December 26 Sign In

RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes?
Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day?
Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank?


  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    I am not sure when and where the English language acquired the phrase, "falling off the wagon" to indicate that you had lost your self-control and returned to a bad habit (usually, drinking). It's pretty hard to stay on the wagon before and during holidays, especially the Thanksgiving through New Year's traditional season of over-indulgence.
    Now that Christmas is over, it's time to get back on the wagon.

  • BadgerLamb236
    BadgerLamb236 Posts: 823 Member
    I'll be walking alongside the wagon until my sister goes home beginning of January, so not back on but not out of touch either. And could I please have the wagon with the puppies on it (as long as someone else looks after them!).
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    December 26
    Exercised?: Yes. 6km in 46 mins (hills)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    2x3km walks, one in the morning, one in the evening.

    Lunch at hotel for Brother-in-law's birthday. Birthday season in our family (brother-in-law, nephew and father all within a month).

    With the habits I have formed though out the year, I find I am not wanting snacks, appetisers, chips/dips or other "eating" treats. I eat largish meals, but most "snack" type food is not a reward (and I feel no compulsion to eat it). Makes sticking within budget easy.

    Hope everyone else is having a great festive season (and not having too much to claw back).
  • oykucan
    oykucan Posts: 953 Member
    Exercise: Yes. (30 min walking)
    Calories: Yes.
    Tracking: Yes.
  • oldactor
    oldactor Posts: 88 Member
    Dec. 25 didn’t track

    Dec. 26 over on calories, but tracked everything
  • Westschmeis
    Westschmeis Posts: 350 Member
    Dec. 23, 24 and 25 no tracking, way too much drinking.

    Back on the wagon today!

    5,072 steps, over 1 hour active. Starting new strength program.
    Well under on calories, with excellent nutrition.
    Everything logged.

    Onward and downward!!
  • w8goal4life
    w8goal4life Posts: 1,375 Member
    Yes x 3 for today 12/26. Too cold to suit me for outside activity. Exercise videos substituted for outside walk. I'm not a spring chicken so Jane Fonda was my exercise guru today. Other days I choose to follow Gilad routines. I enjoy his routines filmed on the shores of Honolulu with Diamond Head in the background. I'm definitely NOT a beach person; but the overall setting in Hawaii is much more pleasing than western NY this time of year!
  • glimjy
    glimjy Posts: 91 Member
    Exercise ✅ weights
    Calories ✅ under
    Logging ✅
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,235 Member
    Calories under- yes
    Exercise - yes over 11,000 steps and a 45 min. Walk
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,578 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? ✅ Treadmill
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? ✅
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? ✅
  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    I'm back on the wagon today!
    Exercise: I was out in the super cold and found that my horses had ice jammed into balls under their hooves. That had never happened before. I spent a lot of time at -6 degrees F, or -21 C. I had to use a hoof pick and a rasp to try to cut off the ice. Lots of exercise and multiple trips to warm my hands
    Tracking: ok
    Calories: under by more than 500 kcal
  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes.

    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes

    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    3 dog walks today. Hubby not well so a day hanging around the house
  • w8goal4life
    w8goal4life Posts: 1,375 Member
    edited December 2017
    I'm back on the wagon today!
    Exercise: I was out in the super cold and found that my horses had ice jammed into balls under their hooves. That had never happened before. I spent a lot of time at -6 degrees F, or -21 C. I had to use a hoof pick and a rasp to try to cut off the ice. Lots of exercise and multiple trips to warm my hands

    Brrr.....not my idea of a good time! Time for you to start the pbcwcwm766h7.png
  • amichelel588
    amichelel588 Posts: 122 Member
    Exercise: yes, 30 min on treadmill walk/run
    Calories: yes, under
    Tracked: yes
  • MzRuthy
    MzRuthy Posts: 434 Member
    3x yes. 30 min elliptical
  • BadgerLamb236
    BadgerLamb236 Posts: 823 Member
    Not too bad a day, was on goal and tracking reasonably well until supper. Had decided to save my planned salmon roast for New Year's Day So cooked tandoori chicken, dhal and veg curry - so far so good. Then husband decided he would like onion bhajis. I know I didn't have to have any, but after making them I couldn't resist. So a bit over on calories. No snow, ice or freezing temperatures here, but a bit damp.
  • cardio_enthusiast
    cardio_enthusiast Posts: 639 Member

    Happy Boxing Day!

    Pass day.

    We spent a lot of time on the road, traveling to our ski destination:-).

    Exercise: no
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes