Introduce yourself. Tell us your story and goals!



  • hannamarie0098
    hannamarie0098 Posts: 85 Member
    I miss running :( I was never especially good, my 5k pb was 29 minutes and 10k on was about 70 min. I can’t run at the moment as I have a hip issue and am awaiting surgery. I hope to get back into it again one day.
  • TravelBear87
    TravelBear87 Posts: 98 Member
    I miss running :( I was never especially good, my 5k pb was 29 minutes and 10k on was about 70 min. I can’t run at the moment as I have a hip issue and am awaiting surgery. I hope to get back into it again one day.

    Oh no, have you stopped running long? What exercise do you do now? X

  • hannamarie0098
    hannamarie0098 Posts: 85 Member
    I miss running :( I was never especially good, my 5k pb was 29 minutes and 10k on was about 70 min. I can’t run at the moment as I have a hip issue and am awaiting surgery. I hope to get back into it again one day.

    Oh no, have you stopped running long? What exercise do you do now? X

    I haven’t run in about a year. I’ve joined a gym instead and cycle but I’ve not been as consistent as I need to be. I recently bought some personal training sessions which I really enjoy so will continue with those. I miss the psychological benefits of running the most.
  • TravelBear87
    TravelBear87 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm struggling with discipline at the moment myself, although I'm feeling really determined for the New Year.

    I enjoy the benefits of running, it does help my mood but it doesn't help my poor knees haha!

    I hope the personal training sessions go well :smile:
  • saptap
    saptap Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for adding me to the group. My weight loss journey started three years ago. I was 270 pounds and worked my way down to 183 pounds. Since my lowest weight (summer of 2016) I have worked to gain good weight (lifting weights to gain muscle) and even at my age, 47 now, I’ve been able to put some good weight on my body. The problem is I also put on some bad weight on (now I am 215 pounds) and developed some bad eating habits along the way. I want to lose around 20 pounds and will need to refocus my eating habits. I look forward to reaching my goals and seeing others in the group reach theirs. 2018 will be a good year!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,118 Member
    Hi my name is Tracy, I'm 45 and live in New Hampshire. I have 2 grown boys. I have had a lot of problem losing weight it just seems to go up. I have 50 pounds to lose hopefully I can get it done. I just started doing 21df and country heat. I also take a zumba class a few days per week and I walk. I do try running I'm not very good at it and my knees don't like it. I have to get better about logging my food. So that is my mini goal measure and log everything.
  • karinidowu
    karinidowu Posts: 327 Member
    edited December 2017
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Karin. I live in WA state area near Oregon border. I joined this group because I am looking for accountability. I have been struggling to lose weight from my last pregnancy which was 5 yrs ago! I did lose 20 lbs but gained most of it back. So really no excuse for me right now. This week I seemed to have got pneumonia and struggling with getting my energy levels back and I can’t stop coughing. Hoping I get better quickly because I really need to be exercising more. My biggest problem is that I love food a little to much! I am an emotional eater and struggle with binge eating. I have two girls I am homeschooling half the time and it is pretty demanding making sure they are growing academically. My goal for this year is to not binge eat, eat healthy meals, lose weight I gained and additional 20 more lbs weight loss. I thought about joining weight watchers but I just don’t want to spend the money! I weigh 211.5 pounds and I would love to get down to 170 lbs by end of the year. I am almost 5’ 10” tall.
    Thanks for letting me join this group! I am going to put a calendar up in my room to mark days I exercised, tracked meals and stayed binge free!
  • lowjax75
    lowjax75 Posts: 589 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Jeff. 42 year old and I can use all the help I can get. :smile: I've been on this journey for 8 years and two years ago started what I am calling my "last time". I was my highest weight and I will never go back here. Looking forward to the group here and helping to keep each other accountable and motivated, and helping to encourage each other.

    I'll post more later, but did want to say "Hi" before I take off for the day.
  • PNWBethany
    PNWBethany Posts: 116 Member
    edited December 2017
    Hello, I'm Bethany. I'm 32 years old, 5'4", about 160 pounds, and live in Washington state (U.S.). I used to be a public school teacher but am now a stay at mom to my 5 month old daughter. Until 5 years ago I was really pretty healthy. I finished two marathons, several half marathons, and enjoyed yoga. However, emotional eating led to a 40 pound weight gain. I still can't believe it happened! My family is very unhealthy - every single person is overweight, obese, or morbidly obese. (Diabetes, too). I previously lost about 20 pounds, then was pregnant, etc...I have about 25 more lbs to go. Thank you for letting me join this group - I really appreciate it and I feel hopeful that it will help.
  • TravelBear87
    TravelBear87 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi, welcome to all the newcomers. Apologies I've not responded individually but it's been a hectic day but I wanted to say hi before I go to bed.

    Thanks to everyone for joining the group. :smile:

    Don't forget to use the weigh in thread in discussions, not announcements.

    Also, tomorrow is the start of the January exercise challenge. I really want to encourage everyone to join, please see the thread for more details!

    Here's to 2018! Happy New Year everyone!

  • PNWBethany
    PNWBethany Posts: 116 Member
    Hi I’m George! I’m 28 from sunny England and married to the wonderful Hanna who’s suggested I join this support her!

    I just have to say I think it's WONDERFUL that you are doing this together!