Day 6 - L1 NSV

So 6 days in a row since I began what I can only describe as the most intense 20 min workout I have ever completed. (Although still better than my one and only spin class attended, which nearly killed me and caused my exercise induced asthma to trigger after 15 years)

This is not that bad, its 20 mins a day, I'm on school hols so I have no excuse if I cant do it! This time last week I was looking through my wardrobe for things to take on holiday. I found that 2 of my dresses and 1 skirt were too snug to wear comfortably, so I put the to the side. Today they ALL FIT, one is even baggy around the waist. (little jump of joy) I can only imagine in 24 days what they will be like! 2 inches off my waist so far, not much at all off my hips (sigh), but its early days!!

So those of you on day 2 or less, u can do it!!!


  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    ProgressNotPerfection32 Posts: 1,155 Member
    Wow!!!! Great job!!! At day 4 I was down 1 inch on my waist and 3 total on my thighs!!

    Doing day 6 in a few, had a rough night, so we will see how it goes.
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    How exciting! I bet when you wear them you will feel so accomplished! Congrats!

    I haven't taken any new measurements till day 10, however, my scale is dropping! I'm sure its also from counting calories. I can tell things are starting to feel a little looser though so I can't wait to take some new measurements!
  • mrshallewell
    any one else on day 6 yet?
  • LorienCoffeeBean
    LorienCoffeeBean Posts: 227 Member
    today will be day 6 for me. i feel great. ive lost 1.5" off the hips and 1" off each thigh! wow. that wasnt expected. lost nothing off the waist but my stomach is saggier. oh good *eyeroll* any chance of me tightening this skin up when im done? im only down 0.2 lbs but im trying not to focus on the numbers on that dang scale.
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    ProgressNotPerfection32 Posts: 1,155 Member
    I've lost 2 in off my waist, but it's still saggy. Look at the progress pic thread and you can see a difference in my day 1 and day 8 pics. You will lose inches, and see a difference, but it may be towards the end of the 30 days :-)
  • LorienCoffeeBean
    LorienCoffeeBean Posts: 227 Member
    saggier in a good way i guess. its not round and pregnant looking as much LOL. more crinkles and sag is a step forward i think!
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    ProgressNotPerfection32 Posts: 1,155 Member
    Haha!! I can tighten my abs doing push ups and the saggy skin from babies just hangs there. It's slightly embarrassing!!!
  • cassienoe
    cassienoe Posts: 126 Member
    I'll be starting day 6 today. I did day 5 yesterday but I did not feel challenged and I'm not sore so I think I am going to jump into level 2 early. Have not taken measurements but my pants feel a bit looser.
  • frogface
    frogface Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Penny

    2" off your waist is brilliant. I haven't taken any measurements yet.

    I completed day 6 this morning (6am) and it killed me today!! I just felt like I had no energy. I still completed it but I didn't feel even nearly as energetic as I did yesterday!

    Perhaps it's because I did 90mins of yoga last night? I dunno...

    Anyway, well done for making it to day 6 (I've surprised my self too) :-)