What can I eat?

teachfl2 Posts: 95 Member
I’ve been asking myself that question all day. The list of food items I can’t have far outweigh the ones I can. On the “can’t eat or if you do then suffer” list are : wheat, egg yolks, most fruits especially lemon, most vegetables , anything fried or spicy, dairy, chocolate. I went to a nutritionist but the most she was able to do was create a list of things I’m already eating that are on the ok list. I’ve tried probiotics, digestive enzymes, aloe Vera juice, apple cider vinegar etc. Celiac test was negative. Scope and endoscopy showed nothing. Any advice or suggestions would be helpful as to where I go from here.


  • jcjones96
    jcjones96 Posts: 3 Member
    I’m allergic to wheat, soy, egg yolks, dairy, turkey, and oats

    For breakfast it’s either grits with smart balance margarine, almond milk yogurt and fruit (probably not a good idea for you), or almond milk and rice chex. Sometimes I’ll have the chicken bacon from Walmart.

    For other meals it’s Mexican food with corn tortillas or corn chips (check for soy) and guacamole and salsa and some sort of meat with corn and beans, rice pasta with ground beef and sauce, cube steak with gluten and dairy free brown gravy and a veg side, or chicken thighs seasoned and baked with rice and veg

    Snacks is hummus and cut veg, rice cakes with peanut butter, Lara bars, nuts, chips and salsa or guac, apple slices and peanut butter

    I pretty much can’t eat any gluten free breads because they contain eggs or oats or soy