My accountability: showjumper

showjumper Posts: 335 Member
Hello all,

My accountability discussion....... my goals for the next 6 weeks, which will take me up to Halloween, October 31....

10,000 steps a day
C25k program M-W-F/S
5 rides a week (down to 1 horse)
Walk my fruitcake of a dog every night for at least 15 min
Try to limit food after 8:30pm
Breakfast (even if its a smoothy)

I would like to incorporate weights/gym in there too but not sure when..... I have trouble with time management and schedules, but now that I am down to one horse and 1 out of 3 men left at home I should focus on me.

Oh lord help me... I need a miracle!


  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    Awesome! We can do this :)
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    Thanks @crimsongrey

    Got 10,566 steps today
    Flat lesson which was super
    Food after 8:30 will start tomorrow!
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    The food is the hardest part for me. Actually, it's the beer that's the hard part for me :smiley: Pumpkin harvest! Yum
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    I was about 75% good on my accountability this weekend..... I find if I don't get going I will sit and feel sorry for myself. My once very busy house is now very still and quiet. My oldest son moved out, my youngest son is working 12-14 hours a day 6 days a week and my SO is working 24 days on 7 days off in Texas......

    10,105 Steps
    good light ride
    Pizza night..... I only got enough for my son I had a salad
    Cold and snow/rain, dog stayed in. :neutral:

    3 hour esthetics appointment killed the whole morning
    4,721 steps
    30 min "walk" consisting of going up the block to the park and throwing a ball for 25 min
    I did eat well.

    10,783 Steps
    ground pole work with the horse
    made my hot cereal/oatmeal breakfast bowls and soup for the week
    Had breakfast, snacks and dinner before 6pm

    Have a plan for today, I did pack a great day of food..... including breakfast, lunch and snacks, already drank 1.5l of water. Now to get that exercise in!
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    Today was ok... suffering a bit from healthy food but got my steps in.... food was good haven’t walked the dog yet and it’s close to 10:30..
  • Shron123
    Shron123 Posts: 221 Member
    ... "suffering a bit from healthy food".
  • Here4Ponies
    Here4Ponies Posts: 116 Member
    following to see how you do it.... I have similar expectations of myself but rarely meet them.
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    Hi @Here4Ponies how are you doing today! What is your goal for today? Steps....... 10,000k is that a good number? Higher? Lower? Are you working today? What causes you to fall short of your goals? Maybe we can figure something out :)

    I didn't sleep well again last night, sirens and a restless dog made for a long night.... lots of theft and burglaries in our neighborhood in the last 2 years and being alone is disconcerting for me so my sleep can be sporadic and even non existent, leading to days of **ugh**

    I had a good jumping lesson last night, my greenie is such a super star! Getting ready for a 2 day clinic this weekend then possibly the last show of the year in 2 weeks. I ended up with 9,974 steps (recorded) not bad for my garmin being on the charger for the morning and a deadline day at work where I have 8 hours to do 10 hours of work so bathroom is about as far as I get to walk from 8-5...

    Shron123 wrote: »
    ... "suffering a bit from healthy food".
    gas pains :o

  • Here4Ponies
    Here4Ponies Posts: 116 Member
    Good job @showjumper !

    My goal overall is 3 strength training sessions a week, 2 cardio sessions a week, and 5-8 rides (I work with 2 horses) a week. I have a riding lesson 2-3 times per week. I've decided calorie goals are just too much right now so I'm focusing on not eating food I didn't bring from home. I big batch cook once or twice a week and freeze most of it so I have a rotating supply of my own frozen dinners. I work 5 days a week, teach all day Saturday and a couple hours on Sunday. I don't track my steps.

    My biggest issue is time. I'm an empty nester with a BF who works evenings and weekends. You wouldn't think time would be scarce but I sure feel like it is. I leave the house at 6am and, after gym/work/barn/errands, am often not home until 9pm. I've always wondered how other folks make it work.
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    Ok, so I've done pretty well for myself this week, I'm happy...... today maybe not going to get 10,000 as i have alot of sitting.....

    I have averaged 9770 a day since sunday, I have packed food all week except today. Rode Tue/Wed/ running no gym but have walked the dog all but one night..... so it has been good.

