Update Your Progress!!

When did you start Ideal Protein?
How much weight have you lost so far?
What is your goal?
Biggest challenge?
Greatest success so far?
Favorite IP food?
Favorite recipe?

Keep posting your updates so we can see your progress and cheer you on!!! :-)


  • AmandamazingLowCarb
    When did you start Ideal Protein? I started IP on 10/31/17 (about 5 weeks ago)

    How much weight have you lost so far? 17 pounds!!! :-D

    What is your goal? My goal is to lose 48 more pounds, which would put me at 180 pounds.

    Biggest challenge? I really struggle with the loss of social interaction. It is hard to be able to participate, especially during the holidays. But I am adjusting and learning how I can be part of the fun without eating the food. I try to limit my exposure though because the food is very tempting still.

    Greatest success so far? I haven't given in to temptation, even on days where I'm feeling very left out and not very happy. I've never made it this long on a weight loss program without cheating!

    Favorite IP food? I love the lemon wafers, and the vanilla crispy squares.

    Favorite recipe? So far, my favorite has been the jicama and pepper home fries. SO GOOD! I'll share the recipe in the recipe discussion board!
  • Echofroe
    Echofroe Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Amanda! Glad to see that you are enjoying Ideal Protein. What are your latest stats? Did you make through all of the holiday gatherings?
  • cindi0856
    cindi0856 Posts: 17 Member
    Is anyone still active in this group doing IP? No activity in a couple months.
  • sestrange
    sestrange Posts: 4 Member
    I have restarted IP. Weigh in last Thursday, down 5 lbs!
  • Rpp1986
    Rpp1986 Posts: 10 Member
    2nd weigh in with IP and I am down a total of 13 lbs. I am super excited. Hopefully I can keep this up.