Mini Goal Challenge - Week of January 1st to 7th



  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    edited January 2018
    As of 1/7, day 7:
    1) Cardio 3x ............................... 2/3
    2) Bodyweight exercises 2x ... 0/2
    3) Dumbbell exercises 1x ....... 0/1
    4) 3 servings of veggies ......... 4/7
    5) At least 60g protein ............ 7/7
    6) 2L water ................................ 6/7
    7) No added sugar ....................6/7
    8) Sleep by 11pm ..................... 2/7
    9) Eat under 1500 calories ..... 5/7

    Feeling back on track. I didn't used to have to list the daily calories, water, or added sugar because I had those dialed in but I think I'd better keep them a little while. Definitely need to work on getting more exercise.

    @goldthistime That's a good goal, the more I think about it, breaking bread with the humans in your life. I don't live alone, but I eat most meals by myself except dinner on my days off, and I stopped thinking about it. Enjoy your visit with your daughter and grandson! Hope you get to sneak away for a bit of "me" time.

    @IsMollyReallyHungry It sounds like you had a good weekend! See you next round. :smile:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    Great job Everyone!! See you on the new thread!!

    Goals week of 01/01/18:
    1) WW blue dot day – 4/4
    2) 6.5 hrs of sleep – 1/3
    2) 7 hrs of sleep -0/2
    3) 10 min housework 2 days - 0/2 (de-clutter)
    4) Have a game plan for weekend, so I do not sabotage myself B)<3
    * (no check in -)


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