Welcome to 2018 and January Schedule of Challenges!

themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
edited January 2018 in Social Groups
Happy New Year! Let’s make 2018 our best year yet by focusing on making the healthy habits that will enable us to live the life that we want!

I’m kicking off the new year with two changes to our group. As I mentioned last fall, I’m going to be running many of our weekly challenges again. At least one of our weekly challenges each month will be an “encore” challenge....one that we’ve had before. I’m doing this because we always have new members join our group, and even for our current, longstanding members, I think refreshers are helpful. Recycling challenges also makes managing this group easier and more sustainable for me because I don’t have to research and write a new challenge every week. No challenge will be repeated more than twice a year. (Except maybe Declutterfest! :) )

Also new this year, we have a fifth theme that will be joining our Healthy Eating, Exercise and Movement, Healthy Practices, and Greater Happiness themes. The mutual support of this group is fantastic and I want to tap into that more. We all have knowledge and wisdom about health and fitness that can benefit others. I’m calling this theme “Sharing Your Wisdom” and you’ll see it in action in our second January challenge. As always, feedback and suggestions are very welcome!

Finally, a reminder about reminders. We have an email reminder system in place. If you’d like to get an email when a new weekly challenge is posted, just email me at: ‪challengeaday2@gmail.com‬ and I'll add you to the list.

Please consider sharing our weekly challenges with your MFP friends. It’s always great to have more people join us!

Now on with the January Challenges!

Jan 1 - Jan 7: Theme: Healthy Eating
Challenge: If You Bite It, Write It

Let’s kick off our 2018 weekly challenges with a “back to basics” challenge: food logging. Having an accurate picture of what we eat each day is fundamental to losing weight. For those who find food diaries too stressful or cumbersome, food journaling is an excellent alternative and we'll have some resources for that.

Jan 8 - Jan 14: Theme: Sharing Your Wisdom
Challenge: Your Best Tips!

What advice or tips do you have that have helped you lose weight and become healthier and fitter? What has helped you the most? We’ve got a lot of new folks joining MFP this month and many of us are resuming our healthy lifestyle after a wonderful December detour. Let’s each share the tips and strategies that have worked for us. We can all learn from each other.

Jan 15 - Jan 21: Theme: Exercise and Movement
Challenge: The Missing Piece

There are 4 generally regarded prongs to fitness: cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and balance. Most of us tend to gravitate to one or two of these and they become our favorites. This week, let’s branch out a bit and explore a different aspect of fitness that we tend to overlook. It might become a new favorite!

***UPDATE: Although motivation and procrastination are related concepts, I decided it was best if they were separate challenges. So let’s do a two part, “Let’s Get Started” series. This month, if we get around to it, we will take on procrastination. Then in February, let’s look at research-based studies for overcoming a lack of motivation.

Jan 22 - Jan 28: Theme: Healthy Practices
Challenge: Let’s Get Started (Part 1: Procrastination)

Are you a proscrastinator? Many of us are and it can keep us from achieving our goals. Fortunately, there are strategies for overcoming procrastination and getting down to doing what we keep putting off. This week, we’ll be taking a look at what multiple research studies have found regarding procrastination and goal achievement and we’ll be implementing their findings. Please be thinking of a specific goal you’d like to attain in 2018 that is measurable and achievable by you. It may be a health goal, a home project, or another personal goal you have. Next month, in Part 2 of our Let’s Get Started series, we will focus on motivation and goal achievement. Now let’s get started!


  • idabentley
    idabentley Posts: 59 Member
    Sounds like a doer Denise. Happy New Year Denise here's to good health and no invasive procedures! xx
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    This group keeps getting better and better. I love the changes and challenges. Thanks Denise and Happy New Year!
  • idabentley
    idabentley Posts: 59 Member
    First day completed. Completed my first walk of the year and logged ever morsel. Cooked Parsnip, sprout and chestnut hotpot with cider for my dinner. It's one of Hugh Fernley-Whittingstall's recipes from his new book "Much More Veg" very tasty! xx
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    Day 1 and I logged every morsel.
  • mamayak11
    mamayak11 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I have just joined your group today. Lots of inspiring and enlightening info so far. Thank you!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    I'm so looking forward to this month's amazing, and sometimes challenging challenges. And especially all the wonderful sharing and posting that goes on. I learn so much here.

    Thank you @Denise for starting us off on another month of challenges for the first month of the New Year. I like the new theme that you have added: Theme: Sharing Your Wisdom. I have learned much from what others have posted.

    @PinkyPan1, it is awesome to see you here! You are truly an inspiration to me at the LS Walk at Home group!

  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    Awww...Thank you texasgardnr. So sweet of you to say.

    Today I reweighed and edited a few of my recipes. To my surprise I saved a few calories updating and removing items I no longer add.

    My son treated me to breakfast at Perkins this morning. UGH! I do not enjoy eating out any longer. It's just is not worth the calories but it is worth time spent with my son. It is a shame that eating out can cost you a large part if not all your allotted calories for a day.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    mamayak11 wrote: »
    Hello! I have just joined your group today. Lots of inspiring and enlightening info so far. Thank you!

    Welcome to our group, @mamayak11! We are glad you are here!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    PinkyPan1 wrote: »
    Awww...Thank you texasgardnr. So sweet of you to say.

    Today I reweighed and edited a few of my recipes. To my surprise I saved a few calories updating and removing items I no longer add.

    My son treated me to breakfast at Perkins this morning. UGH! I do not enjoy eating out any longer. It's just is not worth the calories but it is worth time spent with my son. It is a shame that eating out can cost you a large part if not all your allotted calories for a day.

    I can relate to eating out. The calories are hard to accommodate in a food diary and most restaurant meals are a sodium bomb.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Eating out torally derrails me and ruins my day. Dread it.
  • MmamabearR
    MmamabearR Posts: 234 Member
    Ditto @prgirl39mfp Friday's are reserved for McDonald's because my husband and son love it so much. Of course they have a much better metabolism than I. I stick to the bacon ranch salad and only half the vinaigrette dressing.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    @MmamabearR McDonalds was god in my house. Good for you for sticking to the salad.