
I am so excited to see that there were a few others who like MFP that were using the nutrisystem tracking. I am a total newbie, have not even got my first order in. (Should be here Tuesday) But I did go to walmart and pick up one of their starter kits. My husband has wanted to try nutrisystem for a long time. Every time a commercial would come on he would say "We should try that". I finally gave in as I know he was concerned about his weight and my high blood pressure and we have had several deaths of friends and family that are close to our age. (62). So I sent in an order and the journey began.
I immediately went to facebook to look for support as I knew I would be lost. I have tried to lose weight for the last 20 years through many different programs. I tried the Numi tracking and it confused me more so when I searched the groups for MFP a few came up and one poster showed his tracker and a bell went off. "I get it! I think I can do this!" I am not yet a week in and have lost 6 lbs just from following the tracking method of 6 meals, calories, and watching my protein and fiber. I have been very very satisfied and a couple days made myself eat the final snack.
My hope for this little group is we can encourage and teach and learn and leave Drama and Judgement at the door.
Looking forward to getting to know each and everyone of you a little bit better and feel free to friend me as my Diary is open and though it may not always be pretty I pray it will always be honest. *grin*


  • cuyeu
    cuyeu Posts: 9 Member
    I started with nutrisystem 9/11/17. I had tried to do it in my own using my fitness pal and the support of one friend. I need people who are doing the same plan and going through the same struggles. Glad to be here.