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Term 4

Posts: 2,735 Member
Term 4
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
“Argh!” MzHill08 threw her hands up in the air, frustrated as her satchel split open. Her books, quills, parchment and a few other objects went spilling everywhere. Tossing the ripped bag on the grass beside her, she cast a quick reparo on the seam and began gathering her things. Hearing footsteps on the dirt path behind her, she brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes and threw a quick glance over her shoulder, unsure if it was friend or foe.
Another traveler, laden with a pack and walking staff….and a quill stuck in her hair, came trudging up the path. The woman startled as she almost stepped on a ink bottle. “Watch out!” cried MzHill08.
“Oh!” yelped smile_laughter. “I’m so sorry! Here, let me help you.” She bent down and helped MzHill08 gathering the scattered contents of the bag. Picking up a jar filled with mugwort, she eyed it curiously before handing it over. “Um, You have a lot of ….interesting… stuff.”
MzHill08 laughed, slightly uncomfortably. “Yeah, I, ummm..” After the witch trials last term in Salem, everyone had been rather on the skittish side to admit to any kinship with magic to strangers.
The newcomer picked up a fallen notebook, the crest of Ilvermorny emblazoned on the front. “You...you go to Ilvermorny?!” she asked incredulously. “This is my first year!”
“Really?!” MzHill08 jumped up with excitement, stuffing the last of the escaped goods back into her satchel. “Great! We can travel together the rest of the way then! Just wait till you see it! I wonder what house you’ll be sorted into? I mean, Thunderbird is exciting, and Pukwudgie is super friendly, Wampus can be a bit intense, but really they’re awesome and Horned Serpent is just incredible at the stuff they come up with and then the dragons and the ….”
With an arm tossed over the shoulder of her new, wide-eyed friend, she led the way towards Williamstown and the start of a new term.
At the tavern of the Star’s Rest Inn, Violet was chatting easily with the former Salem guard, Perry. Last term, the court had been left in an uproar, and constables immediately sent to Master Gutan’s (aka Gaunt’s) residence after Perry’s testimony and almost assassination. Gaunt had blasted her way out of her home, injuring one of the younger constables gravely (who made a mysterious, miraculous recovery after being visited by a nurse claiming to hail from Williamstown), and her spectacular departure had set the town into even more of a suspicious uproar. Talk of witches was at every corner, most of them outlandish tales involving long noses and warts that could trace their origin back to the unseemly appearance of Gaunt herself.
Perry, now keen to witness the world he’d just discovered existed, had moved after the chaos died down to the kinder No-Maj settlement of Williamstown at the base of Mt. Greylock, the peak of which housed the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. “That’d be them then? All gathering at every available perching post like the ravens that sent for them?” Perry wondered, unbelieving at the sheer number of students making their way into the Tavern.
Violet laughed. “Yes, though this year is a much larger crowd than terms past. Even with the paranoia, good word is spreading.”
Perry suddenly was knocked forward as Professor Dapperwulf clapped him heartily on the back. “It is indeed, and we partly have this man to thank. Why, think how our reputation would’ve been tarnished if I’d been convicted of cursing innocents.”
Saeraphine sat down at the table next to Violet. “Yes, not to mention how difficult it would’ve been replacing our Head of Wampus here when they’d executed him. Oh, the paperwork!” Saeraphine grinned into her pomegranate juice as Dapper glared at that last remark before he flipped a chair backwards to sit on it. He opened his mouth to retort, but Ariel bopped him on the back of the head with a condescending “now, children” causing Rbratt06 to begin snickering.
Violet leaned forward and reached to pat Dapperwulf’s hand consolingly. “We all are very glad you’re back, dearie.”
The Wampus professor caught Violet’s hand and gave it a gentlemanly kiss, causing Violet to twitter and Perry to clear his throat and shift uncomfortably. “And I am immensely glad to be back. I’ve heard the castle has fallen into disarray in my absence. It must be true, what with Horned Serpent winning last term...,” Dapperwulf taunted with a side glance at the Headmistress. Saeraphine let out a cough that sounded suspiciously like “kitten mittens”, to which Dapperwulf promptly began to color.
Rbratt spoke up, asking Violet, “Do you know where William is? We need to speak with him. There may be some visitors that’ll pass through on their way to--”
Just then, the sound of breaking glass drew the assembled faculty’s attention, each one rising with wands raised, ready to defend their charges. Returning students Shinton1618 and Tahm42 looked sheepishly around, 17 shattered pint glasses on the floor in front of them. “We, er… well we were both the MPW’s of our house last term and…” Tahm began, scratching the back of her head in embarrassment.
“It was just a friendly wager,” Shinton interjected. “See who could cast the most simultaneous leviosa charms…”
The tavern began to relax while Ariel beared down on them both, lips pursed. “Well now you’ll see who can cast the best reparo charms!” Then, quieter as business in the tavern resumed, “Goodness, you didn’t drink all these yourselves, did you??” The students exchanged guilty glances, and began repairing the glass rather than answer.
Mysterious News
The returning students had arrived at the castle finally, after the merriment had continued uninterrupted following the Leviosa incident and the professors had huddled mysteriously with William. The poor first years were still trudging up the mountain during the summer heat, their rite of passage not yet completed to earn them the use of the shortcut portals the returning students used along the way.
