
GmtbR Posts: 2 Member
Hi Guys,

It seems we're in the same boat here trying to make food lifestyle changes...and enjoy our cycling more!

I'm in my 40s, married with 2 primary school age kids. I've only been doing cycling for a year now and I need to shed that 8/9 kg and make better choices regarding food.

I find that if I measure things then I have better control and find it easier to avoid something unhealthy to make my numbers for the day. The problem I've had is actually sticking to the damn measurement over time...

That's where you come in. Can I suggest that we "friend" each other and hold each other accountable to at least capture and measure?



  • richardvanantwerpen
    Yo Yo just broke 50, had 2 terrible years after a big fall and and. Started again in Dec, but dam it is difficult getting back in shape/
  • richardvanantwerpen
    How do you "friend"
  • GmtbR
    GmtbR Posts: 2 Member
    I think just click on my name and select “friend”...

    I’ll try with you.