What's your reason for losing weight?

My weight has yoyo'd almost my whole life. I was diagnosed in middle school with various auto-immune disorders and was placed on steriods which made me BALLOON!!! I desperately tried to keep my weight at an acceptable range, and in 2007 I started dieting and exercising regularly and losing weight! I spent 2.5 years feeling FANTASTIC about myself and finally where I wanted to be. In August of 2009 I became pregnant and I was DETERMINED not gain much weight, which I didn't. In my pregnancy I only gained about 25 lbs. In the 4 weeks after my pregnancy I was only 9 lbs short of getting back to my pre-baby weight and was SUPER excited. Then, the unimaginable happened... My 5 week old baby fell ill and had to undergo surgery. He got out of surgery and was doing okay for a few hours and then he coded and almost died; the next 2.5 years were hell for me. Before the age of 2 my son underwent 6 surgeries, multiple hospital stays (the shortest being 19 days), and different therapies multiple times per week (in case your wondering he was aspirating the liquids he was drinking into his lungs and would stop breathing). I found myself eating all of my worries away, and getting to a weight that I had NEVER gotten to my whole life. My son is now 3, he is doing EXCELLENT, and I have decided that it is time to get MY life back. No more excuses, no more weight. If he, at 6 weeks old, was able to fight for his life and win, I can lose the "at least" 100 lbs I want to and get my body back; not only for me, but for my son and family as well.

What's your reason???


  • lauralouwho84
    I'm 29 years old and life is, and has been for several years difficult. I have missed out on many opportunities to do things people my age should be doing. I've always been a little overweight, but I was also very athletic. But my weight has ballooned the past 3 years. Its summer and I can't go spend the day at the pool across the street, I can't ride the rides at the county fair. I can't even bend over far enough to paint my toes or do a decent job of shaving my legs. Its time for me to get real and start living life. Living life for me and not just for everyone else. Its time to live life to the fullest!
  • FitCurlysue
    FitCurlysue Posts: 23 Member
    I want to be healthy. I want to stop worrying about, "Is a heart attack in my future?" "Do I have diabetes?" "Will I ever have children?" I have high cholesterol and triglycerides and I want to bring those numbers down as much as possible, even though the high numbers run in my family. I just want to FEEL better. I don't recognize myself in the mirror and I definitely don't weigh anywhere near what I should. I want to be fit. I want to be happy about my lifestyle. But most of all I want a long and healthy life.
  • BoricuaMami5785
    laurarichards: You are absolutely right. It is time to start living life for yourself. Good for you!!!

    mysizehealthy: I have a crazy amount of family members with severe health concerns, such as those you listed, and I too worry about what my future holds if I don't get my life under control as well. Let's do this!!! :)
  • EirePetal
    EirePetal Posts: 54 Member
    Wow, basically all I need to say is "ditto" at laurarichards. Everything she said works for me too right down to my age. Hi, I am Tanya, and I am 29, turning 30 in October. And I want to live better, be energetic, and dammit, be able to paint my own toes :happy: . I am also wanting to have kids soon and I want to be a good example for them and actually have the energy for them.
  • BoricuaMami5785
    isispetal: Good for you for taking control of your life! Go girl!
  • brownmara
    brownmara Posts: 175 Member
    Hello All! I will be 43 years old in September. I have always been a Big Girl and an athlete. My reason for eliminating weight is all the aches and pain from carry all this weight. I have severe arthritis, back troubles and lots of joint pain. Everyday life is very taxing on my body at this weight. I need to lose over 100 pounds and since joining MFP I have been trying to lose at least 1 pound a month. Anything more than that is Great! I'm looking forward to this journey with you all.
    LET's GO!
  • BoricuaMami5785
    brownmara... slow and steady wins the race. :) Welcome to the group. I'm looking forward to achieving our goals together. :)
  • katie8485
    katie8485 Posts: 19 Member
    There are several things pushing me to lose weight. 1) I am not happy with they way I look. 2) I want to be healthy for me and my kids. 3) I want to set a good example for my kids. 4) I want to prove to everyone telling me I can't that I can.

    I am a mother of 2 with very little support at home with the weight loss. I weigh 230 starting and I am looking at 140 I know it is not 100 but it is close. If I make 130 I wont complain. =0) After my daughter was born I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism which makes it very hard to lose and very easy to gain. I have not seen under 200lbs since 2006. Any request are welcome and I look forward to doing this together.
  • BoricuaMami5785
    Welcome to the group, and good luck in your weight loss. :)
  • Lori0510
    Lori0510 Posts: 24 Member
    I also feel like laurarichards - I'm 46 yo and missing out on so many things because of my weight and size. I've been sitting on the sidelines too long. Plus, I feel terrible - my knees hurt constantly, my hips are starting to hurt, I've been fearful of stroke and heart attack with all the extra pounds I'm carrying. Two years ago I was 50 lbs lighter and just can't believe I put this many pounds on in such a short time. The final straw and short term motivator is a college reunion I have coming up this fall. I need to do something to start feeling good about myself again.
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    Is "revenge" taken?:glasses:
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    When you sit down and actually *think* about WHY you have finally reached this place in your life, it is amazing how emotional and open you become with yourself.
    I've been over-weight since I graduated high school... but I've become obese since I started having children and just told myself it doesn't matter anymore. My life didn't matter, because basically it was over. Talk about depressed. I just didn't care. PERIOD.

    Now I look back and seen how I've missed beaches, parties, football, basketball and soccer games all because I was too embarrassed to be seen. I couldn't walk without getting out of breath. I would sweat within 5 minutes of walking from the car to the store, or to an amusement park. SO.... I never really went back. Oh I'd go to the store of course for groceries, but I'd go real late at night so there would be parking close to the entrance. ( I can't even believe I just admitted that!)

