Thanksgiving Eve, 2017

mikehikemike Posts: 3,562 Member
Morning gents...


  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,562 Member
    Sam, your comment yesterday about joining a gym makes sense... earlier this week I even stumbled on a coupon for $100 off on a membership from my health insurance, which I didn't know I had. Will look into it.

    Meanwhile, started setting my alarm for 6, which is a help. Have hiked every other day this week. And at yesterday's bible study I only took one small schtickle of the pie someone brought.

    Picking up my pants from tailor this evening for Friday's wedding. He had to let out the waist 2-1/4". Gaaak. DS asked me if after the wedding if I could babysit a few days for his dog. Thinking about that one...

    Tomorrow getting together at eldest DD's house with hordes of family from all over. Will be fun. Biggest challenge for me will be not eating one of each kind of pie... maybe the one-schtickle strategy is a good one.

    Off to brew the coffee. Have a good day!
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,839 Member
    Good Morning,
    Mike, here most medicare supplements pay for Silver Slippers at gyms and gyms allow members full access to gyms, if not for 65+ it is only $25.00 a month. Me doing yoga classes allows me full use of gym without paying.
    On eating, if it's in front of me I'll eat it; so I have to stay away; unfortunately tomorrow family is gathering at our house; where I'm cooking; but generally I so tired after preparing for crowd I do not eat much. Problem will be leftovers.
    Bill, hope back is better.
    Hope all get a GREAT HUMP in!
    Enjoy the Day,
    Sam I am
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,283 Member
    Good Morning!

    Hoping for a quiet day at work.

    I have to admit. Thanksgiving is not a holiday that I look forward to. We will have our little family of three and cook a turkey breast with the trimmings.

    Bill, I noticed today that on MFP, you and I have both lost 11 pounds and change. Puts us on a level platform. Perhaps some sort of challenge is in order with perhaps coffee to the winner? Something to keep us accountable during the holidays. Perhaps first to lose 9 pounds (puts it over the 20lb mark on MFP) gets a pound of coffee? Just a friendly wager. You might have other suggestions.

    Have a great day!

  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,681 Member
    Good Morning. Early appt this morning for another set of trigger point injections. I will be pushing for a mtg with the Dr now the the MRI results are in so he can explain the new findings and put together a treatment plan. What a bureaucracy. Lots of Thanksgiving prep work to do in the kitchen today before a pie making class at 2:00. I am relying alot on Norco to be able to be active, but hopefully that is short term.

    Mike, on schtickle of several pies does add up!

    Steve, you are on!

    Have a wonderful day
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,184 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    We're gatherin at DS' home tomorrow, but I am bringing corn pudding (a family tradition), potatoes, pies and a cracker/cheese plate. I'll do all the prep I can, today and start cooking in the morning.

    I really hope they can comeup with a workable strategy for you, Bill. You're in my prayers.
  • wethlaw
    wethlaw Posts: 199 Member
    Morning all. Quiet day working a bit at home. No kitchen, all the kids are away so DW and I will have a nice quiet Thanksgiving. Have a great day all.