In what felt like a refreshing breeze to the returning Thunderbirds, the wind tunnel deposited them gently at the top of Thunderbird tower, Junodog1 laughing as she led the way to the firepole that ran down the center. The sun caught on it as she neared, and the resulting glint momentarily blinded her.
“What is it, Juno?” SusanMFindlay asked, stopping to help her friend. “Cramp?”
“No, no, just… the pole, has it ever been so… polished?” Juno asked.
“I’ve never paid much attention to it. But actually… do the stones look… cleaner to you?” Susan replied, noticing a color change from when she had left for break.
Grandpap, one of the elder pukwudgies that looked after Ilvermorny, was coming up the stairs to the top of the tower and answered. “Aye, it’s cleaner. After much hard scouring, so don’t you lot go scuffing it up. We have some important guests coming soon.”
“Who?!” asked Lavadoll, ears perking. “It’s not Mr. Kilmer, the play actor, is it?!”
Grandpap looked as confused as ever, “What? I don’t know who that is. Anyway, just mind yourselves around the castle.” Grandpap looked around carefully, then leaned in conspiratorially. “I’m telling you this for your own good. Grandmam has been in quite a state since we got the news.”
“What news?” asked Juno, getting frustrated by the non-answers.
Grandpap opened his mouth to reply, but was interrupted by the sound of a very irate older woman calling his name. He grimaced, already beginning down the stairs again. “See? Must dash.”
The sweaty pack of first years finally made their way through the doors into the cool of the castle. Packs were unceremoniously dropped to the ground as they took one of the proffered water cups the professors were enchanting their way (inspired by Shinton and Tahm’s earlier hijinks as they had a competition of their own.) The faculty was waiting further in, gathered outside of a large curved double door flanked on either side by slightly smaller matching entrances.
It was obvious this was a room of much import, and a couple of the more curious first years began to try to study the carving, earning a grin from the Headmistress. She spoke up, her voice reverberating through the entrance chamber. “Welcome all to Term 4 at the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We’re delighted that you’ve found your way to our best kept open secret. The women to my left and man to my right,” she said as she gestured at Rbratt, Arielluma, and Dapperwulf, “... are your go-to’s for any question you may have. Feel free to send them a raven at any time.”
“Behind us is the Statuary, where the Guardians of Greylock reside. At the end of this week, each of you will take your place on the pedestal and be sorted into the house that will be your home for your duration at our school. But for now, there is a matter of much more pressing import we must address.” Saeraphine’s hands, which had been folded in front of her, released each other and she gestured with a dramatic sweep to the left of the chamber down a hall to another set of huge heavy wooden doors.
These doors, the students noticed as they got closer, led by the professors, were plain, with no markings to indicate what lie beyond. Ariel gestured with a head nod and a raised eyebrow for one of the students to push open the door. Bdbchick stepped up, and as the wood parted before the first year group, a roarous noise filled their ears while their nostrils were assaulted by a myriad of smells. As the students stood on tiptoe to see over each other’s shoulders into the chamber beyond, Rbratt announced ominously, “It is now time… for dinner!”
A few of the first years sighed in relief, their shoulders relaxing as they made their way into the Great Hall. The smells that had wafted their way had been none other than the pukwudgies’ fine cooking, and the sounds were those of the returning students who were already seated, enthusiastically waving their first year fellows to come and join them.
Rbratt continued, “Our harder studies start next week, but for now, we feast! Happy beginning of Term 4!”
Chapter 2The Sorting
The balcony above the Statuary shook as the students of Thunderbird stamped their feet and cheered as HAPotter was sorted into their house. Arielluma beamed in pride at her newest ‘Bird and motioned them towards their waiting housemates. Dapperwulf leaned over to the Headmistress as Rbratt called the last of the first years up onto the stone pedestal to be Sorted by the Guardians. “Tell me, have you heard from all of them yet?”
Her hazel eyes watching the movements of the Guardians closely, she leaned back and whispered. “No, though the Raven from the French Territories in the South is the only one that hasn’t returned. To be fair, it had the farthest to travel and most like, Delhomme is going to have to chat with his superiors in Paris before he can force a decision through the ruling families.”
Dapper nodded as the statue of Wampus roared her welcome of Finding_Jay, the professor’s house echoing the roar with one of their own. “I’m surprised it wasn’t the same with the governors of Virginia, but they’ve acted of their own accord for years now. Louisiana is still loyal to the crown.”
Saeraphine smirked at him, linking an arm through his as they and the other faculty led the way from the Statuary. The Sorting was now done, the first years being swarmed and welcomed by their new houses. Classes would begin in the morning, but now it was time for supper and a good night’s rest. “And you, my dear professor? Where do your loyalties lie?” She asked as the doors to the Great Hall parted open for them as if on their own accord.
He returned the grin with a slight bow as he handed her up upon the dais to the faculty table. “Avec Ilvermorny, bien sûr. Always.”Continental Magical Congress
“Ooooohhh, Ben Perry cried the town,
‘How I wish I was in Williamstown now!’
For twenty brave wizarding folk who
Would make for him the Headmistress’s crew
Circe take them all! I was told
We’d take the foul witch Gaunt………”
Supper was winding down, the excitement of the day coming to a close as tahm42 and those at her table, Scruggla88, Junodog1, Talhonjik and Coop925 regaled the hall with an enthusiastic rendition of the latest shanty making the rounds of the wizarding taverns - which explained how many of the students had apparently spent their break, much to the amusement of faculty. Applause erupted as they finished the last stanzas, drawing out the last line and bowing with a flourish.
