
I'm a pretty huge film fan, any genre, any era, so I'm up for any discussions.

To start us off my favourite films are the LOTR trilogy and my most watched genres are comedy and sci fi.


  • rocketman7k
    I like LOTR. I really enjoyed the Hobbit and am looking forward to more in the future. I've really been on a Zombie kick lately. So far that I went to the Zombie Apocolypse store in Vegas and got a bunch of survival gear, weapons and zombie targets!
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 744 Member
    Yesss, prepare for the zombie apocalypse! Best reason to lose this weight imo! Love all things zombie. I guess you've seen all the movies I could think of but if you haven't read World War Z that's definitely worth a read. I can't believe you guys get zombie apocalypse stores! In the UK we make our own kits haha.

    Oh and as for the movies, my all time favourite is Battle Royale. Am another massive LOTR fan. I guess I probably mainly watch science fiction.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Omg yes to LOTR! The Hobbit was good but after rereading the book I had to constantly remind myself that films can still be good even if they make up things :3. *cough cough* Xmen trilogy. I liked the first two but last one sucked. They're fixing it by melding the 3rd movie and Xmen First Class in Xmen Days of Future's Past next year. I am SO pumped. There was tiny hint to it at the end of The Wolverine (which was oookay, I suppose!). It was much better than Xmen Origins Wolverine, where they destroy Deadpool completely... I did enjoy the part where you got to see Hugh Jackman's butt though. Anything comic book esk I am way into. I'm excited for the new Avengers movie and all the movies leading up to it as well.
  • Epyhon
    Epyhon Posts: 32 Member
    I'm a huge movie fan. I enjoy almost every type a lot, except for horror (only a little). I have to say my favorite movie is probably V for Vendetta based on the number of times I've watched it. It just draws me in.
  • katherine_jenkins
    I enjoyed The Hobbit, but I still prefer LOTR.

    One of my favourite zombie films has to be Shaun of the Dead. I'm definitely a huge fan of the Edgar Wright/Simon Pegg/Nick Frost combination.

    I agree about X Men, 1 and 2 were great, not a fan of 3, I actually like X Men Origins though (we'll ignore the Deadpool business). I liked the dynamic between Jackman and Schreiber. First Class, however, has to be my favourite so far. I think Fassbender makes an awesome Magneto.

    Another of my favourite films is The Fifth Element.
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 744 Member
    Yay! Fifth Element is one of my all time favourites too <3 such a great movie
  • katherine_jenkins
    Yay! Fifth Element is one of my all time favourites too <3 such a great movie

    It really is!
  • phrendlynut
    phrendlynut Posts: 37 Member
    I quote this movie more than anyone really should.
  • Epyhon
    Epyhon Posts: 32 Member
    The Fifth Element is one of my favorites also. That would be a fun movie to be a fly on the wall as they shot the scenes. Such a great film.
  • katherine_jenkins
    It definitely is. I also think that Eric Serra did an amazing job on the soundtrack.
  • pinksarahjane
    pinksarahjane Posts: 73 Member
    I love the fifth element my favourite film is the goonies but also like the black hole, alien, pitch black to name but a few
  • vickish76
    vickish76 Posts: 80 Member
    I still think Shaun of the Dead is one of the funniest movies ever made
  • exile40
    exile40 Posts: 161 Member
    At the mo its Old boy , Kung fu Hustle , Predator , Predators , Aliens , Alien vs Predators :) See a pattern here :)
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 744 Member
    Aw man I should watch Kung Fu Hustle again! Now I'm REALLY looking forwards to Elysium, it looks so awesome. I loved District 9 so hopefully this will be as good :D
  • vickish76
    vickish76 Posts: 80 Member
    Saw Elysium last night - really really good!