Your "why"

tfmaceri Posts: 1 Member
The most common reason we all have for wanting to eat better is to lose weight. It is definitely a valid reason! But sometimes, we need more than that. The reason we need more is because you cannot "go on a diet", lose the weight, and then go back to eating the way you were. The weight will more than likely come back. So how do we break the pattern? You discover your "why" and change your perspective. You eat to satisfy hunger and not your mood. You realize that being active or working out actually does reduce stress...and it is time you make just for yourself. Its not a punishment, it's caring for the only physical body we have.
I have a couple "why's" I'll start. My son: I have to stay healthy so I can take care of him as long as I can. My happiness: I am miserable when I'm overweight and fill myself with crap food. And lastly: my clothes...I can't afford new ones! :D
So....what is your "why"?