Clapping enthusiastically, Saeraphine stood and stepped to the podium. “I love it! Well done!” The students bowed once again, then jostled each other’s shoulders fondly, congratulating each other on the courage to perform.
As the hall quieted down, the Headmistress gathered the students’ attention. “Now then, one last announcement and then we shall all make our way to our beds. You are all quite aware of the events earlier this year. Anti-wizarding sentiment is unfortunately on the rise.” Several students started to look glum, shoulders slumping. “Now, now, there’s no need for alarm,” Saeraphine reassured them, her hand making a calming motion. “In fact, the wizarding communities of this New World have decided to come together to navigate this new era and to support one another in our apparent time of need!”
Looks started to be exchanged. The New World was still fragmented, various colonies still being controlled by governors and regents from the Old World. The Headmistress let the murmurs die down before continuing. “This term is going to be an exciting one for our school. As the largest wizarding institution in the New World with no recognized Old World affiliation…” She paused for dramatic effect, making sure she had everyone’s attention. “... We have been asked to host the first ever Continental Magical Congress!”
The Great Hall erupted into confused chatter and excited gasps, hundreds of conversations beginning at once. A thunderous clap sounded, silencing them all, all heads whipping around to stare at the dais. Professor Dapperwulf stood, frowning at the assembly. “Manners, mes élèves.”
Saeraphine chuckled lightly. “It is exciting, yes. We shall be receiving visitors, delegates, from each of the colonies in a couple week’s time. They will be staying with us for the duration of this term to discuss treaties and agreements in order to make for a stronger, more united wizarding community. Ilvermorny is proud to have been chosen as the host site and we shall do our best to make our guests feel welcome. To that end, there will be some friendly competitions scheduled throughout the term. Some you will participate in as individuals, some will require you to cooperate with others. The faculty will provide you with more details as we get closer. But for now...Go, get some sleep, rest well…….you’ll have homework soon enough!”Midnight Whispers
The excited whispering carried down the hall. Rbratt looked up from her journal and stared for a moment at the door to her office, waiting to see if the noise quieted down. After a moment, she sighed and placed her quill back in the ink stand. Wrapping her night robe tighter around her, she stood and made her way quietly down to the dorm rooms. The whispering seemed to be emanating from the room to the left. Putting on her best patient, but firm, teacher face, she gave a quick knock on the door and opened it.
Her entire house looked up guiltily. Her mouth dropped open for a second in surprise, staring at the number of students perched on every surface in a room designed for five, as they in turn, stared back at her. “Morgana’s frilly knickers, what are you all doing?!”
“Sorry professor.” Murmured Calacolindo. “We were just discussing the news. Seeing if we could maybe figure out a little bit more than the brief announcement the Headmistress made.”
“I see.” Rbratt nodded, thoughtfully. Motioning for one of the students to scoot over, she sat down on the lid of a trunk and smiled. “I’ll answer three questions. Then to bed with all of you. Deal?”
The House agreed in unison. After a bit of consultation, tmeadows08 sat forward and asked. “The Headmistress mentioned the delegates were coming from all over the New World. Are they coming from other schools as well?”
Rbratt’s eyes twinkled. “Yes. There are a few small schools that have been established in the New World besides Ilvermorny. Most of them are directly affiliated with schools or communities in the Old World. Delegates from those areas will be bringing some student ambassadors with them.”
“Who are they?” blurted out LittleMissWonderWoman excitedly.
“There will be students from the Bethabara Schule in the German community of Salem in Carolina, the L’
École d’Ardillières in the New France settlement of Louisiana, and the Plymouth Institute for Magical Studies in Massachusetts.”
“Who has my pillow?” whispered a small voice in the back of the room.
“I have absolutely no clue.” smiled the professor. “But they need to return it. That was number three. Good night.”Stress Relief
A small flame flared up from the forge as CaptainBoing banked the fire. Rusgolden and Tammymoore24 finished cleaning and putting away the tools just as Professor Arielluma stepped into the doorway. “Oh! Good evening Professor!” Captain waved cheerfully.
Arielluma leaned against the doorframe and sighed. “Good evening to you three as well. I assume Dapperwulf has you working on some project?”
“Ummm, right...well, you see..”
“Nope!” replied Rusgolden cheerfully. “We just couldn’t sleep and Dory was telling us what a great stress reliever the forge was and the castle all abuzz over the news and it being our first week and all the excitement and our wands…...we just thought we’d get a bit of extra credit work done and maybe blow off a bit of steam in the process.”
The professor’s eyebrow quirked at CaptainBoing. “You don’t say…”
“Heh.” The Wampus third year had the grace to smile sheepishly at her.
The Thunderbird Head of House studied her nails. “And did she also happen to mention it’s against the rules to be out of dorm after 10 pm? Or that Grandpap spent the entire day yesterday cleaning the forge?”
CaptainBoing grabbed Tammymoore and Rus by the elbows and pulled them past Arielluma and towards the entrance to Wampus. “Right, rules and all. We’ll just be going to bed now. Night Professor!”
Arielluma snickered as they disappeared into the stone wall illusion. She eyed the forge critically. Boing had, of course, left it in perfect condition and judging from the projects left neatly to cool in the sand pits, those two first years were shaping up to be quite the craftsmen themselves. Still, she thought as she waved her wand to soften the torches glow, she’d have to mention to Dapperwulf that the forge was seeing some late nights.
