PCOS Questions

Hey All,

I am kind of new to this whole MFP thing, but I saw these group discussions and figured that I would join and learn what I can. My biggest problem right now is I have major water retention so bad. In the past I have been on water pills and they had to up my dose a couple of times and it got to the point where I would forget to take it or whatever, then I decided to do this clean eating and be healthy because let’s be honest I need to lose some weight. So I did and I ate whole foods, low sodium no processed foods fruits and veggies, complex carbs and got rid of unnatural sugars. You would think after 5 weeks of that I would not be retaining water but I am and it is driving me crazy! So is it possible it is because of my PCOS that I have this problem? And how do you get past that? Also my hair (this is so mortifying to admit) is becoming so thin on the top of my head that it makes me sick. What are some ways to help slow this process down? If you guys have any kind of tips, tricks or answers for me that would be a great help and motivation for me. Thanks so much!


  • amberrea82
    amberrea82 Posts: 232 Member
    Hey hun, have you been on any meds at all? I know about 10 yrs ago I was prescribed Avandia which is notorious for creating water retention and swelling, but guess what - I'm still dealing with it even though it was that long ago. I do think that PCOS is also playing a part in it, but don't know for sure. If I ever find anything out, I'll let you know!
  • ContentedBeauty
    ContentedBeauty Posts: 21 Member

    Have you been to an endocrinologist at all? My hair was thinning really bad on the top, almost like male pattern balding, and thats when I finally decided I couldn't tolerate the PCOS symptoms anymore. The endocrinologist was able to look at all of my hormone levels and determine what was out of whack. I shared with him how devastating the hair loss was becoming and he prescribed spironolactone for me. It has drastically slowed the hair loss. It's still a little thin, but not noticeable like it was before, and it has gotten really thick in other areas which is nice too.

    I think if you see an endocrinologist you may have some luck figuring out how to minimize the symptoms. The one thing we have not figured out for me yet is weight loss, but I keep trying and the doctor keeps tweaking my meds to get my hormones close to normal so I won't have that working against me totally.

    Good luck with finding what works for you!
  • byale25
    byale25 Posts: 2
    Awesome, thanks you guys! I think that is going to be my best bet as well is just trying to find out more about my hormones. I haven't been on anything for my PCOS except Metformin which I really hate but I am willing to try something else to help me.