Roo was cute...poor mama! 8/1/13

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Now I loved Winnie the Pooh and Roo. I loved Roo and his mama! (If you don't know who Roo was then Google him). But I don't want a pouch like his mama! LOL! Soooooooo, hence the challenge for today and if you want all month! Your choice.

I know you guys like these challenges and I do too! I will admit sometimes I don't do daily but I try to get them in at least 4-6 days a week. I add it to my routine or days I am really tired I just do these routines. Let's see how we feel at the end of the month.

Did anyone do the push up challenge from July??? How do you feel about push-ups? Your technique?



  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Also good to have while travelling when hotel does not have exercise room.... Didn't get to do the pushup challenge for July, still waiting for ankle to decide to cooperate (it kept collapsing when I did full pushups and when I did knee pushups it would do it's ever so wonderful turn and lock occasionally with a big toe back bend thrown in) Hoping that it will figure itself out, especially since knees are getting in on the action for being problem sites (but I know that's mostly due to weight, and will correct itself when I start losing... someday. I do need to start watching one knee, I have an unexplained bruise on it and it's a little swelled up)
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Is it okay if I skip this one, or will that make me a bad member? I'm doing a 30 day ab challenge, and squat challenge. I would do this too, it's just that my body won't take burpees and such well right now while mono is still lingering.
