it was my turn i had to repeat each part 3 times in a row before going on to the next section. at the very end of class i had to do the whole forms. it was pretty freaking exhausting. at each turn, you get a bunch of corrections on details you're supposed to fix. after class we have a few minutes of conditioning, usually pulsing hollow body holds, flipping over with hands and feet not touching the ground and pulsing whatever that thing is called that's the opposite of hollow body when you're on your stomach.

    Sounds like a heck of a workout!
  • Brabo_Grip
    Brabo_Grip Posts: 285 Member
    My slow healing rib still means no BJJ which is really bumming me out.

    I didn't train and stand up either yesterday, but I did do 20 k on my bike for the first time. One of my MMA training partners are looking toward doing a sprint triathlon this summer, for fun. Nothing will ever replace combat sports, but my injury has made me branch out on other ways to get cardio and conditioning which has led to some fun little side goals.
  • Brabo_Grip
    Brabo_Grip Posts: 285 Member
    So I forgot to check in yesterday. Did kickboxing class which helped some technique issues. My kicks will never be one one would consider in the realm of pretty, but I do need them to be effective for what I nes them to do - help manage distance and set up other techniques.

    Afterwards I did the biathlon portion of the sprint trialthalon one of my MMA training partners and I are shooting for. 20k on the bike and then right into the 5k run. I have a baseline for that portion now especially with never having done anything like it before in my life, I feel halfway good at where I am at to start.

  • Soy_K
    Soy_K Posts: 246 Member
    I did a two hr class yesterday. It's really different from my weekday classes. I would say that it's physically less challenging but I get a lot more verbal explanation from this coach. I feel like between the two I'm learning a lot, though some people seem to think that it's bad practice to have more than one teacher. I started with one teacher (who is far) and found the other class later (closer in proximity to my house). I'd probably go to the other school more often if it wasn't so far and stick with learning there, but as it is I'm going to two schools. The closer class doesn't happen more than once a week.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    edited September 2017
    As long as you aren't getting contradictory information.. having an extra pair of eyes on your technique is a good thing!
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Black belt class this morning - conditioning, 1 on 1 sparring, and one of my favorite things... 1-on-1-on-1 sparring (3 people not 2 on 1.. free for all), then I led a kicking drill to work on intra-kick timing, and then we did some ground work - specifically a back mount escape. Good times!
  • galactictkd
    galactictkd Posts: 4 Member
    Feels good to be feeling good after neck issues and getting sick. Got to train with and 8th degree Friday, a 7th degree Saturday and two 4th degrees today. Great way to get back to the training regimine. Ground fighting class tomorrow with our resident bjj teacher. I try to go to class even when injured to keep my routine, the couch gets comfortable, and to see the instruction from a different perspective. Hope everyone stays healthy and injury free. Is that possible?
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    Another basics session last night, with half an hour just on stances, my thighs are killing me from holding long stances for so long. The good thing about Sunday class is that we have up to 3 teachers so there's more chance of some personal help, myself and another brown belt got a good half hour with our 9th dan coach last night going through grading requirements. It's good to have input from a different sensei.
  • bingo_007
    bingo_007 Posts: 101 Member
    Went rock climbing on the weekend and today I went for Pilates training. Tomorrow will be another session of Muay Thai :)
  • faerie0506
    faerie0506 Posts: 27 Member
    Did my grading for Muay Thai yesterday, first one at after nearly one year of training. It went better than I hoped, and I am now a Orange 2nd grade, which means I've managed to skip 3 grades. According to the feedback from my coaches, I was only a bit off getting Green, but my fluency is not quite there yet, which is very fair comment. I do overthink everything still, and I was thrilled they graded me as high as they did. :)
    We really do have a great team of coaches at my gym, all of whom work together to make you the best fighter you can be. I can't imagine not going there anymore.
    Now for my first interclub on the Oct 8th, I can't wait! :D