I'm baaaaaaaack!

Hey everyone! The first trimester kicked me in the butt. I've been too fatigued to exercise and too nauseated to track my food because I was eating only for survival. And then all that Halloween candy... but the fog is starting to lift and
I'm ready to make sure I eat healthier foods from now on. I've set my goal to gain one pound per week (I'm almost 14 weeks and have gained 4-4 lbs, so so far so good). How are all of you?


  • Cassasassie
    Cassasassie Posts: 4 Member
    My first trimester was killer too. 😭 I threw up around 7 times a day until I got medicine to help it. I lost 8 lbs due to lack of food and water. I’m now up at my prepregnancy weight of 143 lbs but I’d like to try to maintain this as long as heathily possible since my old average weight until this May was 127-132lbs.