Schedule for November Challenges

themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
edited October 2017 in Social Groups
Please consider sharing this schedule with your MFP friends on your newsfeed (Here’s the link: It’s always great to have more people join us!

We now have an email reminder system in place. If you'd like to get an email when a new weekly challenge is posted, just email me at: ‪‬ and I'll add you to the list.

Here's what's in the queue for our November weekly challenges:

Oct 30 - Nov 5: Theme: Healthy Eating
Challenge: Unsweetened

Sugar. So delicious and yet problematic for many of us. If you know you eat too much sugar and would like to cut back, join us this week as we will be sharing tips and strategies for taking some of the sugar out of our lives.

Nov 6 - Nov 12: Theme: Exercise and Movement
Challenge: Wall Push-ups

Wall pushups are a great exercise for building core and arm strength and they can be done by almost anyone and they don’t require any special equipment. It’s our focus this week!

Nov 13 - Nov 19: Theme: Healthy Practices
Challenge: Fall Declutterfest

Our last Declutterfest was so popular, let's bring it back and make it a regular event. Whether you've got leaves to rake, a closet that's overflowing, or a garage that's spun out of control, let's take this week to focus on some key house projects and get 'em done. You will feel great afterwards!

Nov 20 - Nov 26: Theme: Greater Happiness
Challenge: Thankful

Many of us will be celebrating Thanksgiving this week and it can be a hectic week. Let's take a few moments and appreciate the many gifts we have in our lives. Whether you're celebrating Thanksgiving or not, we can all use a little more gratitude in our lives.

Nov 27 - Dec 3: Theme: Healthy Eating
Challenge: Bean Counters

Are beans a regular staple of your diet or do they get overlooked? Beans are a great source of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals plus they're easy on the budget. This week, let's add some beans to our meals. There's a lot to like about these legumes!
