Roll Call~Monday 11/20/17

manladdvm Posts: 8,916 Member
Mornin' gents.


  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,916 Member
    Rested for the week. Let's get it on!

    Be OP ;-)
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,283 Member
    Good Morning!

    I'm with Lee! Especially since it is going to be a short work week, I want to start out productive.

    I am looking forward to a long weekend. I greatly appreciate have Friday off, as well as, Thursday. Our big plans for the next weekend is to clear our acre of leaves. I will gather them with the lawn tractor and lawn sweep, then grind them up in a chipper. Connie wants me to make compost, rather than burn them.

    Have a great day!
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,148 Member
    Tired morning here.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,839 Member
    Good Morning,
    I'm tired as well, did nothing yesterday; maybe making me lazy today.
    Will start prep for Thursday tonight.
    Cold for here this morning, low 30's, pulled all beans and peppers, covered tomatoes and herbs with plastic hope it keeps them from freezing. I'll pull okra and bean plants up this afternoon and lay out where they can be mulched with mower. We have no trees in our yard yet the back is covered with leaves, will not take but a few minutes for mower to cleanup.
    Enjoy the Day,
    Sam I am
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,681 Member
    Good Morning. Productive day yesterday on the patio and running errands, but feeling it. Finished up by roasting a chicken on the grill. Busy day ahead but hopefully can avoid the pain meds today. I got a note from my primary care doc that last week's MRI shows a nerve impingement besides the other stuff. That made me happy to know something was there to help explain the last few months. We shall see what the Pain Dr's office says. In the meantime I am focusing on getting things ready for Thursday. I have several medical appts this week as well. Should be a fun one. Behave.
  • wethlaw
    wethlaw Posts: 199 Member
    Morning Men. Was a good week end but not too restful. Still in the midst of construction and spent the entire day purging. It's amazing how much junk we can accumulate. Starting to see a bit of a light but at least a few more weeks before we are fully functional. Hope all are well and enjoy the day.
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,184 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Slept in until after 6, this morning. Felt great.

    Hope the pain doc visit is productive, Bill. It is good to at least have some information to work with.

    Heavy rain and wind this morning, but we have a carpenter coming over to give an estimate on fixing out leaky trim. I expect the estemate to be shockingly high.

    Going to turn fun stuff in the shop, today. I might glue up some more blanks for my sister's project, but I';m turning snowmen and Christmas ornaments.
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,562 Member
    Late check in here. Light snow on the ground this morning, now melted. Off to get my suit altered (larger...) for son John's upcoming wedding. Alas, another motive to lose weight.

    Being retired is a road to laxity for me, it seems. Am putting together a daily schedule to instill some order to life, hoping it also helps me to get on track with exercise.