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Chapter 3
Never Boring
The students had settled down somewhat in the following days after the big announcement. There was still chatter, of course, but Rbratt hadn't stumbled upon any more late night house meetings. All in all, everything seemed quite normal that morning as the students and faculty filtered their way into the Great Hall for breakfast.
A small group of students were laughing hysterically at some story coop925 was animatedly telling, one foot in his chair and the other on the table as he mimicked running from an attacking chicken. Arielluma shook her head amusedly as she and the Headmistress strolled past on their way to the faculty table. “It never gets boring, does it?” she chuckled.
Saeraphine nodded, waving to PaulaKro as she floated out from underneath one of the tables, startling some first years that hadn’t quite yet become used to the ghosts. “No, it never does, thankfully. Although, I wouldn’t mind a term with just normal, day-to-day …..”
A loud squawk silenced all the conversation in the Hall. Heads turned curiously looking for the source. Another squawk caused several to cover their ears. “Ummm, professors?” A worried voice sounded from behind the two women. Strongenoughtofly was standing up from her table, along with the rest of her friends, staring worriedly at Coop.
The professors rushed over to find him sitting, hands clasped over his mouth in horror. Arielluma’s head cocked to one side as she stepped forward and ran her hand over his hair - soothing back the fluffy feathers that had replaced it.
“What happened?” asked Saeraphine.
“He was telling us a story about that hen that Violet keeps in Williamstown chasing him, and then….” marieenya motioned to him with one hand. “He just,....um, started turning into a chicken?”
Coop925 worriedly turned to the Headmistress and opened his mouth, a soft clucking sound escaping his lips. She chuckled. “Alright, come on. To the MediWizard’s with you.”
“Professor?!” Arielluma turned and spotted two of her Thunderbirds hanging on to Talhonjik’s feet as she floated above the table. She and Saeraphine exchanged a glance just as maralynmanson hiccuped…..a small fireball exploding at the table.
Lavadoll, her hair singed and face covered in soot, turned to the two faculty members as more instances of out-of-control magic suddenly erupted in the hall. “You were saying something about never boring?”Plinkpods
“Here it is, Professor.” Gam3rguy floated up through some sacks of wheat. “This second bag, the wheat looks funny.” Dapperwulf used his wand to place lid back on the barrel of foodstuffs he’d been sorting through and joined Grandpap and Yumesoraki over at the sacks the ghost had indicated.
Sifting through a handful of the suspicious wheat, they all quickly spied the tiny blue spores attached to the grain. Yume waved her wand over the professor’s hand, the spores glowing a bright white for a moment. “They’re definitely magical in nature.” she affirmed. Turning, she cast a charm, trying to locate more evidence of the spores. Numerous bags, boxes and barrels glowed. “Oh...that’s not good.”
Dapperwulf frowned. “We just received most of these supplies in preparation for our guests….” He pulled his own wand and muttered a quiet incantation over the spores in his hand. His eyes widened slightly at the results. “Hmm, Plinkpod spores.” With a sigh, he dropped the handful of contaminated grain back into the sack. “Well, the good news is, it’s not dangerous. And Rbratt should be able to reverse the results in those students afflicted with plinkpod poisoning relatively easy. Gam3r, would you please go let her know what we’re dealing with?” The ghost nodded and levitated through the ceiling on his way to find the Pukwudgie Head. “The bad part is, we’re going to have to replace all of this.”
Grandpap shook his head, grumpily, his spines rattling on his back. “Grandmam isn’t going to be happy. Means all her meal plans are going to have to be altered this week until we get the new food stuffs.”Go the Distance
The bright blue raccoon waddled off into the stormy woods, at a…...moderately….somewhat…..kind of...fast pace. Saeraphine sighed and shook her head as the Patronus disappeared into the wind, rain and trees. “Well, hopefully William will get my message in time to send more foodstuffs,” she said aloud to Rbratt. Muttering under her breath, she added, “Couldn’t possibly have had a patronus that’s a bit more swift, could I?”
The other professor chuckled softly at the Headmistress’s addendum. “He’s steady enough. Best choice really for making it through the storm. Merlin knows, Dapper’s patronus is fast, but in this rain? It’d find a hollow tree and curl up to wait for the storm to pass.” She deftly added some crushed dragonfly wings to the potion she was stirring, changing from clockwise to counter-clockwise every seventh stir.
“Leave my Patronus out of this.” Dapper called from the other room. Turning back to cpanus in bed in front of him, he recast a new containment bubble charm around her - just in time to keep the fireworks that exploded around her every time she sneezed from escaping. She sniffled and blew her nose, smiling apologetically at him.
Arielluma finished recasting on her side of the room and brushed a lock of hair back from her eyes, surveying the hospital ward. Fully three-quarters of the student body had been afflicted by the spores, in no small part due to the unfortunate popularity of Grandmam’s blueberry muffins and cinnamon rolls. The rest (saved by a combination of habitual gluten avoidance and habitual sleeping in) were scurrying about with the faculty, destroying the contaminated foodstuffs and helping to administer and create the extraordinarily tricky-to-make potion that acted as a cure.