    @Here4Ponies How have you been doing? I know all about your issue is time.... and you are busier then me! I know most nights I ride its 9-10 when I get home, my housework suffers during the week and i spend the better part of saturday morning making up for it. I just try and get everything done and what doesn't waits until the next day and that where i start and try not to stress about what doesn't get done. Not much help I am sure, I'm sorry :(

    Happy weekend!!!

    I'm off to get the horse and do the 2 hour drive to the clinic! So excited!!
  • Here4Ponies
    Here4Ponies Posts: 116 Member
    How was the clinic @showjumper ?

    Its the no-stressing-over-things-left-undone I struggle with most -- at least that's what my BF says. I'm a dressage rider ( = Type A Obsessive-Compulsive Perfectionist). I've decided to just focus on activity and eat intuitively. I still make and pack food for the day so I avoid the Taco Bells but I'm not tracking food. As of this morning I'm 0.2 pounds lighter so maybe it'll work. We'll see.
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    the clinic was amazing! 2.5 hours on Saturday and 2 hours on Sunday, it was a group of 5 so there was some standing around towards the end as we jumped one at a time but about 75% was flatwork and continual so it was nice i was still alive after that!

    I would worry about the sun coming up if it was late..... so i am familiar with your analogy! I do not track my food, I know from experience it is movement I need to work on not food, unless it is because I'm not eating... So I am trying to focus on that too.

    Light ride last night after Monday off... last show of the year is next week will leave Tuesday afternoon and show each day til Sunday! Lots of steps those days, just wish I could figure out how to do it full time :(
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    Great picture! Keep us posted on the show!
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    Can't wait to hear about the show!
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    @crimsongrey :) phoned this morning to ensure they had my entries and let them know I wouldn't be on the grounds until after 8:00pm....... not enough hours in the day today to be at work and trying to coordinate everything outside of here!

    will check in daily as i will have extra time ish on my work, no kids, no dog!

    thanks for checking in!
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    how was the show?
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    Well I have typed this up like 3 times and tried to put a video in but it froze on my phone and I gave up :(
    The show went well I rode the 0.90 clear round and the 0.80m division and one of the barns riders did the 0.90m classes. My horse was super, he had 2 rails all week and got braver each day. Pretty good considering he hasn't been under saddle for a full year yet.
    My SO came back from Texas on the Thursday and my diet went down hill that day. I haven't gone near a scale since!
    Need to decide on another benchmark over the next 90 days.
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    Sounds like the show was awesome!
    I bet you're so happy to have SO home :)
    We both need a 90 day goal! Let's pick something and hold each other accountable :smiley:
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    How's it going? Did you make a 90 day goal?
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    well..... no 90 day goal but I should start one as it is just over 90 days until my bday :) I had a clinic with the same guy that was out in May and he commented on how good I looked and how much fitter I was, so that was great to hear. I do feel fitter, scale isn't changing though :( We are off to Mexico for a week during Christmas so I am working on getting ready for that although I have just 18 days left on that.....

    I do commit to riding 5 days a week and running 4 and the dog goes without saying... I am trying to get into hot yoga but its not lining up with my schedule yet. I am also trying to get a routine for the gym. I haven't been sleeping well so the struggle to get up in the morning for work is hard enough can't seem to drag myself out any earlier to work out.
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    Ok so I had a set back :( I am not able to do much of anything until the weekend.. this includes no riding, no running and only short walk for the dog (under 20min) thankfully I took her this morning for 45 min.
    Rider error on Friday put me in the ER, I came off and he stepped on my inner thigh. It is extremely painful, beautiful colors and has much swelling making my leg look awful. I have 17 days before I go to Mexico....... sigh..... why silly things get in the way?... poopy!
  • Shron123
    Shron123 Posts: 221 Member
    Awww. So sorry. Hope it heals well and fast. Horses and riding is great but it can take its toll on us. All the best and God Speed.
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    edited December 2017
    Ouch!!! Hope it heals quickly.
    Awesome that the clinician noticed your fitness! This is just a short set back. You'll be going strong soon!
  • showjumper
    showjumper Posts: 335 Member
    Well the outdoor season for us is now over... we had a good year and finished strong with our first 0.90m class! Clear in the first round and a rail on the jump off... pretty happy with that! Me to work on straightness and rideability ovec thr winter...

    Miss all of you and the chatter from the group. Hope everyone had a great summer and were able to meet and exceed their goals! Would love to hear from you all especially @Here4Ponies @crimsongrey @Shron123