August Goals



  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    August goal -

    OK, this might seem like a weird one to have on the Stronglifts board, but my one goal is to be consistent about doing cardio 3x a week. I don't think I've missed a lifting session since I started SL in March (other than a vacation week in April). But I will use any little excuse to get out of cardio. I can't do yoga because when I get down on the floor, I notice it needs vacuuming, then I end up doing the whole house. Uh-oh--30% chance of rain? Those fluffy little clouds might turn into a thunderstorm when I'm a mile from home. I have to pick up the kids in two hours; there's no way I have time to pick out a workout outfit that nobody will see, fit in a half hour of body circuits and then change. And on and on.

    I wanted to get into trail running, and I just found another 5-mile trail marked out in the state park down the street from my house. I've done it a couple times; mostly very brisk walking with a jog here and there. Plus I can kayak on nice days. That will be the main two, plus doing some pushups and body circuits on rainy days.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    My goal is to actually break the program down into 2 parts as intended, instead of doing everything in one workout. Also to work on bench pressing. Ugh. lol
  • alliebeth88
    alliebeth88 Posts: 59 Member
    My goal is to get to 200 lbs on my DL and 150 on my squat. Currently have 185 (full reps...) on DL and 130 on squat. Shooting for 190 DL and 135 squat today. If all goes well, should be at goal by the end of the month :)
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    By the end of August, I aim to deadlift my body weight. Just progress with the other lifts as best I can. Get on top of my marking. Eat between 1700 and 2000 cals per day (although I'm also tracking on WW again. I like it. It works for me. But I'm sure I'll confuse the crap out of myself now!) I want to get my uni assignments completed to the best of my ability. And get thru the work audit without having a nervous breakdown or quitting!
  • grandevampire
    - Do Stronglifts
    - OHP that darn bar 5x5
    - Don't hurt myself while running (training for a 16K in September)

    Easy peasy!
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    OK i'm making it official by putting it in here but my goal by end of August is a 100kg deadlift, not bad as building everything back up from a fractured wrist :)

    Good luck with your goals ladies
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    to stop faffing around
    to finish the actual first 12 weeks of stronglifts!!!!! (which has taken rather more than 12 weeks so far *tells self off for blatant inconsistency*)
    to stick with the programme and stop having unscheduled rest days
    to get my wilks score above 250 (i.e. with calculated 1RMs based on working weights, I know that's not the same as a genuine score from actual 1RMs, but it's still something to work towards and I like seeing numbers getting bigger)
    to sort my squats out
    to do all my lifts with heavier weights than before, always with good form! <--always my goal but i thought i'd write it just for good measure
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    YAY August goal met :)
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    By the end of August, I aim to deadlift my body weight. Just progress with the other lifts as best I can. Get on top of my marking. Eat between 1700 and 2000 cals per day (although I'm also tracking on WW again. I like it. It works for me. But I'm sure I'll confuse the crap out of myself now!) I want to get my uni assignments completed to the best of my ability. And get thru the work audit without having a nervous breakdown or quitting!

    So, fail on the first goal - my back went out last week, so had a whole week off. I'll just bump this to my Sept goal! :sad:
    Progress in lifts - same as the DL, put out by the back problem (I think caused by falling off my bike in a sandy patch!) :ohwell:
    Cals goal - failed MISERABLY! I think in Sept I'll just do WW for the food side... It seems to confuse me less and it works for me.
    Uni - achieved! Still have to make it thru Sept though... It's a killer this semester!:indifferent:
    Work audit - I dunno that I avoided the nervous breakdown, but I blitzed it (was put forward as example of best practice - whoa!!) :love:

    So Aug is a mix of pretty abysmal for the food and lifting and ok for the rest of life... Meh, you get that! :drinker:
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    Woah, almost forgot tomorrow is the last day of the month! i'd better get with it and bench 100 tomorrow, last chance!

    zanyzana, just keep swimming!!!