Jan 22 Weekly Challenge: Overcoming Procrastination



  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Guess what??? I got the first draft of one of my thank you letters written! I have three in mind to send but I told myself I’d only work on one this week.

    I have been thinking about these letters for several years now. Thinking about them, drafting an outline in my head, mulling over the perfect words, and then doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about them. I’ve stressed about them and felt terrible for procrastinating on something that is important to me.

    It took me 54 minutes to write a decent draft. And I’ve been stressing about this for years. Wow.

    Congratulations! You did it! So happy for you.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,366 Member
    I have been procrastinating on so many things lately. I don't even know which one to work on or what to do to stop being the Queen of Procrastination! So...before Monday I will mail the cards that have been on my desk for two weeks, I will touch up my hair color, figure out my February budget, begin watching the lessons in the Body Groove dancercize program I subscribed to MONTHS ago, start putting together our tax documents so I can file those (HATE THIS), and a few other things I'm sure I've been putting off. :mrgreen:

    My biggest goal for this, however, is to come up with a regular exercise/activity routine...find what I like and just do it!

    Great challenge. I didn't even realize how bad I'd been lately until I read this. *blushing*
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I have been procrastinating on so many things lately. I don't even know which one to work on or what to do to stop being the Queen of Procrastination! So...before Monday I will mail the cards that have been on my desk for two weeks, I will touch up my hair color, figure out my February budget, begin watching the lessons in the Body Groove dancercize program I subscribed to MONTHS ago, start putting together our tax documents so I can file those (HATE THIS), and a few other things I'm sure I've been putting off. :mrgreen:

    My biggest goal for this, however, is to come up with a regular exercise/activity routine...find what I like and just do it!

    Great challenge. I didn't even realize how bad I'd been lately until I read this. *blushing*

    @OConnell5483, I think your list of things you want to accomplish before Monday is terrific and a great way of putting you in motion. I also like that you’ve added your goal of coming up with a regular exercise/activity routine, that’s a longer goal but one that you can start on now. Our next challenge can also help you with that!

    Just starting is indeed the key.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    MmamabearR wrote: »
    I know I haven't been on here yet this week, but it's been pretty busy. This weekend is my son's 6th birthday party! I'm getting all the last minute stuff in. I used to be horrible at procrastinating but I've gotten so much better lately. I give credit to my newfound energy. It's so much easier not to put something off when I'm not tired.

    An excellent point, @MmamabearR. One of the biggest benefits to losing weight and prioritizing exercise is that you’ll have a lot more energy. And that makes it easier to dive into any project that needs doing.

    Happy birthday to your son!
  • fatbambi2017
    fatbambi2017 Posts: 1,295 Member
    I have been paying attention to what I do all week, I tend to just keep going til it's all done if I can and I have, apart from some sewing, need to turn some trousers up- my legs are short, I have to be in the right frame of mind to sew, my family make a huge joke about it! I guess I don't have the same pressures as some of you...
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    77tes wrote: »
    Sorry I haven't commented yet this week. Actually, I wrote out a big long post and then navigated away from it and lost it :s (something I warn students about all the time). So, in the spirit of the challenge, I figured I had spent enough time on social media for the day and hit my anti-procrastination efforts.

    So the condensed version of my original post is that I'm a natural procrastinator, but I've been able to make a good deal of progress over the years. Lists (but reasonable ones) and deadlines are my best friends. I often build deadlines into projects so that I have to get something done. This week, I decided to do something that doesn't really have a deadline - writing poetry. I always mean to do this, but never get to it. I decided to take the incremental approach. I'm trying to write a Haiku (nice and short) each day. I didn't get it done every day, but I have 6 haiku to show for the week.

    Sounds like you’ve found strategies that can keep procrastination in check, @77tes. I think deadlines are really helpful.

    And great job writing some poetry!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    So I dug out my video camera but have put off charging it and finding a blank SD card. I’m on my way to do that now and will WILL myself to start tomorrow (lol...yes, I even plan my procrastination!).