Etherlily1 and wljohn both finished mincing the rosemary leaves before rinsing them in fresh wine. Slowly, wljohn sprinkled them in a solution of pixie tears and spring water (gathered at the first new moon of the year, of course) as Etherlily1 carefully adjusted the flames beneath the vial with her wand. Standing and stretching her back, the Pukwudgie smiled at the Headmistress who was still glancing at the window and the storm beyond. “He’ll make it, and William will send everything we need, I’m sure of it.”Towel Off
Rbratt fell into the overstuffed easy chair, a tired wave of her wand transfiguring her leather day boots into a pair of soft slippers. Grandmam waved her fingers to send a cup of hot tea floating through the air and into the professor’s hands. She sighed and smiled thankfully. “Are you all done then?” Grandpap asked, adding another log to the fireplace.
“Yes.” Rbratt took a sip of the tea, sighing again and relaxing into the cushions. “I just finished administering the last doses of the potion. It’ll still take about 24 hours to have an effect, but then everyone should be back to normal.”
“Just in time, too.” Arielluma yawned, shoving a fast-asleep Dapperwulf off her shoulder. “The delegates should be arriving in two days. Have we heard from William?”
Saeraphine chuckled as she caught the Wampus professor and lowered him to her lap to continue snoring. “Yes, he sent a raven and Dapper went earlier to go pick it up and bring it back.”
Ariel smirked and brushed at her shoulder. “Explains why he’s so wet. Could have at least had the decency to get dry before falling asleep on my couch.”
0 -
Chapter 4
“Wake up, you lazabouts!! Our guests are arriving any second!” Urthbert banged on the skillet with a large wooden spoon, gleefully grinning as Shinton1618 fell off her bed with a thump, tangled in the blankets as the rest of Thunderbird House moaned and groaned and buried their heads under pillows.
“How long do we have?” whimpered Sue_01, snuggling deeper into the soft coverlets.
The pukwudgie grinned, his spines rattling as he yanked the blankets off of her. “No time whatsoever. Some of them are already here. They arrived in the middle of the night. But the schools will be getting here within moments. Now, get up!”
Moments later, saw students of all the houses filtering out into the courtyard, adjusting robes and patting hair into place to come stand behind the faculty. Theresam68 poked FindingJay in the ribs and motioned with a nod at the small contingent of Native Americans standing beside the professors. The myriad styles of clothing and adornment made them easily distinguishable has representing multiple different tribes. One, a tall, elderly man with long snow white braids decorated with cormorant feathers and shells, had his hand on the Headmistress’ s shoulder and seemed to be pointing at something a few mountains over. Jgundz tried to inch over, recognising the look of fascination her Head of House got when new knowledge was to be had.
Two other men stood with the group, chatting amicably with a middle-aged Native woman, one, a large man of African descent and the other, a younger caucasian man with nut-brown skin, both dressed in well-worn travel leathers. The larger man had a booming laugh that carried over the group, as he slapped the younger man on the back, almost knocking him over.
Suddenly, Professor Dapperwulf held up his hand. The wards had been breached. THe group fell silent, turning to stare at the point in the woods that the professor was watching. Suddenly, an enormous, ashen-grey hen with shaggy feathers and white eyes stepped from the dense cover of the trees. She wore a red embossed harness and pulled a highly decorated wooden wagon behind her. The students could see faces peeking out from behind the snow white curtains in the windows. CaptainBoing took a step forward and whispered excitedly, “An Erdhenne!”
Proudly, the erdhenne strutted forward and came to stand in front of the group. A door opened and a portly man with a golden beard stepped forward, throwing his arms wide. “Mein Mädchen, wir sind angekommen!” With that, he bounded down the steps and scooped up Rbratt in a fierce hug.
Laughing as he put her down, she turned and presented him to the Headmistress and the gathering at large. “May I present Herr Wolff, the Schulleiter of the Bethabara Schule in the German community of Salem in Carolina. We met last year when I went on that herb gathering expedition.”
Herr Wolff grinned broadly. “Ja, and allow me to present my students.” He motioned to the wagon as some fifteen students, with accompanying adults filed out with warm, but nervous smiles. The students all wore somber robes of rich, earthy brown, a thin stripe of various colored ribbon decorating the edge. The girls wore white caps, held secure under their chins with the same color ribbon as their cloaks. Slowly, the students filtered amongst the students of Ilvermorny, introducing themselves.
A yipping and barking was suddenly heard as a pack of bright green, long limbed dogs came racing from the trees. The pack was divided in teams of three and each team pulled a merry little dog cart, filled with people wearing bright red robes. Saeraphine stepped forward as the pups raced through the courtyard to come to a stop, sending the Erdhenne off with a slightly offended squawk. “Master Grimsditch! Welcome!”
A tall, imposing man dressed in black, stepped from the front cart, quieting the faerie dogs with a soft word, before turning to the Headmistress with a polite bow. “My thanks, Madame. May I present the representatives from the Virginia colony and my students from the Plymouth Institute for Witchcraft and Wizardry?” He motioned for the others to disembark, which they did, bowing politely in the manner of the Headmaster before going to stand to one side of the group. Grimsditch shook hands and exchanged pleasantries with Wolff and the other faculty before scanning the crowd. “We are still missing Delhomme I see. Trust a Frenchman to take his time.”
Professor Arielluma put a hand on Dapperwulf’s arm, quelling his Wampi with a look. “They did have the furthest to travel. I’m sure they’ll be here soon.”
Dapperwulf laughed. “Actually, they were among the first to arrive.” Everyone spun to look at him.