    I have hypertension. I'm on meds. I also had a mini-stroke back in May... which led me to losing a job. Oh I have another job...one that pays more and is actually something I love... so that was a blessing, however the point is if I was in decent/good health I wouldn't have lost the first job in the first place!
    I want to lose weight because I'm suffocating my internal organs. I'm putting way too much stress on my heart. I'm pushing my kidneys and well... I don't exactly call that fair. I want to lose weight because I have children that depend on me. I'm the ONLY parent they have, so it is up to ME to stick around for a little while longer.

    I am so tired of being tired. I'm tired of being out of breath. And the habits I've been forming have rubbed off on my children and now THEY are becoming what I am... obese. I'm at fault, and it has to change. I've been doing pretty well and I don't have the trigger foods in the house any longer. I don't buy chips/cookies/cake any longer. I just feel that the kids can eat/snack on something better also. I've sat them down and discussed these things with them, and how diabetes is absolutely no fun...and they agree and are okay with the non-sweet snacks that aren't in the house anymore.

    The ONE thing I have learned throughout this journey, is that PATIENCE is key. The weight isn't going to come off overnight, and it is gonna take time... but persistence is a must, and I have that, and I'm learning patience. I can't wait to get to know all of you and walk with you on this journey. :flowerforyou:
  • Lucyj75
    Lucyj75 Posts: 10 Member
    My reason for losing the lbs is for me to have a last shot of being a mummy( my biggest reason), needing a new knee as and they will not touch me until I have lost more weight and to have a healthy future. I am more than half way there, I started at 266 lbs at present I'm 204 and my goal is 161. Good luck everyone on there journeys!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Is "revenge" taken?:glasses:

    Good one. :laugh:

    I personally am looking forward to travelling with my wife, spending our children's inheritance having fun (instead of on medical intervention for my comorbidities.)
  • BoricuaMami5785
    Lori0510: Good for you for taking control and making positive choices. :)

    m23prime: revenge lol… How about talking more about this??? ;)

    FixingMe13: Thank you so much for sharing your story. I know how hard it is to open up with complete strangers, but sometimes its even harder opening up to yourself. You are a very brave person for making the right choice to better your health, not only for you; but for your kids as well. I know my son (who is 3-yrs-old) is a HUGE motivator for me. I'm tired of being a tired mommy… I really want a young, vibrant, youthful mother who can keep up with him all day without getting winded. Welcome to the group and I hope you enjoy the new MFP buddies you are about to make.

    juicylucy: Great job on your current weight loss, and good luck on your future weight loss. :) Welcome to the group!!!

    dward59: traveling sounds FANTASTIC!!! spending your kids's inheritance… lol Welcome to the group. :)
  • cc11395
    cc11395 Posts: 121 Member
    What great reasons we all have - and I am not unlike any/all of you.

    I have lost and gained the same 100+ pounds since I was a little girl, just once I would like to say that those pounds are gone for good. Motivation, support, encouragement, accountability - that's what I am looking forward to from you folks...And what I will strive to provide.

    Good luck to us all on this journey!!
  • BoricuaMami5785
    Welcome to the group... You will DEF find motivation here. :)
  • get2stacey44
    I'm have a couple of things in common with you, Lori01510...same age, same "gain" of 50 lbs over past couple of years etc.. I was in the hospital for High Blood Pressure on my 40th birthday. My flowers from work had a Happy Birthday pick and a Get Well Soon card. That sucked. I've been on meds since then. I went from 234 to 181 in a matter of months. Then instead of continuing down the scale, I started creeping back up. Now I'm heavier than I was back then by a few pounds...238. Eeeshh :(

    I'm done...it's time to show myself and everyone else I can do this, WE can do this! :)
  • BoricuaMami5785
    Go you get2stacey!!! If you did it then you can DEF do it now. :)
  • hollyla9905
    I dug up this older post because this morning I almost went back into self destruct mode! Great day yesterday gave away to stress and strain, I didn't want to get up, I wanted McDonald's for breakfast because we have no breakfast food in the house, and it's 11 am and I'm already drinking a diet coke!
    I did get up, I did not go to McDonald's I went to subway and got egg and ham on flat bread, I forced myself to do my morning half n hour walk and I am having the diet coke in trade for not staying home and eating McDonald's!

    So I started reading these and it made me cry I see myself a bit in each of these!

    I have alway been chubby and then I gained more weight I had to leave my first chosen profession as an ambulance attendant because I couldn't do it and be a single mom, I gained more weight, my family went through some serious bad stuff and I just ate what I wanted pretending I would go back to working out as soon as the crisis was over!

    I went back to school fell into a dangerous pattern with drugs and alcohol, found out I was diabetic and had high blood pressure and that I had to change my life or die! I quit smoking, drugs and alcohol but didnt believe I had to change my food!

    The first time I sat down in a restaurant and couldn't fit in the booth I wanted to die! I had to face the music that I had become a 300 lbs lazy mama! All I did was go to work and eat! On my wedding day in decemeber of last year I was my highest 303 lbs! I spent my wedding night in the hospital while the doctors fought to save my grandma! ( she did make it that night) And I once again turned to my friends McDonald's and Burger King. In early July when I stepped on the scale and it said 308 I knew I was done! It couldn't be me anymore! It took some work to get Motivated but I'm here! And I am motivated :)

    Besides the first 20 I really want to fit in a booth without the table jammed in my stomach, and you know health and happiness for my family a long life with my husband and kids!