November 3 Sign In



  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    Exercise?: Yes! And got in an extra leg challenge thanks to my 6 year old's insistence;)
    Calories?: Super excited about being under because I had popcorn at the movies!
    Tracked?: yes
  • kaye4health
    kaye4health Posts: 115 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Y (60 minutes of sweat'n to the oldies-Richard Simmons)
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Y (1200-1500, ate 1212 calories today)
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Y (drank 9-8oz glasses of water)

    This is a very trying time for me (stress) and I am a stress eater. So far doing good. Tomorrow will be the hardest. I lost my sister 7 yrs ago tomorrow. Pray for me that I can stay on track tomorrow. if not, I will use a pass day.
  • laurateri73
    laurateri73 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all, so happy the weekend is finally here! Getting a facial and massage tomorrow, ready for a little self-care.

    Date: November 3
    Exercise: Yes, some walking and house cleaning
    Diet: yes, barely
    Tracking: Yes
  • ReDoableMe
    ReDoableMe Posts: 35 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes?

    Yep, I played basketball with my husband and kids and walked for 40 minutes.

    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day?

    Yep, despite the little bag of chips I ate at my daughter's school event. I'm happy to say that I stayed away from the hotdogs! On another note, I killed it with the protein!

    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank?

    Yep, even included the chips!
  • isacarvleitao
    isacarvleitao Posts: 17 Member
    Nov 3rd
    Exercised?: Yes.
    Calories?: Yes.
    Tracked?: Yes.
  • Elmyra8376
    Elmyra8376 Posts: 23 Member
    Exercise : Yes 40 minutes Blogilates
    Calories : Yes
    Tracking : Yes
  • Yemostica
    Yemostica Posts: 37 Member
    Day 3
    Exercise: yes
    Calories: yes
    Tracking: yes
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,292 Member
    Nov 2
    Exercised?: Yes. Spin class - 45 min then yoga 35 min
    Calories?: Yes.
    Tracked?: Yes.

    Nov 3
    Exercised?: Yes. Yoga 45 min...
    Calories?: Yes.
    Tracked?: Yes.

    @maura_tasi What movie did you see?

    @sniksniks Nice to have another sppinner in the mix!!

    It was such a long day at work...burnt 2284 calories...yikes...opened amd moved 86 boxes of 75 lb wrapping paper. I'm going tobe so sore tomorrow. My butt is already killing me...and my knees...uuhhhggg

    Today is my DD Dilyn's 12th we were out to supper. I tracked before we even went. Tomorrow is the family/friends party...should be a good day. ☺
  • BadgerLamb236
    BadgerLamb236 Posts: 823 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Y (60 minutes of sweat'n to the oldies-Richard Simmons)
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Y (1200-1500, ate 1212 calories today)
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Y (drank 9-8oz glasses of water)

    This is a very trying time for me (stress) and I am a stress eater. So far doing good. Tomorrow will be the hardest. I lost my sister 7 yrs ago tomorrow. Pray for me that I can stay on track tomorrow. if not, I will use a pass day.

    @kaye4health so sorry for your loss - I wish be thinking of you and sending good wishes.
  • BadgerLamb236
    BadgerLamb236 Posts: 823 Member
    Nov 3rd

    Exercise - Yes. Back/hip too sore for long dog walk so did 20mins sacroiliac joint stretches, plus modified push-ups, squats and modified (non-impact - i.e. Non-jumping!) jumping jacks

    Calories - Yes (under)

    Logging - Yes.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • shallid1
    shallid1 Posts: 296 Member
    November 3
    Exercised: Yes. Walked 30 min
    Calories: Yes.
    Tracked: Yes.
  • maura_tasi
    maura_tasi Posts: 196 Member
    Nov 2
    Exercised?: Yes. Spin class - 45 min then yoga 35 min
    Calories?: Yes.
    Tracked?: Yes.

    Nov 3
    Exercised?: Yes. Yoga 45 min...
    Calories?: Yes.
    Tracked?: Yes.

    @maura_tasi What movie did you see?

    @sniksniks Nice to have another sppinner in the mix!!

    It was such a long day at work...burnt 2284 calories...yikes...opened amd moved 86 boxes of 75 lb wrapping paper. I'm going tobe so sore tomorrow. My butt is already killing me...and my knees...uuhhhggg

    Today is my DD Dilyn's 12th we were out to supper. I tracked before we even went. Tomorrow is the family/friends party...should be a good day. ☺

    We saw Bad moms Christmas! We saw the first Bad moms movie together so it was only appropriate to see the second together :) it has Mila Kunis and Kristen Bell in it- it's absolutely hilarious! Just one of your typical comedy movies but I think the girls in it are so funny
  • leanerstrongerhealthier
    Nov 3

    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, yard work 112 mins
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

  • pribud
    pribud Posts: 453 Member
    Hi everyone, had a good day today, not as great as the last couple but good, I can handle :)

    exercise yes walking and housework
    calories yes
    tracking yes

    5 good days in a row...woohoo :)o:)
  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member
    Yes x 3, hike w dog in morning, walk w dog at night
    @BadgerLamb236, thanks for your support.
  • windowqueen2003
    windowqueen2003 Posts: 427 Member
    edited November 2017
    I did not see the post I made the 2nd. Not sure what happened. I will catch up
    Nov 1 2,3
    Exercise yes
    Calories yes
    Tracked yes
    Very busy week. Wow, so happy to see the posts. I will catch up on everything after the weekend. Let's keep the momentum going.

  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,946 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes?
    30 minutes stepping on and off my balance board to a Maroon 5 CD and tried to do a variety of stepping variations to change things up.

    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day?
    Don't know but of myself for not overeating at a 90th birthday party lunch I was at today.

    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Not in written form.
  • heatheroni13
    heatheroni13 Posts: 8 Member
    November 3
    Exercise: Yes, 30 minutes treadmill
    Calories: Yes
    Tracked: Yes

    November 4
    Exercised: Yes, 30 minutes running
    Calories: Yes
    Tracked: Yes
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Pass day 3 -- still not feeling well.
  • srufus
    srufus Posts: 160 Member
    Exercise : Yes , 20 minutes on the treadmill, 30 on the elliptical and weights
    Tracking : yes
    Calories : yes