Saeraphine raised an eyebrow at him and sent her magic out into the wards. There were the signatures of her students and professors, the pukwudgies, the German contingent, the western explorers, the natives, the English contingent…..and others. She raised her head calmly and smiled at a space over to one side of the fountain. Laughing lightly at the trick, she called out. “Well played, Monsieur Delhomme. I’m surprised you were able to keep the horses so quiet.”
The glamour fell, revealing a dozen gleaming white horses with red eyes pawing the earth, tiny silver bells braided into their manes and tails. Seated astride them, in bright, royal blue and silver uniforms were the students from the L’École d’Ardillières and the delegates from the New France settlement of Louisiana. A gentleman with a broad smirk on his face, moved his mount closer before dismounting. “Le cheval mallet is a quiet creature to begin with, Madame. All the better not to spook it’s prey, non?” He bowed and kissed her hand, then that of Professors Arielluma and Rbratt. Pausing before the Wampus professor, he scowled. “How did you know?”
“Le chevals. Despite your taming of them, they are still a malevolent creature. The wards picked them up immediately.” Delhomme stared, frowning at the professor, tugging at his mustaches.
“Maman wants to know if you’ll come to Christmas dinner this year. She’s promised calissons.”
“Tell Tante Anaïs I’d be delighted.” The two men broke down into fits of laughter and hugged, clapping one another on the back.
Saeraphine shook her head fondly. Wljohn heard her mutter under her breath. “That family, I swear. Filled with nothing but annoying pranksters that are too damned charming….”
Potions: Maybe with improved eyesight, we could have spotted Delhomme through his glamour? Maybe not, but try to “ACE” your potions assignment this week and eat foods rich in Vitamins A, C and E. Incorporate one food daily for 4 days that is said to help support healthy vision for 2 points. When posting complete, list each food you at to fulfill this challenge, and why it fits this assignment.Scavenger Hunt
There wasn’t a dull moment to be had after all the expected arrivals were gathered. Breakfast was a raucous affair, with Dapper and Delhomme amusing those around them with stories of their childhoods, each trying to win the game of embarrassing the other without going too far. “... and there he was, trying to pretend he hadn’t just taken the Earl’s horse for a joyride in the storm, both of them returning covered in mud. You should have seen Dapper putting on his best little lordling impression, trying to convince the stable hands that all was completely normal.”
“Did they believe you?” asked Lemurcat12 excitedly.
Dapper scoffed in his cup, then spoke up sitting forward, “Not for a moment. All the servants were instructed from then on to question everything I told them, and I got banished to riding a shaggy pony for the remainder of our stay.”
The food filled the tables, and a variety of scents wafted through the crowded room. Grandmam had prepared dishes from each locality to the best of her knowledge, and she beamed as Wolff loudly proclaimed from the dias that her potato pancakes were the only thing he wanted to eat for the rest of his life.
The tables were completely occupied, with no extra spaces, but those students with the delegates not gathered around the jovially conversing adults were keeping to their circles, looking as if they were feeling out of place, and the Ilvermornians, though not unfriendly, were observing the newcomers with a distant interest. Arielluma tapped her finger on the table, getting uncomfortable. “They’re not talking. Why are they not talking?” she muttered worriedly.
Rbratt, hearing Ariel’s comment, looked out over the assembled students. “I’m sure they’re just tired.”
“I don’t like it,” Ariel said, looking around the room. She sat there watching for a few moments more when suddenly, she stood, having had an idea. “SCAVENGER HUNT!”
The hall silenced in confusion at Ariel’s outburst, even Saeraphine raised her eyebrow, wondering what her professor was doing.
Clearing her throat, Ariel continued. “Uh… there will be a scavenger hunt. Starting now. Partner up. The winning groups get a butterbeer on me at The Mountaintop Tavern!”
Chatter started immediately as housemates began teaming up, wanting to earn the delicious beverage. Barely resisting the urge to facepalm at this flaw in her plan, she added, “You have to pair with someone outside of your house! Make new friends! Talk to someone you don’t know!” Her self-writing quill already working furiously on a piece of parchment she pulled from her pack, she announced absently, “Instructions to be posted soon…”
Cpanus seeing a girl from the assembled Native group standing alone made her way timidly over to her.
“Um, hello. I’m Chris. Would you like to partner with me?” Cpanus asked hopefully.
The girl looked relieved, shoulders relaxing slightly. “Yes, please. I’m Isi.” When Cpanus seemed to not know what to say next, Isi remarked. “Your castle is quite interesting. Very different than our home.”
Seizing on this thread of conversation, Cpanus asked, “Where do you live? In teepees right?”
Isi shook her head. “No, that’s not our way. Those are for plains people. My people are the Powhatans. Some live in yi-hakan, like an oval bark house. Others build cabins like the English.”
Cpanus cringed slightly at her assumption, feeling quite ignorant. “I’m sorry, I’m not familiar with your people. Would you be willing to tell me more?”
Isi’s face brightened at Cpanus' question. “You want to know? Well then, I’d love to!”Charging Uni-bunnies
Ariel’s impromptu activity had achieved the desired result. Housemates were introducing their partners to their friends before scurrying off from clue to clue, playful ribbing and banter beginning as the pairs began to work well together and became competitive with the others.
Talhonjik was working with her partner Jacob from the Plymouth school, venturing into the surrounding forest looking for something that fit their current clue: “I hold back winter’s frosty stings, though I have no fingers but many rings. I prefer the dark but do not fear, there is no threat of poison here. Although my name is shared with something fearful, I stand alone - tall and ever cheerful.”
