December 5 Sign In



  • amichelel588
    amichelel588 Posts: 122 Member
    Yes x3
    For exercise I did 20 minutes of random exercises, weights, stairs, etc. Even just these little exercises every day are giving me muscle soreness, feels good!
  • dawnrenae17
    dawnrenae17 Posts: 32 Member
    Exercise-Another great day on the treadmill! Did a scenic route through California woods! Over 11,000 total steps again.
    Calories-yes, but barely again! Darn work trip!
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? YES (elliptical at gym and ab/arm workout app)
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? YES
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? YES
  • amazsplendor
    amazsplendor Posts: 314 Member
    Pass 2

  • Westschmeis
    Westschmeis Posts: 350 Member
    Another good day.
    13,337 steps, 1 hour 47 minutes active.

    Under on calories, but want to start extending my deficit a little more.

    Everything logged.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,431 Member
    Dec 5: yes all 3. did 38min home exercise(fitness blender)& poser walked for 20min during hour dog walk
  • MzRuthy
    MzRuthy Posts: 434 Member
    Yes to the 3. 20 min of weights.
  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member
    Yes x 3. Just walking dog for the exercise.
  • glimjy
    glimjy Posts: 91 Member
    Today was hard! When I was entering the recipes I was cooking for dinner this morning I found out it was crazy high in calories so I had to tighten down the rest of the day and add more exercise in to keep my deficit. Well then my sister thought she’d treat me with some doughnuts I’d been craving that are like 280 calories EACH and didn’t understand why I wouldn’t eat it. I took it to have in the morning lol. Nobody understood how hard I worked so I could enjoy my luxurious dinner and keep my deficit. :-/

    Exercise: yes. kickboxing video and 3 cardio circuits
    Calories: yes. under!
    Logging: yes. All done.
  • MzRuthy
    MzRuthy Posts: 434 Member
    I used my last pass day today and got myself eliminated :(

    Do it for you & you'll always win. Don't let a pass/fail get in your way. It's just to encourage us & get us going. Keep moving forward.

  • MelissaSheklian
    MelissaSheklian Posts: 141 Member
    Excercise: yes 30 minutes strength, 30 minutes elliptical
    Calories: logged and under
    Ate a small piece of peppermint brownie at work and carefully balanced it with my husbands homemade dosa for dinner, I’m finally learning how to eat in moderation without feeling like I “can’t” eat things
  • nnoodles22
    nnoodles22 Posts: 11 Member
    Date: December 5 (PASS DAY)
    Exercise: no, driving out west
    Calories: so close! But no
    Tracked: yes
  • bobintree
    bobintree Posts: 4 Member
    The day is the 5th of December.
    Excersise: yes
    Calories: within the limits of of my goal
    Tracked: down to the exact calorie
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,383 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? ✅ Treadmill/Yoga
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? ✅
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? ✅
  • mynacha73
    mynacha73 Posts: 120 Member
    Hi All,
    20 minute walk today + getting my exercise running all over the school in which I work - my Apple Watch claims I exercised for 45 minutes!
    Yes to calories under
    Yes to logging
    feeling good
  • astroamy
    astroamy Posts: 977 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? 15k steps

    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes

    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes
  • Cherzeen
    Cherzeen Posts: 40 Member
    Dec. 5

    Exercise: Yes. 24 minutes walk
    Track: Yes
  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes. Dog walk and Wetlands walk

    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes

    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

    Went with a new friend to a new part of The Wetlands (she lives on the other side). She loved it but complained the whole way about aches and pains and how out of breath she was. Her pace was also slow. However, a walk is a walk and if I can help her get her fitness up, I will gladly take one for the team :D

    In other news, I hand scrubbed the first level tile floor (all tile apart from a downstairs bedroom). It was an upper body, shoulder exercise. Family is coming, one more day of prepping!
  • Lilsha08
    Lilsha08 Posts: 9 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yes, 30 minutes of lifting and 1 hr of dance cardio
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? No, went a little over because of a chocolate hazelnut vanilla frappe. I had a free drink reward at a local coffee shop
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes