Roll Call~Wednesday 11/29/17

manladdvm Posts: 8,916 Member
Mornin' gents.


  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,916 Member
    Life is busy. Just discovered missed yesterday checking in.

    Mike, sorry to hear about the tooth! Pain and suffering ($$$).

    Amazing to hear Sam talking about gardening and its almost December. I use Bonide products on my garden vegetables...

    Be OP ;-)
  • shenry111
    shenry111 Posts: 4,283 Member
    Good Morning!

    Mike, I hope that you are finding some relief! The $$$ part sucks.

    Bill, I'm still praying that you are finding relief from your pain and suffering.

    Dave, are your hands doing any better?

    I've got to say that I was feeling some arthritis symptoms. Since getting the hot tub a month ago, my hand has hardly any pain in it, my lower back feels better, and my frozen shoulder has substantially less pain. The hot tub has also helped with stress reduction. I cannot say enough good things about it!

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • DavidKuhnsSr
    DavidKuhnsSr Posts: 7,184 Member
    Good morning gentlemen.

    Loaded up my sister and saw her off with all the pieces I turned for her.

    Suffering through a head cold. Hate this.

    Meeting a contractor this morning to finalize the repairsa to be done on our house. We've owned four homes over the last 30 years and this is the first time we have had to do something like this. Just lucky, I guess.

    My thumbs still cause me trouble, Steve. I ordered some braces to wear when I'm not working. My sister says they helped her a lot when she suffes similar pain in the basal thumb joint. We'll see.
  • LeonardRing
    LeonardRing Posts: 4,839 Member
    Good Morning,
    Happy HUMPING!!!
    Thanks Lee, will get some Thursday.
    A major underlying of stress is aches and pain. My business partner is a chiropractor and he has always said if people knew how to handle stress he would not be able to make a living. I find a strong faith, exercise, meditation and yoga helps with the daily stress folks live with.
    Sorry about tooth, shame medicare will not cover dental especially since they have proven that healthy teeth and gums yields better health.
    Hope weather is better for getting outside, here will be mid 60's and sunny today and expected same for rest of week.
    Enjoy the Day,
    Sam I am
  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,562 Member
    Morning. Jaw and cheek less swollen and painful today; hardly noticeable unless I press on tender areas. Thank$ for the condolence$. Waiting to hear from dentist, what he will do and when.

    Made some homemade Christmas ornaments yesterday between calls to dentists and doctors. Hoping to try again the live tree with candles this year, which never got off the ground last year. If I light the candles it will be when company is here, with a fire extinguisher and bucket at hand, and after spraying the tree with mist. Once lit, never leave it alone. Will cut tree fresh on Christmas Eve, wrap cut immediately in wet towel, and keep constantly in water once home. My parents remembered having candles in early 1900's in NYC. There were alas a few fires in the city.
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,681 Member
    Good Morning. I had a successful visit with Dr. The new MRI showed the cause of my sudden decline and he is going to try large volume epidurals to hopefully reduce the inflammation. If he can get 30-50% improvement after the first he will try a second. Otherwise it is some fun surgery to clean up the joint and increase the opening and possibly remove some of bulge in the disc. But the steroid injection brought a lot of relief and I was able to get quite a bit of sleep. Unfortunately it has started to wear off. Today I have tutoring which is the only activity I am holding on to. It will require some Norco to get through it. If I can can keep to one a day I can make it till the procedure.

    Mike, I was shocked by the cost of implants, the long timeline from start to finish and how little dental insurance pays. I can't imagine multiple. My implant goes in in 3 weeks now that the bone has grown in.
  • wethlaw
    wethlaw Posts: 199 Member
    Morning all. Still here with no kitchen but becoming a master of the hot plate...Mike I feel your pain as I have 6 implants....helped put my dentist's kid through college. But they are really worth it. Hope all are well.