Talhonjik had quickly figured out part of the riddle. “I have no fingers but many rings” she was sure referred to a tree, so off they had went. “There’s a darker cooler section of the wood around this bend. We should see the Professor’s magic if we’re in the right spot,” Tal supplied to Jacob.
“All this effort for a butterbeer?” Jacob huffed. “I’d rather just go buy it myself.”
Tal frowned. He had been polite enough at first, but as the day was continuing on, he seemed to be a moody fellow. “It’s not about the prize, it’s more the fun of the chase!”
“If you say so…” Jacob muttered, before stopping dead in his tracks.
“Why…” Tal began to ask when she looked around the bend. A small yellow rabbit was in their path. A small yellow rabbit - with a 2 foot long black horn spiraling out of its head. “How cute! You’re like a fluffy little unicorn! What are you, little friend?!” Tal asked making like she was going to go pet it.
“No!” shouted Jacob, putting an arm in front of her to stop her. “We learned about these last year. It’s an Al-mi’raj. They look friendly enough but…” The animal, as if understanding his introduction and acting on cue, suddenly bared its teeth, lowering its horn and glaring at them. “They’re extremely territorial, we should be fine if we just get out of its hunting ground.”
Taking a few steps back, Tal asked incredulously, “Hunting ground?! It’s not an herbivore.”
Jacob shook his head, eyes wide. “That thing could kill and eat a horse. We need to go.” Looking sheepish, he added. “I may have fallen asleep during the part on how to capture one… didn’t think I’d ever find myself wandering the woods.”
Just then, the Al-mi’raj let out a high-pitched cry and began to charge.Obstacles
Tal and Jacob took off at a sprint, fleeing the pursuing Al-mi’raj. Trying to slow it down, Tal flung a petrificus totalus over her shoulder, but the creature simply bounded over it, too agile to be hit by a such a haphazardly cast spell. It was surprisingly well balanced despite its horn being longer than its body. Tal couldn’t help but wish she could study it closer. Maybe if she wasn’t impaled by it, she would request Professor Rbratt to bring one in for study during CoMC.
It was while she was having this thought that she missed the gnarled root protruding from the ground. With a s spectacular flailing of limbs, Tal’s fleeing speed propelled her to the ground with a painful thump, knocking the wind out of her on impact. Dazed, she slowly lifted herself to turn over and sit, trying to breathe normally again, and discovering a pain in her ankle.
Jacob looked back to see Tal trying to get her bearings. “Oh no,” he whispered to himself. The rabbit was only a hundred feet away from goring her, and closing fast. “Talhonjik! Get up! Run!,” he shouted, trying to throw his own curses at the advancing creature, but having each one dodged with ease.
She tried to scramble, but dropped back down, the pain in her ankle too great. “I can’t!” she cried.
Jacob only needed a moment to decide, the rabbit seconds away from attacking her. He ran through the dirt and slid in front of Tal, shielding her with his body. Both of them closed their eyes hard, bracing for impact… but instead they heard a fearful yipping sound coming from behind.
Looking carefully around Jacob, Tal saw the creature blocked in by a wall of fire too high for it to jump. She gasped, then heard Ariecpotter asking if she was okay as her hands gripped Tal’s shoulders. Swallowing, Tal shook her head, Jacob getting up from his place as shield and brushing off his pants.
Susan, one of Jacob’s classmates chastised him, putting her wand away. “Maybe next time you won’t be so sure of what situations you will and won’t be in? I know you didn’t pay attention during the woodland creatures section.”
Jacob just sighed and muttered a thank you as he extended a hand to Tal to help her stand. “Let’s get you back to the castle for that ankle.”
Tal let him help her up. Jacob may complain a lot, she thought, but he still had tried to save her. He was a good person, if a little whiny. “Thank you,” she said sincerely. “When I can walk again, I’ll buy you that butterbeer. No more woods exploring needed. Deal?”
Jacob laughed. “Deal.”0 -
Chapter 5
Challenge Accepted
At the Tavern, the conversation was finally flowing as freely as the butterbeer, students from all schools conversing jovially in the crowded space. There were people everywhere. Sitting at tables, standing, leaning on the beams, some were even sitting on the tables. Tal was recounting the Al-mi’raj encounter to her schoolmates, with Jacob nearby and sipping his butterbeer, more relaxed now that they were indoors and out of the danger.
Westpancake, Tal’s Serpent housemate, was taking notes in her pocket journal she carried everywhere. “And you said it’s horn was longer than its body, but it seemed to not have any issues with balance?”
Ainevethe, true to her Wampus nature, shifted antsily and asked, “Why are we all just lazing about? We should go out and catch it!”
“I’m in! Don’t much care for catching it, but the search sounds like it’d be fun!” chimed in Karinidowu, to the agreement of the other Thunderbirds listening in.
“Oh, come now!” chided Mfost50. “Leave the poor thing be.” In an aside to her Pukwudgie housemate Ck2d, she asked. “What would be the best treatment for a stabbing wound?”
Ck2d touched her fingers to her chin as she thought. “I think… well, let’s ask the Mediwizard to be sure, should our schoolmates actually be foolhardy enough to venture out in search of it.”
Just then, an aggravated voice boomed over the revelry. “What was that you just said? Maybe I misheard you, since it’s so loud and there’s the accent and all.” The other students had quieted, wanting to know what was going on. The speaker was MaralynManson, standing now, obviously upset at something one of Delhomme student’s had said.
Lavelle looked around, nonplussed, still leaning casually against his chair back. “No, I don’t think you misheard me. My English is quite good.”
Maralyn worked his jaw then asked with an affected kindness, “Then please, now that we have an audience, repeat your claim. I’m sure my schoolmates and those of the other schools would love to hear your thoughts.”
Looking around at the waiting, hushed students, Lavelle stood, then gracefully hopped up on the bench in front of him, raising above the crowd. With a showman’s flourish, he addressed those assembled. “While we acknowledge the hospitality of our hosts, the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and are enjoying the company of the many localities represented here during this congregation of magic-folk, I assert that our school, L’École d’Ardillières, is the far superior of those assembled.”
Agitated chatter began almost immediately as Lavelle stepped down from his perch, his schoolmates nodding their agreement while the other schools began to get riled.
Vatrilla13 called out, “And what makes you think your school is any better than the rest of us?”
“Just from my observations thus far. Our school has strict routine, rigorous study sessions. We are much more disciplined than yours. Why, you’re practically a zoo. Look at all the animals you keep,” Lavelle replied coolly.
CaptainBoing informed him, “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! We have practical learning, not all classrooms and books.”
LittleMissWonderWoman backed up her schoolmate, “Yes, there’s more than one learning style, you know. Different does not mean not as good.”
Luckily, Lemurcat12, a cool-headed Serpent spoke up, interrupting the tension. “Well why not a friendly competition to showcase our skills? Winning school gets bragging rights.”
Isi from the Native delegation was the first to stand. “I’m in favor of this idea.” Murmuring their agreement, others joined her stand, until all the schools were represented.
Finally, Lavelle shrugged his shoulders dismissively, “As you wish. Though the outcome will only prove my point.”0 -
Chapter 6
As GoBlue1981 finished her most-definitely-not-sheep cheese and Ck2d helped the upperclassmen reverse the staircase charm the prankster Jeremy had placed, finally shutting down the confusing ride created in the middle of Ilvermorny, Jschmid2 walked past them into the Great Hall in her recently rediscovered Thunderbird shirt. Ariecpotter was gathered with a group of Ilvermorny students, discussing their win in the recent Dance Off challenge they’d received from Kristoff.
“You should have seen the skeletons!” Arie said gleefully. “We scored at least 20 points for Ilvermorny with that little competition!”
Zumbaforever nodded her head smiling at the memories of the interhouse fun that occured after the Serpents beat the other school. “But where are we on the leaderboard?” she asked.
The students all looked at the scores hanging in floating numbers, some changing as they watched and another student somewhere had finished a task. It seemed Ilvermorny was doing well, but they hadn’t reached the participation they had been hoping for. Lavelle’s school from down south in Louisiana was leading the Wizarding Games.
Inazea sighed in frustration. “We KNOW we’re the best school. There must be something we can do to close the gap and take the games…”
Theviolinmommy’s eyes went wide as she struck by an idea. “Quodpot!”
“Uh, bless you? That’s the weirdest sneeze I’ve ever heard.” Junodog1 replied.
“No! It’s not a sneeze, it’s a game! It’s like hot potato, but with an exploding ball.” She said, smiling deviously. “”We should challenge them to a game of Quodpot. Winner takes all! I know the Wampus have been playing it without the exploding ball in between terms. I heard Supercatie80 talking about it. This will just… up the stakes.” Violin laughed.
“Alright, but let’s not forget! We still have the normal assignments to complete. And Quidditch!!!” Gawworthington reminded as the circle broke to go spread the word about the Quodpot challenge.
0 -
Chapter 7
Winner Takes All
“It’s not fair!” Lavelle grumbled to Marie-Therese, leaning against the stair railing and glaring at the floating numbers in the Main Hall. The impromptu game of Quadpot had pushed Ilvermorny respectfully into the lead, though there was still a decent chance for L’ecole to catch up (and they were being doggedly pursued by the Bethbara Schule). “They can’t just invent a game at the spur of the moment to try and win!”
Marie-Therese laughed and tossed her curls, playfully shoving him in the shoulder. “You’re just upset you didn’t think of it first, ma tresor. All perfectly fair in love and inter-school competition, non?” she smiled and winked at Rusgolden as he and Briaboo4 strolled by. “Besides, the Council is done, the winners will be announced at tonight’s feast and we will leave tomorrow.”
Lavelle rolled his eyes at her flirting and shrugged. “Peu importe.”
“Just a sore loser all the way around, ja?” The two Creoles turned as a group from the Carolinian school made their way down the stairs behind them. The speaker, a large, curly headed German named Peter with an easy grin leaned over the rail and poked Lavelle in the chest. “Tell you what, what say we have one final push before tonight’s feast? Winner takes all the points?”
Rosetigger, hovering nearby, quickly stuck her head through a nearby classroom wall. Spying Butterball Bookworm and Westpancake chatting with some of the Plymouth students, she called out “You guys need to come quick, another challenge is being made!” Eyes wide, they rushed out into the Hall.
Westpancake stepped up with her new friend Amelia from the Plymouth Institute. “Marie? What’s going on?”
Marie-Therese clapped her hands and linked arms with West. “A new challenge! For all the points to decide the winner before tonight’s feast.”
Peter’s smile grew wider and he crossed his arms across his chest. “Alright, here’s the challenge – and it’s going to take everyone’s participation to make it work….0 -
On to Term 5!0
This discussion has been closed.